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Earth Hour 2009: Jom padam lampu! :)
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Earth Hour started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia with 2.2 million homesand businesses turning their lights off for one whole hour. Only a yearlater and this event had become a global sustainability movement withup to 100 million people across 35 countries participating. Globallandmarks such as the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Rome抯Colosseum and the Coca Cola billboard in Times Square, all stood indarkness, as symbols of hope for a cause that grows more urgent by thehour.
In 2009, at 8.30pm on March 28, we are asking peopleacross the world to turn off their lights for one hour atleast and join together in creatingthe vital conversation about the future of our precious planet. EarthHour is a message of hope and a message of action. Everyone can make adifference.
It抯 as simple as a flick of the switch. Join us for Earth Hour 2009. |
tutup lampu tp buka tv boleh kan...... |
tutup mata lagi baguih..... membuta... |
Reply #2 MsCinderella's post
buleh radio hot fm pun tak live sejam ooo time tu.
kat umah ada lmpu jalan. agak2 lampu jalan depa tutup dak? syok la kalau tutup. leh tgk bintang. jgn dibuat ujan dah.. |
Dear Friends of Earth Hour,
With less than 5days to go before our planet switches off, its time to tell your friends,family and everyone you know about Earth Hour.
To date we have more than 23,000 individuals,companies,schools and organizations that have signed up in Malaysia.
More than 350 companies have pledged their support
More than 9 events have been planned for you to celebrate Earth Hour with. (Log on to -> events for details)
2140 cities have pledged their support to go dark in support of Earth Hour, this is more than the target of 1,000 cities that was set for Earth Hour 2009
Earth Hour Facebook Group has more than 35,000 friends and growing by the day
Earth Hour Malaysia Youtube channel now has all video's and tv commercials
KLCC,Dataran Merdeka,KL Tower,Putrajaya are amongst the famous Malaysian icons that have confirmed their participation and more will be updated on -> news
10 Things To Do During Earth Hour
1. Gather family & friends for a night picnic
2. Dine in one of the many Earth Hour participating restaurants by candlelight
3. Organise a family night playing board games
4. Throw an Earth Hour street party with your neighbours
5. Arrange a house party lit by torches
6. Take the dog for a night walk
7. Hand write a letter to loved one by lantern
8. Sit in the dark and share stories
9. Read a book using a book light
10. Share a romantic night in with your loved one
Finally don't forget to log on to for the latest updates and sign up to pledge your support towards Earth Hour 2009
Earth Hour 2009 by WWF - Sign up for Earth Hour!
Log on to to sign up and pledge your support towards Earth Hour!
[ Last edited by gutes_madchen at 25-3-2009 11:06 ] |
The energy saved by turning off the lights for an hour "won't make an enormous difference."
So, if it won't cut carbon emissions, why bother then with Earth Hour, or Earth Day or Earth Live, last year's daylong concert for the environment?
Because climate change is essentially a political problem, and the language of politics is symbolism. Just because an act is symbolic doesn't mean it empty.
The only way to truly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to take the pressure off global warming, is an international regime that puts a cap and a price on climate pollution. And the only way that will happen is if politicians around the world become convinced that climate change is an issue that matters to people, one that will make them change the way they live, buy and vote.
Unlike most of the issues that we grapple with, climate change is global. The pressure is on us to do the right thing." If shutting off the lights for an hour on a Saturday night makes that political support, well, visible, then Earth Hour will have been worth it. |
mlm tu cin sowang2 duk kat umah...huhu...
aku rasa nak tutup lampu sampai ke pagi esok pun no hal...hehe |
time gelap2 tu,..baik la konci semua pintu tingkap. |
awat depa tutup lampu satu jam ja......tak prihatin langsung kat hari bumi ni...
cheq nak tutup 6 jam dari pukul 12 malam sampai 6 pagi... |
Reply #19 Hang's post
ceq 8 jam...dr kul 10 smpai 6 pagi.
uwh xleh...sok cuti. time utk membazirkan elektrik, time cmni la baru leh tdoq lewat. |
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Category: Negeri & Negara