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sambung pelajaran ke australia
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aku calon SPM tahun nih..
aku nak tanye, kalau aku nak lanjutkan pelajaran ke australia,
agak2 apa syarat dier ek?
ada tak apa2 kelebihan untuk aku sbb aku lahir kat australia,
tapi rakyat malaysia..
senang tak kalau aku nak lanjutkan pelajaran kat sana?
tQ~ |
kalau awk nak apply secara sendirian berhad,iaitu tanpa biasiswa,tahap cererewet dan demand nak semua A tu takde, TETAPI english 1191 awk mesti at least C.itu zaman saya lah 3 tahun lepas.
kalau awk nak apply melalui biasiswa MARA,petronas,jpa dan sebagainya,result awk kena cantik.
awk nak pegi uni di australia kat mana?perth,melbourne,adelaide? |
kalau Curtin University requirement tak tinggi sangat utk pelajar dari malaysia:
Three credit passes at SPM level and two passes in STPM (min. five points) and English competence OR completion of the Malaysian Independent Chinese Secondary Schools Unified Examination (UEC) in at least 5 subjects with 2 ‘A’ grades and 2 ‘B’ grades and English competence.
awk boleh apply online pun utk course yang awk minat lepas tu dalam masa 2-3 minggu dorang akan hantar letter of offer ke alamat rumah awk dan kalau awk setuju awk bnoleh sambung belaja bulan 7 tahun depan.
awk nak amik course ape? |
kalau nak apply master studi kat oz dgn perbelanjaan sendiri,senang tak prosedur die...?me plan nak sambung studi & after grad bole keje terus...ok ke?senang ke nak dpt keje?course apa yg senang utk dpt keje ye? |
Reply 4# tupai
kalo nak pegi belajar pakai duit sendirik all u need is an offer letter, pastu bayar jer. tu jer syarat universiti. as long as u are able to live there comfortably n ada duit for cost of living should be fine.
awak amek course ape?
kalo nak check senang dpt keje/visa utk stay ke tidak, check
cari under Skilled Occupation List. kalo listed dlm tu insya allah application will be easier.
explore the website, byk information u bleh korek.
hope this helps. |
Reply 5# redsinner
thanks red.
me engineer tapi macam nak tukar career & nak mulakan hidup baru kat tempat baru...konon2 la...cuma still blank where & how to of my friend yg dah migrate to oz for almost 16yrs penah bg me idea...die cakap apply masuk u dulu utk short course (dip.etc la) yg takes abt 1 or 2 yrs & course yg senang dpt keje i.e hospitality...means habis studi terus keje & menetap kat sana...die pegi sana dulu thru agent/lawyer...semua urusan lawyer tu yg settlekan...u penah dgr ke macam ni?
another friend pulak suggest find a job first sbb my job mmg agak demand kat sana tapi me dah fed-up nak teruskan dgn bidang ni...![](static/image/smiley/default/cry.gif) |
sape2 otai aussie meh nak tanya ckit. berapa kos sewa bilik dekat bandar2 oz??? |
Reply 6# tupai
ur fren nyer suggestion tu ok jer. selalunye itu cara biasa org stay keje kat sini. aku pun dulu study kat oz pastu cari keje mcm org giler skrg dah ade position.
engineering ape? engineers mcm org nak jer especially kalo mining area.
kalo nak senang migrate kene duduk 'rural' areas. bandar2 kat oz ini esp melbourne n sydney dah penuh dgn manusia so dia nak distribute the population to less populated places.
about agent tu, mmg biasa jer org pakai agents. aku mcm x suke sgt so setakat nih sume documents aku cari sendirik. yg aku tau for sure agent nih charge mahal sket tp kalo ko dpt agent yg pandai konar2 nih ko nyer application akan smooth sailing la.
xper...anyway nasihat aku brush up english gile2 sampai dpt full marks kat IELTS then everything else will follow.
good luck! |
Reply 7# abangbikerz
abg bikerz, jumpe lg. ![](static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif)
rates sewa bilik varies from state to state and from town to town. depends gak kalo u nak tinggal 3 hari or 3 bulan. lagi lame lagi murah.
also depending on season. summer confirm mahal n cepat abes. winter paling best nak travel. |
Reply 9# redsinner
kire ko boleh detailkan ckit tak pasal cost of living dekat aussie ni. pasal aku dah bercadang nak migrate ke aussie. katakan le aku duk melbourne. bape sewa bilik seminggu yg paling murah agak2 ko. bilik shared le 2-3 org camtu le. mcm aku dekat nz ni bilik berdua 100 nzd seminggu. pastu racism teruk tak kat sana ni??? |
Reply 10# abangbikerz
kalo melbourne paling murah aku penah dgr around $400-600 per person in a shared house (per month). pastu depends on the places u stay. Western suburbs murah sket coz kononnye kawasan bermasalah. Eastern suburb 'classy' so sedikit mahal. Melbourne CBD jgn ckp la, itu mau around $500-800 per month(sorang). check or utk range harge n type of accomodation.
pastu kalo nak cepat visa processing, duduk tempat2 'rural'. risk duk tempat rural nih mcm xde daging halal/masjid/othermalaysians. tp aku rasa u can manage if u want to. ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
racism? i think the perspective is different when you are not reading from the outside. aku nyer perspective changes skrg sbb aku risau how Malaysia will turn out in 10 years time. dulu duk Malaysia rasa mcm Malaysia nih heaven. aku rasa its really up to the individuals to think how they think.
so bagi aku if you know your place, racism tu subtle lah. aku rasa faveretism asians against asians lagi kuat. aku pun x tau kenapa. setakat nih paling teruk aku kene ialah org tanya aku rumah aku atas pokok lagi ke? hahaha honestly. |
Reply 11# redsinner
ko duduk mana sydney ka??? ko PR oz dah ke skang ni?? mmg ko recommend le utk migrate ke oz ni. |
Reply 12# abangbikerz
aku duk Geelong, an hour train ride from Melbourne.
aku akan apply PR next yr. insya allah.
aku rekemen sbb aku suke gak this country. manusia nyer perangai same je regardless of background/rupe/race/nationals. tapi system yg gune kat sini adil sket la. most transactions are transparent. government policies are easy to read and access. kalo mesia nak cari document Malaysian Standard online pun susah. KL plan pun x publish online rasanya.
try la pegi session utk migrate. rasanya mcm byk jer agents yg organise. aku buat sendiri applications aku. turun naik balai polis/courts/post office. email check tetiap hari. phone make sure angkat sume calls. aritu aku buat abes around $2k utk documents shj. so kalo ko ready, ok jer. |
Reply 13# redsinner
awek sana cun ke tak??? |
kalau nak apply master studi kat oz dgn perbelanjaan sendiri,senang tak prosedur die...? ...
tupai Post at 22-9-2010 12:18 ![](
sori lambat reply...tak sedar ade yang tanye hehhe
kalau atas perbelanjaan sendiri sangatlah senang prosedurnya..
ape yang awk perlu buat pegi ke website university yang awk berminat nak study tu dan cari course,apply online...
australia tak pentingkan sangat pun tesl,toefl ke ape sebab bagi dorang kalau dah diterima blaja kat australia maknanya bagusla englishnya. |
jangan lupa,kena cek dulu sama ada uni tu diiktiraf di malaysia atau tak. |
kalau Curtin University requirement tak tinggi sangat utk pelajar dari malaysia:
Three credit pas ...
tabasco Post at 15-9-2010 19:03 ![](
Malaysian Independent Chinese Secondary Schools Unified Examination ni ape yerkk .... |
apa uni yg bagus eh d australia dlm bidang chemistry..![](static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif) |
Reply 19# chewan
ntahla...australia national uni kot.. |
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