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Post Last Edit by eddlisa_uyuk at 23-4-2011 13:00
2-3 hari lepas masa nak p kije, dgr berita.
ada plak termasuk dalam segmen berita tu
katanya pasal filem bakal dalam pembikinan,
Pirates of the Caribbean 4 |
Rob Marshall in Talks to Direct Pirates 4
Pirates of the Caribbean 4 (2011) Movie — By Nix on July 31, 2009
With franchise director Gore Verbinski having moved on to other (not necessarily bigger or better) things, notably a recently scrubbed “Bioshock” movie, Disney and uber producer Jerry Bruckheimer have been looking for a replacement director for their “Pirates of the Caribbean 4″ for a while now. According to Variety, they may have found their man: song and dance guy Rob Marshall, most famous for the musical “Chicago” and his followup, another musical called “Nine”. Apparently it’s pretty much a done deal, and an official announcement is probably forthcoming.
While at first blush it doesn’t look like such a great fit, keep in mind that the “Pirates” movies, especially with the recent entries, aren’t exactly grim and gritty stuff. They’re fluffy, flights-of-fancy special effects-driven action-adventures. Marshall should be able to adapt just fine. What would a director have to do on a “Pirates 4″ movie, anyway, except point the camera at Johnny Depp and shout “Action”?
Also according to the trade, Disney is in a hurry to get “Pirates 4″ into production before star Johnny Depp (reprising his Captain Jack Sparrow role) starts up as Tonto in Bruckheimer’s other (potentially huge) franchise for Disney, the “Lone Ranger” movie. The idea is to go into production on “Pirates 4″ by 2010 for a 2011 release.
Why the rush? One word: $2.6 billion in worldwide gross. That’s how much the previous three movies have scored combined. Disney ain’t run by fools. There’s booty to be squeeze from that thar pirate stone, matey! Arrrrrgh! ... o-direct-pirates-4/ |
baru dlm pbikinan?lambat lg la neyh |
rindu jack sparrow  |
aku ada trbca psl nie...
tp x ingt kat ne...
aku ingtkn dah hbis...rupo2nya ada sambungan plak...
tungguuuu je laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa |
ye la mcm mn nk abis..sparrow tu kan antu..tu ug xmati2 tu..tul x.. |
Adoyaii..3 3 pirates of the caribbean punyer citer aku tak leh masok laa..bosan... |
die nk tiru heripoter, stawos, statrek kot, berjela2.... |
| nih.....tak sabar aku nak tunggu............
musti best gilo............... |
Siri keempat Pirates of the Carribbean 2011
ANAHEIM, California 12 Sept. - Disney akan mengeluarkan sekuel keempat filem Pirates of the Caribbean yang dijangka menemui penonton di pawagam dua tahun lagi.
Johnny Depp semalam 'belayar' di atas sebuah kapal lanun di Pusat Konvensyen Anaheim semasa acara pengumuman mengenai filem tersebut dan telah disambut dengan tepukan gemuruh peminat.
Depp akan meneruskan watak Kapten Jack Sparrow dalam Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides yang dijangka memasuki panggung wayang pada musim panas 2011.
Berpakaian seperti watak berkenaan, Depp berjalan di atas pentas dan menyambut Pengerusi Walt Disney Studio, Dick Cook yang mengumumkan berita terbaru itu di depan kira-kira 5,000 peminat di D23 Expo.
"Ada sesiapa nampak katak yang bercakap? Ke mana katak itu pergi?," tanya Depp kepada orang ramai yang sebelum itu dihiburkan dengan persembahan Muppets sebelum itu.
Cook kemudian memberitahu sekarang mungkin sudah sampai masanya untuk meminum arak.
"Cadangan yang bagus!," jawab Sparrow seperti yang dijangka.
Cook turut mengumumkan yang Depp akan memainkan watak Tonto dalam filem adaptasi The Lone Ranger.
Konvensyen Disney kali pertama itu bermula Khamis lalu dan akan diteruskan sehingga esok. - AP |
producer giler duit sungguhh.......confirm merepek storyline diee......kiera and orlando mention takmo involve dah dgn potc nihhh siaper yg ganti tempat dorangg....dgr citer nak amek zac efron blakonn:kant: |
2011? lama lg tu..tpp takpela..aku layan citer pirate of caribien ni...mesti tgk nye.. |
memang dah agak dah ada sambungan ag..x sabar nak tgk.. |
huhuhuhu.. saper laks ganti the flying dutch jadik kapitan...
orlando nak kena tunggu 10 taun tu.. baru leh jejak tanah.. 
satni aweks dia dah kerepot nunggu baru dapat kawin.. dah expired dah time tu..  |
producer giler duit sungguhh.......confirm merepek storyline diee......kiera and orlando mention takmo involve dah dgn potc nihhh siaper yg ganti tempat dorangg....dgr citer nak amek zac efron blakon ...
choolakaw Post at 14-9-2009 12:25 
yucksss jangan la zac efronn:kant: :kant: |
yeaa!!! aku suka aku suka! |
yucksss jangan la zac efronn:kant: :kant:
peachlily^ Post at 14-9-2009 20:41 
pernah ader gossip tentang nihh:kant: tak tauler betul ker tidakk... |
pernah dengar gakkk dier nak wattt prekuel ekkkk masa jack sparrow belum jumpa mamat ngan awek tuhhh.... |
...Pirates of The Carribean 4...
Johnny Depp Sets Sail on Fourth 'Pirates' Movieby Matt McDaniel·January 20, 2010
source : YMovieTalk

Captain Jack Sparrow will soon take to the seas again, and this time heis after the most sought-after treasure imaginable: the Fountain ofYouth.
It was announced this week that the fourth installment of Disney's highly successful "Pirates of the Caribbean" franchise will begin filming in Hawaii this summer. Johnny Depponce again plays the flamboyant Captain Jack, and Geoffrey Rushreprises his role as his adversary, Barbossa. However, costars OrlandoBloom and Keira Knightley are not expected to return.
The film's story is loosely based on the 1987 pirate novel, "OnStranger Tides" by award-winning fantasy author Tim Powers. The booktells the story of a young man -- coincidentally named "Jack" -- who iscaptured by the pirate Blackbeard and forced to join in the search forthe Fountain of Youth.
Ted Elliott, the co-writer of the first three "Pirates" movies, saidthat the story of the novel just happened to align with where theywanted to take the fourth film. He told Empire magazine,"We wanted to do a story about Blackbeard and the Fountain of Youth,and Tim Powers wrote a book about Blackbeard and the Fountain ofYouth... it just turns out that to do that story you would need thatbook."
Johnny Depp signed on to appear in the fourth movie in 2008, beforethere was a script. It was announced at the same time he would also beplaying Tonto in a film version of "The Lone Ranger," but that projecthas been delayed until after "Pirates" is finished.
Keira Knightley and Orlando Bloom have both said they had no desire to return for a fourth movie. Knightley said in an interview,"It was a completely fantastic experience, and it was an amazinglylarge portion of my life, but I don't think I need to go there again. Ithink that it's done." Also, the director of the original trilogy, GoreVerbinski, will not be coming back. He is being replaced by RobMarshall, the director of "Chicago" and "Nine."
"Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides"is scheduled to dock into movie theaters on May 20th, 2011. Johnny Deppwill next be seen as the Mad Hatter in director Tim Burton's newversion "Alice in Wonderland"coming this March. To see why he says the role is "a dream come true,"watch the exclusive interview with him in the player below.
....tak de dah Keira dan Orlando...tunggu jerr "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" pada 2011 ... |
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