Finding vs Generating Business Ideas Where's the best place to find small business ideas? This is going to sound really corny... the best place is in your own head. Still reading? Good. This is about generating small business ideas - not about finding small business ideas. You'll see lot's of successful Internet entrepreneurs selling books or software that is guaranteed to show you how to duplicate their success. It doesn't work like that! Finding something that's unique, that you can create yourself and that people will pay for is difficult, but it's the only reliable, long-term way to make money on the Net. Take my word for it. Ready? If you're like most people, small business ideas don't just "pop" into your head while relaxing in front of the TV, so let's start with some research... GENERATING SMALL BUSINESS IDEAS: PART 2
What People Buy Online
Software | 29% | Books | 17% | Music | 16% | Computers | 16% | Travel | 10% | Other | 12% | What does the top three have in common?
They can all be sold as either hard goods or electronic goods.
A popular myth on the Net is that hard goods don't sell as well as electronic goods. They do, but you'll save yourself a lot of time and headaches by going for an electronically deliverable product from the start.
A small business just can't sell hard goods at competitive prices - in most cases anyway. But with original electronic goods your small business can compete because production cost is almost zero. You set the price. |