Post Last Edit by blastoff at 23-7-2010 17:11
Wed Jul 21, 5:16 pm ET
Anti-mosque protests on the rise, say Muslim advocates
By Liz Goodwin
Opposition to the construction of mosques has skyrocketed in cities and towns across the country, scholars and advocates of Muslim culture tell The Upshot.
Public protests against three planned mosques have made news in the past week: Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin joined others in opposing the building of a mosque a few blocks from the World Trade Center site . Hundreds demonstrated against a proposed mosque in a small town in Tennessee.
And some residents of Temecula, California, are opposing the local Muslim community's plan to build a bigger mosque , saying it could become a hotbed of radical Islam.
[Photos: See the current World Trade Center site and mosque protesters]
Professor Akbar Ahmed, the Ibn Khaldun Chair of Islamic Studies at American University's School of International Service, is not surprised by the recent spate of public protests. He spent last year traveling to more than 100 mosques in 75 U.S. cities with a team of researchers, and concluded that opposition to mosques, including some attacks on them, is on the rise.
"Everywhere there's a mosque, there's a tension now," Ahmed says.
Nak baca lebih lanjut just click link bawah ni :
http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_upshot/anti-mosque-protests-on-the-rise-say-muslim-advocates |
Reply 1# blastoff
Kena perbetulkan sikit, agak berelarulah untuk dibaca.
*oh dah edit dah.. |
Hmmm, pertama kali, kenapa ada rancangan untuk membina masjid berhampiran dengan bangunan wtc yang baru. Aku fikir tak perlulah ada rancangan untuk bina masjid di situ, ini hanya menimbulkan kontravesi aje. |
Hmmm, pertama kali, kenapa ada rancangan untuk membina masjid berhampiran dengan bangunan wtc yang ...
Neraka Bulan Post at 23-7-2010 17:11 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Menurut artikel tu , protests dan attacks on mosques berlaku di merata states kat U.S ..... orang kat sana termasuk politician dah meluahkan secara terbuka kebencian mereka pada kewujudan masjid2 .
"Professor Akbar Ahmed, the Ibn Khaldun Chair of Islamic Studies at American University's School of International Service, is not surprised by the recent spate of public protests. He spent last year traveling to more than 100 mosques in 75 U.S. cities with a team of researchers, and concluded that opposition to mosques, including some attacks on them, is on the rise." |
Reply 5# blastoff
Aku tahu, tapi aku lebih suka tumpukan terdahulu kepada rancangan pembinaan masjid berhampiran dengan bangunan WTC yang baru itu. Seperti yang telah aku katakan, aku pelik bagaimana pihak Muslim di sana memohon untuk membina masjid di wtc itu. Kontravesi sebegini bukanlah sukar untuk dijangka, jadi kenapa tetap lakukan perkara yang mungkin menyukarkan kehidupan umat Islam di sana? |
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 23-7-2010 17:33
Antara alasan depa ialah tak ada gereja di saudi arabia .
A Church in Saudi Arabia?
By Jeff Israely/Vatican City Wednesday, Mar. 19, 2008
Interfaith dialogue has become an important exercise in finding the right words to overcome both extreme violence and ordinary misunderstanding. True progress, however, is best measured in deeds. The inauguration last week of Qatar's first Christian church — a small Catholic chapel bearing neither bells nor visible crosses — has been hailed as a welcome step forward in relations between Catholicism and Islam. But an even more dramatic development is under discussion just across the border: The Vatican has confirmed that it is negotiating for permission to build the first church in Saudi Arabia.
Presiding over the cradle of Islam and home to its holiest sites, the Saudi monarchy has long banned the open worship of other faiths, even as the number of Catholics resident in Saudi Arabia has risen to 800,000 thanks to an influx of immigrant workers from places like the Philippines and India. Mosques are the only houses of prayer in a country where the strict Wahhabi version of Sunni Islam dominates. But Archbishop Paul-Mounged El-Hachem, the papal envoy to the smaller countries on the Arabian peninsula, such as Kuwait and Qatar, has confirmed that talks are under way to establish formal diplomatic relations between the Vatican and Saudi Arabia, and to eventually allow for Catholic churches to be built there. Pope Benedict XVI is believed to have personally appealed to King Abdullah on the topic during the Saudi monarch's first ever visit to the Vatican last November.
Top Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said that a Catholic parish in this key Islamic country would be "a historic achievement" in the push to expand religious freedom and foster a positive interfaith rapport. Under Benedict, the Catholic hierarchy has stepped up calls from its Muslim counterparts for "reciprocity," demanding that the same religious freedom enjoyed by Muslims in the West should be granted to Christian minorities in the Islamic world. They note that Europe's biggest mosque, built with Saudi funds, was opened in 1995 in Rome, just across the river from the Vatican.
Pope Benedict passionately condemned last week's death of Chaldean Catholic Archbishop of Mosul, Paulos Faraj Rahho, who was kidnapped on Feb. 29 in the northern Iraqi city. As many as 350,000 of the 800,000 Christians in Iraq before the war have since fled the country, while smaller but similar exoduses have occurred in the Palestinian territories, Lebanon and other parts of the Arab world.
While Christians in those areas trace their roots to the earliest centuries of the faith, the Catholics in Saudi Arabia are mostly migrant workers. And the restrictions on any outward manifestation of their religious beliefs have been particularly severe. The celebration of non-Muslim holidays is forbidden, as is the wearing of crucifixes and other religious symbols.
Read more: http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1723715,00.html#ixzz0uUp38gUS |
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 23-7-2010 17:44
Reply blastoff
Aku tahu, tapi aku lebih suka tumpukan terdahulu kepada rancangan pembinaan masj ...
Neraka Bulan Post at 23-7-2010 17:30 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Bawah ni artikel menarik mengenai pembinaan masjid tu dan isu berbangkit mengenainya .
Cordoba House mosque near Ground Zero slaps new name on itself with Park51 BY Samuel Goldsmith
DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITER Wednesday, July 14th 2010, 4:00 AM
Related News
The Cordoba House is now Park51.
Developers behind the controversial 13-story Islamic community center and prayer space near Ground Zero announced Tuesday a bland new name for the project.
Spokesman Oz Sultan said the new name puts emphasis on the community center aspect of the project rather than religion.
The name was derived from the address of the planned new building, 51 Park Place.
But the new moniker did little to quell an angry crowd of nearly 100, who turned a Landmarks Preservation Commission hearing yesterday into a turf war over the project.
Up for debate was the architectural and historical significance of the existing building, which developers hope to replace with a 13-story community center and Islamic prayer space.
But the public testimony quickly dissolved into racially charged tirades against the project, with supporters accusing their detractors of "Islamophobia."
" People were murdered on 9/11 because the terrorists believed in the power of Islam," said Sierra Rose, 19, of Manhattan.
"Anybody who is an American knows what caused those people to attack us on 9/11 was their religion," Rose added.
Scott Caruthers, a 9/11 first responder, said the current building's proximity to Ground Zero makes it worthy of protection.
Landmark designation would prohibit developers of the project from demolishing the existing building.
"This structure is of historical significance, not just to this city, but to the country as a whole, and indeed to the rest of the free world fighting the cancer of religious extremism," said Caruthers, 37.
Project developer Sharif el-Gamal testified the 152-year-old commercial building simply doesn't deserve protection.
"This is not the Woolworth Building. This is not the Chrysler Building. This building does not warrant individual landmark status," he said.
Commissioners will debate the matter in private, then vote on whether to proceed or remove it from consideration at a public meeting later this summer.
Gamal said the vitriol at yesterday's hearing showed the urgent need for an Islamic center in New York City.
"I see this as more of a reason for this project to move forward," he said.
Nazir Siddiqui, 60, of Inwood said he was pleased to see "democracy in action" at the meeting.
"My city has a lot of beautiful buildings," he said. "Let's add one more - this mosque."
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2010/07/14/2010-07-14_new_name_doesnt_mosque_their_ire_tense_hearing_on_park51_near_ground_zero.html#ixzz0uUrq83FB |
Jangan hanya sibuk memikirkan bangunan masjid.
fikirkan dahulu bagaimana nak mengamalkan kitab ALLAH serta mendakwahkannya kpd umat manusia keseluruhannya.
kalau amerika tak benarkan bina masjid.
hijrah shj lah ke negara muslim.
ingat! Tuhan tak menjadikan agama itu suatu kesusahan.
jangan menzalimi diri sendiri dgn perkara yg tidak di perintah kan Nya.
kalau tidak,
akibatnya jadilah islam itu seperti agama yahudi, nasara dsbnya.
nah! fikirkanlah wahai org-org yg percaya.
kalau amerika tak benarkan bina masjid.
hijrah shj lah ke negara muslim.
sirrikhafi Post at 23-7-2010 17:43 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
mereka tak kena teruk lagi kot, depa nak tunggu sampai di humban masuk dalam guatanamo jel dan di siksa ke atas ke bawah baru depa nak fikir bab hijrah ni . ![](static/image/smiley/default/shocked.gif) |
Tidakkah kerajaan Amerika melancarkan perang dengan umat Islam ? Dan kerajaan amerika mendapat sokongan majoriti rakyatnya yang kebanyakannya turut menghantar anak2 mereka ke medan perang untuk menyiksa umat Islam sedahsyat mungkin....
Macamana orang Islam boleh terus tinggal di Amerika dalam keadaan kerajaan dan majoriti rakyatnya menentang umat Islam ? Kerana senang cari duit di negara tu? ... hmm. |
Semasa nabi berdakwah di makkah,
adakah nabi ke hulu ke hilir memikirkan bangunan masjid?
tentu shj lah kegiatan mendakwahkan ayat-ayat Tuhan menjadi agenda usaha dakwah nabi yg paling utama semasa sejarah awal-awal pengembangan islam.
setelah berhijrah ke madinah sambil mendapat sokongan org-org tempatan yg di gelari kaum ansar,
barulah nabi mendirikan bangunan yg di panggil Masjid/tempat bersujud.
nah! begitulah juga tindakan& sikap yg harus di ambil oleh saudara-saudara kita yg sepercayaan di US.
tapi harus di ingat,
tujuan di dirikan masjid adalah utk atas ketakwaan dari ALLAH, dan mengharapkan keredhaan Nya (9:109).
jika masjid itu di dirikan hanya menyebab kan kemudaratan, kekafiran, perpecahan diantara org-org yg percaya, umpamanya masjid sunni vs masjid syiah dsb nya,
juga sebagai menyambut org-org yg memerangi ALLAH &rasul nya sebelum ini (9:107)
maka adalah di larang org-org yg percaya utk berdiri di dlm nya! (9:108).
Seperti yang telah aku katakan, aku pelik bagaimana pihak Muslim di sana memohon untuk membina masjid di wtc itu. Kontravesi sebegini bukanlah sukar untuk dijangka, jadi kenapa tetap lakukan perkara yang mungkin menyukarkan kehidupan umat Islam di sana?
Neraka Bulan Post at 23-7-2010 17:30 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Mungkin pihak muslim sana tak terfikir bahwa masjid boleh jadi isu kot kerana mereka tak nampak apa kena mengena masjid dengan kejadian 9/11 tu .... masjid is just a building bukan peluru berpandu . |
this is unfortunate. I do expect resistance to the project, especially since it's not even a decade after the terrorist attack so close to the planned site.
but at the same time, this is America. This land is supposed to be where anybody can freely practice their religious belief. So, while I expect resistance, I believe it's purely emotional. I hope America will practice what they preach here and let the project go on. |
and FYI, Mayor Michael Bloomberg supports the project, spoke against that right winger Sarah Palin. The Mayor is also Jewish. |
Mungkin pihak muslim sana tak terfikir bahwa masjid boleh jadi isu kot kerana mereka tak nampak apa kena mengena masjid dengan kejadian 9/11 tu .... masjid is just a building bukan peluru berpandu
Puncanya ialah majoroti non muslim di US tidak mengetahui ajaran ALLAH yg sebenar di dlm AlQuran.
mereka memahami islam itu ialah Sunni, Wahabi, Syiah, dsbnya.
sebab itu mereka tidak tahu islam yg sebenar.
islam yg sebenar ialah apa yg terkandung di dlm AlQuran.
maka menjadi tugas org-org yg percaya utk menjelaskan perkara yg sebenar.
Macamana orang Islam boleh terus tinggal di Amerika dalam keadaan kerajaan dan majoriti rakyatnya menentang umat Islam ? Kerana senang cari duit di negara tu? ... hmm.
blastoff Post at 23-7-2010 01:56 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Majority rakyatnya menentang umat Islam? That's so not true. |
In this US, we have these far-right wingers. In Malaysia... well... remember Shah Alam section 23? ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
Post Last Edit by blastoff at 23-7-2010 22:57
Majority rakyatnya menentang umat Islam? That's so not true.
kucingblue Post at 23-7-2010 18:33 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Kerajaannya wujud dengan sokongan majoriti rakyatnya kan .....kerajaan bush dan obama tak dak beza dari segi polisi perangnya, bush rancang serang rakyat Iraq yang majoritinya umat Islam , dan obama pula rancang serang rakyat afghanistan dan pakistan yang majoritinya juga umat Islam .
Boleh kah kedua-dua presiden ni plan polisi perang itu ini tanpa persetujuan majoriti rakyat Amerika ? Bukankah askar2 Amerika pun terdiri dari pemuda dan pemudi Amerika yang di sokong sepenuhnya oleh para famili mereka yang semua tu terdiri dari rakyat Amerika juga?
Pemimpin dan penyokong ada bezakah dari segi dosa ? Tanpa penyokong boleh wujud pemimpin kah dalam sistem demokrasi yang Amerika amalkan ? |
In this US, we have these far-right wingers. In Malaysia... well... remember Shah Alam section 23? : ...
kucingblue Post at 23-7-2010 18:36 ![](http://mforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Antara bangunan dan nyawa manusia , mana lebih berharga ?
Apa yang palin protestkan secara terbuka hanya berkaitan dgn bangunan... apa yang obama plankan secara terbuka adalah strategi perang yang menyebabkan kemusnahan nyawa penduduk Islam afghan dan pakistan ..... mana lebih extreme tindakannya antara palin dan obama ?
Democrats dan Republicans ada bezakah dari segi permusuhan mereka dengan umat Islam ? Tak ada beza pun . |
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