Post Last Edit by emmo at 16-9-2010 22:30

Computerworld - Microsoft today unveiled a public sneak peek of its newest browser, Internet Explorer 9 (IE9), aimed at Web developers and the technically brave of heart.
"The Platform Preview, and the feedback loop it is part of, marks a major change from previous IE releases," said Dean Hachamovich, the browser team's general manager, in a statement issued today before he took the stage at MIX10, Microsoft's Web developer conference, to publicly launch IE9.
Hachamovich promised that Microsoft would update the IE9 preview about every eight weeks, putting the first such update in mid-May with another to follow in mid-July. He did not, however, disclose a release schedule for the successor to 2009's IE8, the browser bundled with Windows 7.
IE 9 Platform Preview is far from polished, or even finished, Microsoft acknowledged, which is why it has slapped the moniker on the release, a first for IE.
IE9 Beta.. dah release arini.. korg dh test???
more news...
IE9 Google news |
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support only for Windows Vista & Window 7 but not Windows XP |
dah try pagi tadi...
simple n sleek! |
Reply 3# adie82
faster than firefox 3.6.10 i guess.. at least on my pc |
a few remarks i would like to add..
Microsoft today launched its public beta version of Internet Explorer 9 at its "Beauty of the Web" event at the Concourse Exhibition Center in San Francisco.
While today's release is technically a beta or test version, Microsoft engineers have assured users IE9 is very close to being finalized. The download is only compatible with Vista and Windows 7 ― another reason to upgrade your operating system from XP.
Internet Explorer received a major facelift, new features and better security, but the true beauty of the Web was revealed when Microsoft previewed Bing's graphically enhanced version coming to browsers later this month. The company said 70 partners had already optimized their sites for IE9 to allow for more graphically rich browsing experiences, including Facebook, Hulu, CNN and The Wall Street Journal.
Internet Explorer 9 is the first browser with full hardware acceleration of HTML5, reallocating much of the graphic processing to the GPU instead of the CPU. By using the GPU, IE9 is able to use the 90 percent of the PC’s power that went previously untapped by Web browsers, according to Microsoft.
Independent speed tests show IE9 is comparable in page load time to Firefox and reasonably close to Safari and Chrome, which may quell many of IE's detractors who have complained about the browser's sluggishness |
dah berenti pakai ie since ie6... tp tgok dulu ie9 ni mcm best je.... |
aku tunggu full version baru test..  |
Reply 8# cmf_death
tak boleh aku rasa |
Tak try lagi.
Nak tanya, 'makan' memory banyak dak? Kang jadi macam Mozilla Firefox yang guna memory ntah apa-apa. |
dah berenti pakai ie since ie6... tp tgok dulu ie9 ni mcm best je....
abgsuke Post at 21-9-2010 16:40 
cuba ler.. selagi dpt pree |
aku tunggu full version baru test..
aziz79 Post at 21-9-2010 18:00 
nape.. masih ragu2 ke? |
Reply 12# emmo
aku takkan pakai yg beta version, dari I.E hingga ke Chrome |
Reply 13# aziz79
so aziz ni pengguna setia 'musang api' ler.. :re:
it still the best.. |
Tak try lagi.
Nak tanya, 'makan' memory banyak dak? Kang jadi macam Mozilla Firefox yang guna memor ...
yummy_yum Post at 24-9-2010 05:36 
rasanye mcm IE8.. xbyk guna sistem resource n physical memory |
cuba ler.. selagi dpt pree
emmo Post at 24-9-2010 23:59 
aik... ie neh bkn nya mmg pree? |
Reply 1# emmo
Hye emmo
i tetap suka n guna FF . |
aik... ie neh bkn nya mmg pree?
cmf_death Post at 25-9-2010 06:34 
oppsss..yupp mmg pree...
cume kekedang download file dia tu terhad dlm satu2 masa aje.. |
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