btw ni dari Wiki - Set in an office building, the film follows five strangers (Chris Messina, Logan Marshall-Green, Jenny O'Hara, Jacob Vargas, and Matt Craven) who become trapped in an elevator and, after several terrifying and inexplicable events occur, begin to turn against each other as they come to suspect that one of them is, in fact, the Devil.
Btw movie ni part of The Night Chronicles - kira cam sequel gak la. 2nd sequel bertajuk Twelve Strangers. The film is about a jury discussing a case dealing with the supernatural. Chris Sparling is set to write the script but there is no director currently attached. -Wiki
bagi yg rasa tak best...kesihan sunggoh...ko tak de da rasa teruja, apa2 pun tak bestlah bagi ko...t ...
putput Post at 8-9-2010 15:07
hahah lawak plak komen ko nih.. biase la tak semua org suka apa yg kita suka.. kan perasaan manusia tu berbeza2.. apa yg org suka, tak semestinya kita suka jugak