Post Last Edit by budingyun at 25-3-2010 21:48
what is HSBB?
High Speed Broadband (HSBB) is a broadband service that offers bandwidth delivered at network speeds of 10Mbps and above.  Unlike normal broadband connections which deliver bandwidth at network speeds ranging between 256kbps and 4Mbps, basic HSBB packages will eventually allow Malaysians to experience high speed Internet of up to 100 times faster than the usual rate while business will be able to have maximum speeds of up to 1,000 Mbps (1Gbps).
HSBB will initially be deployed via DSL in the Klang Valley, Iskandar Malaysia and key industrial zones throughout the country. It is expected that 1.3 million premises will have the ability to access HSBB coverage by end 2012.

fuh aku xdpt bayangkan kalo dpt speed cmtu..
harap2 service xteruk mcm streamyx..
apa pandangan korang? |
serbis mcm same je mcm dulu...sebab staff die same je...
anyway klu nak serbis bagus soh TM naikkan gaji pekerja diorg..baru motivasi lebey sket... |
1# budingyun
streamyx punya hotline sama ajer skripnya sejak mula beroperasi..
suruh buat itu ini..
pastu last sekali baru nak rekodkan report..
lepas tu kena tunggu technician datang..janji hari isnin.. selasa baru datang..
solution takder..
menyakitkan hati..
harap2 HSBB ni berubahla sikit..
kami bayar bil dan cukai serta zakat.. |
pergh...1gbps?... |
1 Gigabits per seconds?!!
= 1024 Megabits
: 1024/8 = 128 Megabyte/s
1 DVD = 4 GB = 4096 MB
4096/128= 32 seconds?!!
(nih kalo dapat full speed la) |
1 Gigabits per seconds?!!
= 1024 Megabits
: 1024/8 = 128 Megabyte/s
1 DVD = 4 GB = 4096 MB
4096/128= 32 seconds?!!
(nih kalo dapat full speed la)
FMKiller Post at 22-3-2010 12:39 PM 
server uploader ada ke speed camtuh? ISP apa kasi speed camtuh?
LAN networking gigaLAN mungkin la kot... tu pun jarang dpt fullspeed... :p |
fiber optic la bzzts..mmg leh capai 1gbps..
skang tm menghubungkan bandar ngan bandar guna fiber optic la..
besar punya..20gbps tu support..
even dr talian suwa ke hub stimix tu pakai fiber optic..pastu baru diagihkan guna line tetap rumah..
penah wat kajian kat tm kekdahnya..
tp aku xtau la hsbb ni ok ke x..
ada 2 jer sama ada sgt ok atau sgt xok..
tp yg pasti lama2 jadi x ok..mcm stimix gak.. |
sebelum ni time dot com ada gak offer fiber optic plan ni..tp 50mbps jer la.. |
1Gbps utk home user punya bila nk kuar?...kaki download mesti suka punya. |
100 mbps pon dah lebih dari cukup.. |
bila nk sampai kawasan belah utara? |
donlod laju tak guna gak kalo server uploder selow... 
tah2 rapidshare pun still capped @ 200kbps :re: |
100 mb size rapidshare hanya perlukan beberapa second je download |
ya allah..lajunyer korang punyer... |
evolutionary Post at 24/3/2010 10:33 AM 
kat mana tu?? |
HSBB ni ape kebenda nye pulak? x sama ka dng streamyx? |
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