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rival kat ofis suka menghasut

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Post time 19-8-2009 02:51 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
this's how the story start...tak tau mcm mana leh jadi rival.
xberapa kenal dia pun, just know her as ofismate je.
the 1st time i bumped into her, i smiled...but she walked away just like that
tapi tak kisah la kan...astro anggap mcm dia tak perasan je.
but then, bila astro ikut click astro gi bfast, one of my fren happened to be her click members before.
but now ni...diorang ni gitu2 je laaaa. xtau citer plak nape. astro malas nak tanya lebih2.
just yang peliknya, astro ni xdela masalah dgn sesapa pun.
but she seems to have some issues with me.
kdg2 bila berselisih sebelah, tetiba je dia akan sindir tah hape2
ada kakak kat ofis astro ni pun pnh citer yang dia xleh tgk astro lebih, or even sesapa pun lebih dpd dia.
nanti dia akan mula laaaa nak mencebik.
i don't say that i'm pretty, it's very subjective...but i seem to be one of the beauty in my office.  
they tell me this! tapi tak tau la sejauh mana kebenarannya. so...she pissed off!!
because she think that she has to be the most popular in the blocks.
astro tak kisah langsung tau, astro tak penah terpikir pun nak berlumba2 dlm bab2 cantik ni.
i'm married...i couldn't care less.
apa yang astro tau...astro hanya cantik untuk hubby. i don't even wear make up when i go to work.   
so jadi pelik bila dia lalu sebelah astro jek tetiba ckp dgn click dia 'takde la lawa pun baju..tgk pun tau..nampak murah'.
pastu gelak2, and jeling2 kat kita. (honestly, this's really stupid! i feel like a secondary school girl!)
tang mana tah yang dia jealouskan...i don't know.
apa yang astro tgk, dia cantik je..kulit pun bersih..badan pun maintain..pandai make up..baju pun leh thn cantik2.
hubby suh diamkan jek, i did...cuma sometimes... rasa rimas!!
just wanna share. tak suka nak ckp kat opis ni. maklumla kan...mulut org, kita phm2 je la.

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Post time 19-8-2009 02:55 PM | Show all posts
sabar la nok.... natural beauty cam kita ni memang ramai yg dengki...

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Post time 19-8-2009 03:02 PM | Show all posts
buat je undian kat opis tuh sape paling cantek....die ingat bagus sngat la tuh...mau teduduk pompuan tuh nanti klo prangai mengelenyor je.....

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Post time 19-8-2009 03:03 PM | Show all posts
kalo aku sindir balik dalam dos yang sederhana.
mana leh tahan
kalo tidak mahu terbayang2 sampai tdur pun tak tenteram sebab asik terbayang apa benda nak sound minah tu balik

tp, cara awak mendiamkan diri tu pun elok juga.takdela besar masaalah nnti.

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Post time 19-8-2009 03:03 PM | Show all posts
wat bodoh jer...kalo dia cakap gak just bg tau......
"ADA AKU KESAH"..........:pompom:

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Post time 19-8-2009 03:05 PM | Show all posts
yer betol..org2 cantik cam kita slalu je ada org x puas ht..masuk geng white..

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Post time 19-8-2009 03:07 PM | Show all posts
rival astro kelakar la....
mcm budak x abis belajar....
'stupid' betol...
astro xyah ler layan....
sometime memang merimaskan & sakit ati...
rasa nak tampo2 ajer muka dia kan...
nak cabai2kan ajer mulut dia kan.....
aku pernah alaminyer...
tp aku bo layan...
kalu dilayan makin menjadi2...
lama2 dia akan senyap sendiri...

just be true to yr self...
ingat g keje nak cari rezeki utk anak2..
ni my 1 cent ajer... peace no war

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 Author| Post time 19-8-2009 03:11 PM | Show all posts
4# perutlembu

kdg2 terpikir gak nak sindir balik. tapi ngenangkan malas nak pjg2, diamkan je la.
cuma pening rasanya bila asyik ade yg dok sebok tgk penampilan seharian.
rasanya astro ni keje kat construction line...bknnye fesyen!!
bila hubby amik balik keje tu...mmg astro bertonyeh laaaa kat hubby pasal apa yg dia buat hari ni.
but typical laaa hubby will just senyum n suh wat dek je.
anyway...astro takde la merentan2, bila dah citer...n hubby dah ckp mcm tu...dah lega la gak.
just bila pepagi nak pgi keje rasa malasnyeeeeee!!

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Post time 19-8-2009 03:19 PM | Show all posts
this's how the story start...tak tau mcm mana leh jadi rival.
xberapa kenal dia pun, just know her as ofismate je.
the 1st time i bumped into her, i smiled...but she walked away just like that
tapi ...
astroperv Post at 19-8-2009 14:51

menarik sesangat topic ni sbb ader la terkene tempiasnye ..tapi nnti2 i komen lgi...sedang berbizian...

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 Author| Post time 19-8-2009 03:20 PM | Show all posts
7# buah_hati

kan? ahahahaha...that's why i said it's stupid!!!
nonsense btol...mcm ape je.
yang tak tahan...dia mengadu domba kat ofis...kata kita gini...kita gitu...
padahal...astro sendiri tak pnh amik tau pasal dia pun.
all that i know is just... she's a widow of 2kids.
but honestly...she doesn't look like she has 2kids, excellent shape i must say.
the most 'weirdest' thing yang wat astro pening pale...when she text one of my ofismate at nightime...just to gossip bout me.
terperanjat btol bila member tu tunjuk kan message dia.
hello!! astro tak pnh pun nak pk pasal sesape kat ofis tu bila dah kat umah tau! takde masa.
bersenggama lagi better!!   

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Post time 19-8-2009 03:23 PM | Show all posts
ko maintain je kejelitaan ko..biar die bertambah sakit hati...
ape punye org lah mcm nie..harap2 jgnlah aku dpt opismate peragai ni

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 Author| Post time 19-8-2009 03:39 PM | Show all posts
11# gilmoregirl

actually...takdela jelita mana
terpulang la pada mata masing2 kan.
astro mmg mcm biasa jek.
cuma mungkin..astro ni pandai pilih pattern baju yang org jarang npk kot.
ahahahaha... masuk bakul angkat sendiri la plak.
but honestly... i'm just a simple person.
i don't wear trendy accessories, i don't go for exclusive attire like most people do.
dari rumah mmg astro pakai heel...tapi bila sampai opis astro tukar sandle brand 'kiri kanan'.
how 'hampeh' am i?   
tapi yang tak thn tu...dia pnh sindir pasal sandle astro ni.
dia kata, 'i kalau brg2 yang takde brand ni...tak main laaaa! allergic...nanti kena gatal2'.
perrggghhh!!! but then, i look back at my sandle...and say to myself.
'u guys are really pretty. even the most high class bitch in here take notice of ur existence'.
then...astro senyum sendiri, gather back my confidence...and walk away.
haiiiyyaaaaa!!!! ntah hape2 laaaaa

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Post time 19-8-2009 03:44 PM | Show all posts
yup maintain kan aje kejelitaan kte ni.. yg pasti mmg jadi tarikan org2 kat ofis.. wakaka

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Post time 19-8-2009 03:46 PM | Show all posts

toksah layan betina mental mcm tu...wat ajer urusan sendiri

bila kita wat derkkk ajer makin dia sakit hati

lama2 gila


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Post time 19-8-2009 03:48 PM | Show all posts
wat bodow je... ape yg dia gitau bkn jadi kuman kat  pun kan? juz kalo tak tahan sgt.. istigfar dlm hati n say thanks kat dia... ngn senyum meleret.. sure dia nye muka kelat sket.. org mcm ni berpenyakit sebenornye.. penyakit ni takde ubat nak ditelan except kene muhasabah diri.. penyakit rohani penawarnya iman.... so.... better jauhla diri dr org mcm ni kalo kita tak mampu nak advise dia kearah lg baik... bkn ape, tkt penyakit tu merebak kena kat kita plak...

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Post time 19-8-2009 03:57 PM | Show all posts
perkara biasa dikalangan pompuan

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Post time 19-8-2009 04:01 PM | Show all posts
biasa la ppuan ni mana boleh tgk org lebih...
ppuan yg jenis hati busuk la...
padahal ALLAH dah cipta masing2 ade kelebihan...
masih jgk nk dengki ngan org lain....

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Post time 19-8-2009 04:01 PM | Show all posts
aku rasa kalau ko gi ofis dress to kill, mesti berasap kepala dia

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 Author| Post time 19-8-2009 04:18 PM | Show all posts
aku rasa kalau ko gi ofis dress to kill, mesti berasap kepala dia
jfq Post at 19-8-2009 16:01

i bet!  
tapi, i must admit here that i'm not a stylo person after i got married.
wearing hijab lps kawen coz my hubby want me to. but i've no complain bout that.  
my hubby tak bagi dress up sgt, he wants me to look simple and nice.  
but then again...astro rasa dia takut bini wife dia 'dibontoti' org kot, ahahahaha.
but i love it when he pay attention on my style.
apa yang buhsan nye skg ni...ada plak sorang lagi yang sebok nak pay attention gak.
a complete stranger that has nothing to do with my life! an ALIEN to me.
cuma kdg2 tergelak gak dgr ckp hubby.
'ayang patut say thanks kat dia tau, sebab dia ada masa nak pk tentang ayang...nak ikuti perkembangan don't have to be some popular freaks to get all that.'
ahahahaha.... just nak releasekan tension, bleh laaaaa.

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Post time 19-8-2009 04:38 PM | Show all posts
19# astroperv

kelakar ar...
siap msg mlm2 kat member astro just becoz nak gossip pasal astro...

damn gal... wat did u do....

but wat yr hb ckp tu betol apa....

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