Ada org tengok tak citer realiti ni?
Celebrities dok hutan Costa Rica dalam 3 minggu...sapa yg last survivor...menang game's all for charity....
Kat Msia baru season 1....kt US season 2 pun dah habis..
Channel SWR (711) Rabu pukul 10 mlm
A groundbreaking, live event airing throughout the month of June it's the ultimate "Swiss Family Robinson"as ten celebrities are dropped into the heart of the jungle to face fun and comedic challenges designed to test their survival skills. America is the puppet master, controlling their favorites by putting them into challenges and tasks to win food,supplies and luxury items. In each episode, friendships will be tested,hilarity will ensue and viewers will decide which celebrities stay or leave. While all participants will be playing for their favorite charities, the last remaining star will be crowned King or Queen of the Jungle, winning the largest share of the prize for donation.
Celebrities Season 1:
Heidi Pratt
Janice Dickinson
John Salley
Lou Diamond Phillips
Sanjaya Malakar
Spence Pratt
Stephen Baldwin
Torrie Wilson
Aku dah tgk cita nih, paling menegjutkan SANJAYA..tak sangka budak nih mmg very d-JUNGLE BOY...he can survive if he were stranded dlm hutan2x kat dunia nih. Janice Dickson pulak, makcik tua yg paling kelakar. Mcm2x dia buat tapi tak nak mengaku, contohjnya KENCING SAMBIL MENENGGONG kat dlm kem n CURI GRANULA BAR...hahaha
Ada org tengok tak citer realiti ni?
Celebrities dok hutan Costa Rica dalam 3 minggu...sapa yg last survivor...menang game's all for charity....
Kat Msia baru season 1....kt US season 2 ...
kulit Post at 8-7-2009 22:57
dude, list celebrity ni yg season 2 la, yg tunjuk kt astro pon season2 , season 1 taon 2003 la..
Aah...Season 1, ex laki J.Lo, Chris Judd yang menang...Janice Dickinson ni pun pernah join UK version I'm Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here, dapat jadi runner up.
kalau tak silap yg version UK Janice ni asyik kena vote ngan viewer je suh bertanding ngan team lagi satu.. hahaha.. seronok agaknya tgk janice ni terjerit2 masa tgh compete... tak pun last2 quit je...
5# choolakaw
Spencer & Heidi Spratt....Dua2 orang memang tahap mengada2 dan attention seeker...Ntah berapa kali nak tarik diri, pastu masuk balik..
gjoy_chester Post at 9-7-2009 16:06
Dua2 pong mmg DIva...esp si Spencer...macam org giler la...sapa2 yg usik barang wife dia tu nanti kena la ngan dia..Nak balik the Hills dah 2 kali..pastu patah balik..
kalau tak silap yg version UK Janice ni asyik kena vote ngan viewer je suh bertanding ngan team lagi satu.. hahaha.. seronok agaknya tgk janice ni terjerit2 masa tgh compete... t ...
forum_aje Post at 9-7-2009 18:18
aku ingatkan Janice ni akan mendiva masa kt camp..tapi rupa2nya ada yang lagi teruk...haha....tak percaya aku Janice suka outdoors...