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Makhluk2 Yang Diceritakan Dalam Al-Quran & Hadis

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Post time 21-6-2008 01:52 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Selain manusia.... mari bincang makhluk2 lain yang diterangkan dalam Al-Quran & Hadis.

Malaikat, jin, iblis, yakjuj & makjuj, dajjal kebanyakannya dah dibincangkan dengan panjang lebar. Ada makhluk yang aku nak tahu lebih lanjut iaitu Dabbatul Ard... mengikut kata orang, nie macam raksasa besar yang datang dan salah satu tanda sebelum kiamat jugak. Sapa2 boleh jelaskan lebih lanjut.

[ Last edited by  LanoG at 21-6-2008 01:55 AM ]

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Post time 21-6-2008 02:03 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1 LanoG's post

menarik pnh dgr lagi

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Post time 21-6-2008 08:47 AM | Show all posts
揹abbatul 慳rd

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Post time 21-6-2008 09:10 AM | Show all posts
aku rase mcm dinosaur la
mungkin binatang-binatang besar
sebagaimana besarnyer  
dinosaur ni akan melakukan
kerosakan di muka bumi

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Post time 21-6-2008 09:48 AM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by linweona at 21-6-2008 08:47 AM
揹abbatul 慳rd

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Post time 21-6-2008 10:00 AM | Show all posts
mungkin jugak...sebab sekarang ni scintis barat tengah mengkaji...sama ada bleh ke extrak DNA kat fosil2 tu.. diorg nak buat kajian dgn mencntumkan DNA dari fosil2 tu..ngan DNA binatang zaman sekarang kot, mcm tu......
kalau la berjaya ujian ni, mmg sah.nanti wujud la...binatang/makhluk yg bessar2...mcm zaman dulu tu.... mmg manusia ke arah itu......

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Post time 21-6-2008 10:23 AM | Show all posts
or mungkin bukan binatang... mungkin 'besar' itu dimaksudkan ngan senjata2 peparangan...

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Post time 21-6-2008 10:36 AM | Show all posts
Satu lagi binatang yg muncul pada akhir zaman ialah Binatang Melata Dari Perut Bumi Yang Bercakap Dgn Manusia

Riwayat Muslim dari Hadith Al-Ala' dari ayahnya dari Abi Hurairah bahwa Rasulullah SAW bersabda:

  "Bergegaslah melakukan amal kebajikan sebelum datangnya Dajjal,kabut,binatang melata,hari kiamat dan kematian salah satu dari kamu."

Hadis Riwayat Ibnu Majah & Abi Daud

Dari Amirul Mukminin Ali Bin Abi Talib, dia berkata:

  "Sesungguhnya binatang itu mempunyai kepala,bulu-bulu yang halus,berpunggung,mempunyai ekor,berjanggut dan dia muncul tiga kali seperti larinya kuda kencang dan dua pertiganya tidak keluar."

Hadis Riwayat Ibnu Abi Hatim

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Post time 21-6-2008 10:36 AM | Show all posts

Reply #3 linweona's post

aku teringat movie THE MIST.

memang besar gila monster yg diorang ilustrasi kan.


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Post time 21-6-2008 12:24 PM | Show all posts
banyak kali aku taip,
tak masuk2, takpe, sabar tu sparuh dr iman...
kisah tentang 揹abbatul 慳rd

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Post time 21-6-2008 12:24 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by bzzts at 21-6-2008 10:36
aku teringat movie THE MIST.

memang besar gila monster yg diorang ilustrasi kan.

wahhhh, besaqnyaaaa
memang akan hancurlah bumi

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Post time 21-6-2008 12:26 PM | Show all posts

Reply #10 linweona's post

lepas ko taip, klik PREVIEW dulu. then baru submit.

kadang2 QUICK REPLY /fast reply ni bengong skit.

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Post time 21-6-2008 12:28 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by bzzts at 21-6-2008 12:26
lepas ko taip, klik PREVIEW dulu. then baru submit.

kadang2 QUICK REPLY /fast reply ni bengong skit.

ok aku try
tapi aku dah lupa apa yg aku nak tulih
adehhhh laaaa....

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Post time 21-6-2008 12:28 PM | Show all posts

Reply #11 linweona's post

movie ni ada mention pasal bende kejadian tu related dgn prediction dalam bible.
tapi turns out ianya adalah malfunction project rahsia tentera.

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Post time 21-6-2008 12:30 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by eiyana at 21-6-2008 09:48 <br />
ooo mcm tu... first time aku dgr psl ni...牋
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />

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 Author| Post time 21-6-2008 04:03 PM | Show all posts
Korang penah tengok citer cloverfield tak... besar giler reksasa tu.. huhuhu. Tak boleh dibunuh lagi tu.. senjata tak lut kat badan dia..

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Post time 21-6-2008 05:19 PM | Show all posts
dalam Old Testament ada gak pasal raksasa nie, Leviathan, adakah makhluk yg sama dgn Dabbatul Ard??

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Post time 21-6-2008 05:41 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by LanoG at 21-6-2008 04:03 PM
Korang penah tengok citer cloverfield tak... besar giler reksasa tu.. huhuhu. Tak boleh dibunuh lagi tu.. senjata tak lut kat badan dia..

Best tak cite tu??Mana nak cari hah dvd die??

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Post time 21-6-2008 08:57 PM | Show all posts
ni aku CNP, jgn mare, saja nak kongsi, The Beast ialah Dabbatul Ard:



It has been mentioned in the Authentic Sayings of the Prophet, that a time will come when Jesus will descend back on Earth. He will slay the Jewish Anti Christ [ Ad-Dajjal], break the cross, kill the swine and will make Islam prevailant over the entire Earth in so much that there wont be a house where Islam did not enter willingly or unwillingly. His time will witness the destruction of Gog and Magog [Yahjuj wal Majjuj], and the bestowment of unprecedented blessings upon the Earth in so much that everyone will live with peace, material comfort and under justice. Jesus[as] will perform Hajj and after staying on Earth for 40 years, he will pass away and will be buried next to the Prophet, Abu Bakr and Umar in Madinah. After his death many people will revert back to their old religions . Corruption, vice, immorality will once again become dominant. Before the emergence of the wind from the lands of Syria and Yemen, that would take away the soul of every believer, great events will take place on Earth that will indicate that the Day of Judgement is knocking at the door. Of these great Events one will be the emergence of the Beast:

1) The Beast As Mentioned in the Quran:

Allah [swt] says in the Quran:
"And when the Word is fulfilled against them (the unjust), We shall produce from the earth a Beast to (face) them: it will speak to them,'"
(al-Naml 27.82)

Ibn 'Abbas, al-Hasan and Qutadah said that "It will speak to them"
(tukallimuhum) means that the beast will address the people. Ibn Jarir at-Tabari suggested that the above verse means that the Beast will address the people with the words "'for that mankind did not believe with assurance in Our Sings" (al-Naml 27:82 - latter part of the Ayah). It was also reported from Ibn 'Abbas that tukallimuhum means that the Beast will cut them, i e, it will write the word "Kafir" on the forehead of the unbelievers. It was also reported from Ibn 'Abbas that the beast will both address the people and will cut them. This aspect will be discussed in details latter in the article inshallah,

2) The Beast As Mentioned in the Hadeeth:

Imam Ahmad recorded in his Musnad that Hudhayfah bin Asid Al-Ghifari said, "The Messenger of Allah came out from his room while we were discussing the matter of the Hour. He said:

(The Hour will not come until you see ten signs: the rising of the sun from the west; the smoke (Ad-Dukhan); emergence of the beast; the emergence of Ya'juj and Ma'juj; the appearance of `Isa bin Maryam, upon him be peace; the Dajjal; and three land cave-ins, one in the west, one in the east and one in the Arabian Peninsula; and a Fire which will emerge from the midst of Yemen, and will drive or gather the people, stopping with them whenever they stop for the night or to rest during the day.)'' This was also recorded by Muslim in his Sahih from Hudhayfah. At-Tirmidhi said, "It is Hasan Sahih.'' .

`Abdullah bin `Amr said, "I memorized a Hadith from the Messenger of Allah which I never forgot afterwards. I heard the Messenger of Allah say:

(The first of the signs to appear will be the rising of the sun from the west, and the emergence of the beast to mankind in the forenoon. Whichever of them appears first, the other will follow close behind it.)[ Reported By Muslim in his Sahih]

Place of the Appearance of the Beast :

The Beast will appear in Makkah according to a saying from the Prophet. Baridah said: "The Prophet (sallallahu alayhe wa sallam) took me to a place in the desert, near Makkah. It was a dry piece of land surrounded by sand. The Prophet (sallallahu alayhe wa sallam) said, 'The Beast will emerge from this place. It was a very small area." (Reported by Ibn Majah in his Sunan.)

Features and Qualities of the Beast:

Ibn Jurayj reported that Ibn Az-Zubayr[ra] described the beast in such words, "Its head is like the head of a bull, its eyes are like the eyes of a pig, its ears are like the ears of an elephant, its horns are like the horns of a stag, its neck is like the neck of an ostrich, its chest is like the chest of a lion, its color is like the colour of a tiger, its haunches are like the haunches of a cat, its tail is like the tail of a ram, and its legs are like the legs of a camel. Between each pair of its joints is a distance of twelve cubits. It will bring out with it the staff of Musa and the ring of Sulayman. There will be no believer left without it making a white spot on his face, which will spread until all his face is shining white as a result; and there will be no disbeliever left without it making a black spot on his face, which will spread until all his face is black as a result, then when the people trade with one another in the marketplace, they will say, `How much is this, O believer' `How much is this, O disbeliever' And when the members of one household sit down together to eat, they will know who is a believer and who is a disbeliever. Then the beast will say: `O so-and-so, enjoy yourself, for you are among the people of Paradise.' And it will say: `O so-and-so, you are among the people of Hell,' This is what Allah says:

And when the Word is fulfilled against them, We shall bring out from the earth a beast for them, to speak to them because mankind believed not with certainty in Our Ayat.[ 27: 82]

Abu Dawud At-Tayalisi recorded from Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Messenger of Allah said:

The beast will emerge from the earth, and with it will be the staff of Musa and the ring of Sulayman, peace be upon them both. It will strike the nose of the disbelievers with the staff, and it will make the face of the believer bright with the ring, until when people gather to eat, they will be able to recognize the believers from the disbelievers.

It also was recorded by Imam Ahmad in his Musnad, with the wording:

It will strike the nose of the disbelievers with the ring, and will make the face of the believer bright with the staff, until when people gather for a meal, they will say to one another, O believer, or O disbeliever. [Also recorded By Ibnu Majah in his Sunan]

What must one do before the Appearance of the "Beast".

Ibn Majah recorded in his Sunan from Anas bin Malik that the Messenger of Allah said:

Hasten to do good deeds before six things appear: the rising of the sun from the west; the smoke; the beast; the Dajjal; and the (death of one of your favorite) or general affliction.

And Imam Muslim reports in his Sahih that Abu Hurairah said: "The Prophet (sallallahu alayhe wa sallam) said," Hasten to do good deeds before six things happen: the rising of the sun from the West, the smoke, the Dajjal, the Beast, the (death) of one of you or general tribulation."

Wallahul Mustaan

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Post time 21-6-2008 08:58 PM | Show all posts
ade sesapa tak boleh buat lakaran bentuk dabbatul ard ni mengikut description Ibn Az-Zubayr RA? kalo boleh la...

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