ALQOIMKALTIM.COM, TEL AVIV - Kementerian Luar Negeri Israel dalam laporannya mengakui meluasnya krisis antara kelompok Yahudi di dalam negeri. Pengumpulan kaum Yahudi dari seluruh dunia dengan budaya yang berbeda-beda dan saling kontradiktif, membuat tatanan warga Israel tidak dapat hidup aman dan tenteram di satu lingkungan. Rezim Zionis Israel terdiri dari berbagai strata. Kaum Yahudi dari Barat berada di posisi yang lebih tinggi serta menikmati fasiliti yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan para imigran Yahudi dari negara-negara Timur. Dalam kes terbaru yang membuat para pejabat Israel kelabakan menanganinya, kaum Yahudi ultra-Ortodoks dari Barat menggelar protes masif menentang keputusan pengadilan untuk menyatukan sekolah-sekolah di Israel. Para orang tua dari kelompok Yahudi ultra-Ortodoks Israel itu menyatakan tidak rela membiarkan putra-putrinya belajar dan duduk berdampingan dengan anak-anak imigran Yahudi dari Timur. Dalam hal ini para wali murid Yahudi ultra-Ortodoks Barat mendesak para kepala sekolah untuk tidak menerima pendaftaran para siswa baru dari kelompok imigran Timur. Sementara di sisi lain, pihak pengadilan mengancam para pelaksana sekolah dengan hukuman penjara jika menolak membaurkan para pelajar baik dari kelompok Yahudi Barat maupun Timur.
Photo REUTERS / Ammar Awad
In one of the Israeli ultra school, attended only by girls.Well, then, brought up in religious schools. Most students - children of Ashkenazi (European) Jews, but there is still a separate class for girls from Sephardi (eastern) communities.
And, at first they do not want to take to school, and only after the court order, has launched a special class.
Two years ago, the court ruled that the division on a national basis (which is sort of so-called) is illegal, but the school administration ignored the ruling.In general, passions get hot, until now, before the holidays do not have resulted in thousands of demonstrations.
A week ago, the court again ordered the school authorities to stop discrimination.Despite the court decision, a student Ashkenazi descent are still learning to separate from sefardok.At this time the parents intervened ashkenazkih students.They stated that they agree to go to jail, but will not go for girls of Eastern origin in the same classes with ashkenazkami.
Photo REUTERS / Baz Ratner
Judges are given to parents of students a day for reflection: and if the prior verdict of the court, prohibiting discrimination schoolgirls are not met, will be taken against violators of strict measures.
Photo REUTERS / Ronen Zvulun
As a result, 35 fathers of girls Emmanuel appeared yesterday for the detention.They should go to jail for 14 days and pay a fine of $ 400 (around $ 100) shekels for each of the days remaining until the end of the school year. Mothers have not yet touched, but this is temporary.
Although, who knows?
Фото Uriel Sinai/Getty Images
Uriel Sinai/Getty Images
Photo REUTERS / Ammar Awad
Males, which were the to the remand prison in Jerusalem, proudly announced to journalists that are in prison for his beliefs.
They wore special red ribbon with the inscription "A prisoner who has been blessed heaven. "Heroes" to the remand accompanied hundred thousand crowd "haredi", which threatened on the eve of that event will be the "mother of all protests."
In my opinion, it was necessary to arrest the school administration.No?Anyway, some outrage.