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A common wrong wont make 'em rite!!!

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Post time 18-4-2008 10:57 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
salam, if any doubt..pls comment..we share knowledge here..

simple short story:

guys acting like gals
gals acting like guys
transparent hijab
no hijab
hijab that covers only the hair: but not
ur neck/chest
hijab with short sleeves t shirt on
figure hugging clothes
perfumes that attracts men


hugging,kissing,holding hands
cubit,tepuk tampar,piat
being on a motorbike
being in a vehicle in a dark or
suspicious place
=all above wif a person not your hubby (not juz hubby dat u declare! but hubby dat her father declared!!!)
or wifey or lawful relatives in Islam

real sad

just cos it seems like 90% Muslim Malays
in Malaysia are doing it.or the dramas
on tv are showing it.or the fashion mags
are strutting it...doesnt make it a
right.The hadith that goes by stated
that: Innal halaala bayyinun, wa innal
haraama bayyinun. What is halal is
clear. What is haram is clear.(cont).Now
that you have read this.I can assure u
that all the above is haram.Having said
that, you therefore have no excuse to
plead ignorance of what Allah has
ordained.So now, it can be that u have
tried, but didnt notice that ur hijab is
transparent for example... or it can be
just that u know it, but choose to
ignore it. The ball is in your hands.
This is a reminder for me, and for you
to remind me in case i forgot. If u
think u can bear the heat of the fire in
this world, then go ahead.But just
remember how burning the Hell fire
is.Million of times much greater the
pain is.

You there.Yes, you. I know you want to
change.You tried to change.But failed.
Its just too hard.Your frens,
relatives.Your mom, your dad, your bro.
All making fun of ur new change.It seems
like everyone is mocking u, and no one
wants to support you.You are alone,
against the whole world.But think my
dear, at the end of the day, when the
Day of Judgement comes, people will
scatter all over the earth, trying to
save their own lives.And each will be
accountable for their own acts. At that
time, it doesnt matter what other people
think anymore. But u, sadly had forsaken
ur attempt to change, because of what
others say.Was it worth it? Is it worth
committing sins, entering the scorching
heat of the Hell just because it was an
act that other people did in the world

All this long, we are acting like we are
going to live in this world forever. We
forget about the Day of Judgment, and
the Eternal World.That this world is
temporary and everything is a test.

Worst of all... here we are, admitting
ourselves as Muslim.Claiming that we
believe in God.and we love Him.But,
sadly we cannot even change or attempt
to change, to be a better Muslim. To
make Him love us even more.To please the
Creator.No... we rather please our
frens, our families,all, over Him.We
plead ignorance. We care about what the
society thinks, rather than what He
thinks.So we do what others do.We choose
the common wrong over what is right in
the eyes of God.And we still dare to
call ourselves Muslims.Shame on us.

Time is running out.Life is short.Try to
change.God knows how hard is, but He
also knows u tried.Stop being satisfied
at ur level of change.Think of ways.Make
Him be pleased of u. Make Him love u
even more.Is it not the purpose of our

-A reminder for self.a reminder for self.

ya Allah, we pray to you to open our
hearts and guide us towards the right
path.It is You who we worship and it is
to You we seek help,protection and
forgiveness. Indeed, we are easily
weakened by the calls of the World.Let
it not blind us, nor stop us from
reaching for your Love and Blessings.
Verily, You are the one who hears
everything, the Creator, the Sustainer
of the earth.Guide us, ya Allah and do
not leave us astray, for we are merely
humans that easily succumbs to the
foolishness of the heart.Amin ya Rabbal

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Post time 18-4-2008 11:53 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by casio at 18-4-2008 09:57
salam, if any doubt..pls comment..we share knowledge here..

simple short story:

guys acting like gals
gals acting like guys
transparent hijab
no hijab
hijab that covers onl ...

Very nice post, and yes thats whats happening rite now, qodarullah.
Rasulullah said: "ISlam was strange (Asing/ al ghuroba), and it will become strange again. Then be happy the stranger".
One thing that makes ISlam strange now adays cause muslims who claim them self as a muslim never learn their religion in the rite way. They just see Islam in the eyes of majority of people. So if someone doing their dien strongly then they will see him as a stranger, even they will easily accuse this man as a deviate sect. Actually theyre the one who is deviate and lost in the middle of peoples understandings. They seems like dont have a grip to hold on. Just like the dirts on the wave,  go along wherever the wave taking them. Wallahul mustaan.
Dan juga Rasulullah telah mengatakan bahwa kita umat Islam akan mengikuti umat-umat sebelumnya, yaitu Yahudi dan Christian, bahkan jika mereka masuk kedalam lubang seperti lubang binatang melata padang pasir (menyerupai biawak) maka umat Islam akan mengikuti pulak. Maka sekarang kita melihat muslims dating berkencan berduaan dengan lelaki yang bukan mahromnya, juga mereka mengidolakan orang-orang kafir, mereka menamakan anak-anak mereka dengan nama kebanggaan orang kafir, mereka merayakan ulang tahum seperti orang kafir, mereka bahkan merayakan ulang tahun nabi mereka sebagaimana ahlikitab merayakan ulang tahun nabi mereka, dan lain-lain perbuatan-perbuatan yang menyerupai orang kafir. PAdahal Rasulullah sudah memperingati dalam haditsnya yang mulia "BArangsiapa menyerupai orang kafir, maka dia termasuk golongan mereka". Maka wajiblah bagi setiap muslim untuk KEMBALI kepadaajaran-ajaran agamanya, menurut kepada pemahaman sebaik-baik umat ini yang Rasulullah sabdakan "Sebaik-baik umat ini adalah yang hidup pada zamanku, lalu yang sesudahnya lalu yang sesudahnya".

[ Last edited by  ikhwanindo at 18-4-2008 11:02 AM ]

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Post time 19-4-2008 09:49 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ikhwanindo at 18-4-2008 11:53 AM

Very nice post, and yes thats whats happening rite now, qodarullah.
Rasulullah said: "ISlam was strange (Asing/ al ghuroba), and it will become strange again. Then be happy the stranger".
O ...

Waduh sih....what do u meant by Islam was strange? Kok petikan hadis ini diambil dari kitab albani ka??
Islam was not strange but it only began as something strange. Can't you see there's a different meaning in it?
Let me quote the right words in the hadith for you......
"Islam began as something strange, and it shall return to being something strange, so give glad tidings to the strangers."

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Post time 19-4-2008 01:34 PM | Show all posts
Thanx...semoga dikuatkan kembali iman yg semakin longgar ini...

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Post time 21-4-2008 09:37 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Gravedigger at 19-4-2008 08:49

Waduh sih....what do u meant by Islam was strange? Kok petikan hadis ini diambil dari kitab albani ka??
Islam was not strange but it only began as something strange. Can't you see there's a  ...

Duuh grave...same meaning lah tuu. Its just I used slang American language

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Post time 21-4-2008 05:11 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ikhwanindo at 21-4-2008 09:37 AM

Duuh grave...same meaning lah tuu. Its just I used slang American language   

Tell me which American language do u use? Blacks,cowboys or latinos?
Well....could it be u're using the American Apache language and anyway it's still have a different meaning.
Udah la tu.....guna bahasa indon aja lagi mudah ramai yang faham.

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 Author| Post time 22-4-2008 07:15 PM | Show all posts

Reply #6 Gravedigger's post


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Post time 23-4-2008 10:42 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Gravedigger at 21-4-2008 16:11

Tell me which American language do u use? Blacks,cowboys or latinos?
Well....could it be u're using the American Apache language and anyway it's still have a different meaning.
Udah la tu.... ...

itulah jika dipaksakan bebahasa inggris dan mau cepat saja ape aje kata di serobot

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Post time 11-5-2008 08:19 AM | Show all posts
apa2 pun the writing is superb and timely... i shud copy this and email this to all in my contact list as a reminder for me and for all...

the hadith is also correct... no matter how u translate it... only those you know wud understand.. those who doesnt wont

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