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Brainy Bunch Islamic Montessori Kota Damansara

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Post time 18-3-2011 02:35 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

hi mommies... i just nak tanya siapa yang pernah survey or hantar anak-anak ke preschool ini..dekat KD.. or branch lain..
pls share... i really wanna know bout dis school.. thanxs.

Tadi dah call tp bunyi mcm the fees is diff among branches...

tq for sharing with me..

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Post time 15-7-2011 04:02 PM | Show all posts
hye..dah join the school or still survey lg

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 Author| Post time 19-7-2011 02:37 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2# aiharanaoki

   hihi..tak jadi...tak meyakinkan..i dah enrolled my son kat Qdees..puas hati!!

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Post time 20-7-2011 01:12 AM | Show all posts
Reply 3# mayyonnizz

qdees kt seri utama jg kan? brp jam ye? my son kt itqan..qdees accept umor brp ye? sj survey2 utk my 1 1/2 years old doter..kl tak pon mungkin kt itqan jg..cuma itqan ni sgt pricey lah..
oh, psl brainy bunch i ada came across one blog about a mom punya  bad experience hntr doter ke situ.

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 Author| Post time 20-7-2011 11:14 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by mayyonnizz at 20-7-2011 11:15

haha..i rasa i pun da baca about blog mummy tuh..kalo tak silap pasal blame student kan...

erm..i hantar kat qdees subang bestari pasal i duk kat subang bestari... so far ok sangat2...

itqan...haah memang pricey kan... tapi takpelah demi anak2...tak gitu..

kat qdees teriam 3 yo above...masuk early dev prog.... rege oklah kot standard sekarang ni kan..cuam tak tahan time register tuh je hahaha...

rege itqan cemana? ek..leh bitau details tak?

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Post time 20-7-2011 01:07 PM | Show all posts
Reply 5# mayyonnizz

    sorry for being off-topic but how is QDees in kota damansara ? ini yg dekat seksyen 5 kan ?

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Post time 20-7-2011 01:09 PM | Show all posts
Reply  mayyonnizz

    sorry for being off-topic but how is QDees in kota damansara ? ini yg de ...
hijaulover1 Post at 20-7-2011 13:07

sorry ! baru terbaca balik yg u hantar kat qdees lain !

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Post time 23-7-2011 11:41 PM | Show all posts
Hi, have girls there.

They just 1 year i guess starting the business in the surrounding of chinese population. Sometimes dogs run in front of the gates. disgusting.
There are positive and negative issues.

- kids will be punish if they didn't speaks english which is face the wall and both hand stay on the back. [i don't agree because at the age of 3,4,5,6... they will absorb anything easily than us. For me, it is enough if the teacher just don't stops speaking English and pujuk kids to speak English....)
- if they face problems such as no water for tomorrow, parents must provide 5 liter mineral water per day. Oh! I think the fees that i paid inclusive of water bills so if Syabas want to service and cut the water supplies, i think i don't need to supply water to them but they need to get / find alternative. Sometime they made me dizzy. If no electric, they will close the school. i need to find baby sitter or tumpang kat neighbour.
- i wonder why the islamic school but the teacher got nail polish on their nail...:re:
- sometimes she just wearing a long skinny socks with a blouse{:2_65:}. I also not wearing a tudung but i never wore that such creepy thing.
- not so many doa my kids learn and hafal after they enter to that school. Before this i send my girls to other malay taska and surprisingly they can hafal doa woke up from sleep, out from toilet and doa after prayer..

- kids can speak english after few months in that school
- they can read easy words
- about crying, sometimes they cry especially monday..

I need to find school that kids could not wait to go to.... like their older taska just they speak malay and i want english too

This comment is not to downgrade the school and if the teacher read this comment i hope they try to improve. Adios


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Post time 26-7-2011 07:44 PM | Show all posts
Reply 5# mayyonnizz

mayo: itqan mmg pricey..bila dapat bil. buntang gak bijik my son's 5 years old. fees bayar by semester i.e ,semester 1 and semester 2..this year, sem.1, altogether, rm3760, sem.2 for a year, rm7100. tapi teachers seme aku mmg puji la,sikap derang profesional. for preschool, school starts at 9.00 am till 2.00 pm.for playschool, the time starts at 9.00 am till 12.00 pm.,and of coz fees dia less than preschool punya (forgot the exact amount).since aku ada terbaca kt blog mommy tu, wow..wut an arse nak punish budak macam tu. kt itqan hanya punish if the children being rude, harsh to anyone at school..tu pon dia punya punishment sit in the corner and must be not more than 5 minutes. lepas tu kena say sorry and orang yg kena is encourage to forgive..
i know this coz my son if i terlanggar dia ke (contoh) and i buat x tau je, dia akan hi-lite, "oh,momma, u hit me just now.." so aku teringat, and said" oh,did i? i'm sorry, didnt see u there.." "oh..that's ok, momma" and everytime if i buat salah and say sorry dia akan ok..bende ni mmg dia dpt dr school..
psl english speaking, kat c2 mmg mostly budak2 dah catch english from home..coz yang ada kt cni ramai juga mixed blood, anak expatriates etc..the teachers muslim pelbagai bgsa,ada sorg from if u send a kid who dont speak english at all, sooner or later he/she will be able to converse the language coz everyone is using english as a medium..
my son knew english as his first language..mind u, he's the firstborn, lonely at home and had the astro 613 as his first speaking the school is preparing my son and the rest of 5 year olds with bahasa melayu as a preparation for government school..mind u, the kids are struggling to understand bahasa..the teachers has story telling sessions in bahasa melayu, but they didna understand a word till they need translation..
oh ya..setiap hujung semester akan ada report card day, masa nilah kl nak tanya apa2,bole tanya..
aku penah round ke brainy bunch tu coz penah juga consider tpt ni..tpt tu terlindung pokok2..mata aku rasa kurang selesa berbanding dgn itqan yg ko bole nmpk dr sini sampai hujung sana..lagi satu concept brainy bunch campur 1-6 thn, i.e dok dalam satu tpt..kt itqan, even utk 4 years old diasingkan rumah lain,across the road. 5,6 thn je bole bercampur itu pon time makan je kot..
tp ihtifal/final year concert itqan tak best..borink mcm cikgu malas nak kendali..x creative, seme buat choir..mcm nak gila dok pasang lagu maher aku kurang sesuai sebab budak2 ni biarla lagu2 ceria..i think yusof islam ada lagu kanak2 gak, mungkin bole suggest later..

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Post time 28-7-2011 07:33 PM | Show all posts
haha..i rasa i pun da baca about blog mummy tuh..kalo tak silap pasal blame student kan...

erm.. ...
mayyonnizz Post at 20-7-2011 11:14

    hi..boleh tahu add blog tu?

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Post time 13-1-2012 11:34 AM | Show all posts
It is not easy to choose a good school, especially for early childhood stage. As we know this stage is the most important stage in human development. In early childhood stage, there are many things that is vital rather than reading,writing and counting skills. Except mother's tonque, languages are not as crucial as emotional, behavariol,spiritual, cultural and islamic environment. Very sad to see some muslim parents send their little kid to non muslim institution to "master" theirs' children English proficiency. Actually the unislamic culture and "aura" of non believer teachers will have a great effect to the young spiritual well being.
Let our young muslim being nurtured by the hand of muslim.
   However, nowdays there are so many islamic enrichments centre sprouts all over Klang Valley. Some just around the corner for less than 2 years but have so many outlets open without proper preparations. They just too busy to do "aggresive marketing" without even have a proper office and enough officers to support their operations. So a wisdom parent will check their management office, whether they are ready to support their so many outlets. This is not another Air Asia business, this is generation building industry. We don't want Tony Fernandes in this industry.  Another factor to be considered is the background of the owner, do they the right person to run the educational institution of just a mere businessman who just driven by profit orientation  to ride the exponential growth of islamic education. They can come overnight and missing the next day. This type of businessman also can tarnish the image of islamic education in the eye of muslim parent
The third factor is over claim mentality for example " we are 100% english". This "instant educators" always put a very bombastic name to their enrichment centre sometimes a combination of many great names and method together to attract a parents and  mislead parents to their place. They even use "personalities" to attract the prospects. It is maybe right in term of marketing but not suitable with the education. Our children is not a commodity, there are our asset here and hereafter.
So to all parents please do some research before sending your kids to any early childhood centres. You can starts with the internet by visiting their websites and facebooks, but the most important do a visit or investigate their management office ( if a chain centres). I prefer a chain centres because of their R&D is much more better than single operate centre.
Remember our child is the most precious here and hereafter.

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Post time 17-9-2012 09:42 PM | Show all posts
so kesimpulannya preschool ni ok tak?tak jumpa pun yang komen negatif tu

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Post time 19-9-2012 08:19 AM | Show all posts
jiran aku antar anak dia 4 thn  kat sini... katanya bagus.. nak gak antar tapi fees dia mahal : +- rm700 for full day

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 Author| Post time 19-9-2012 03:53 PM | Show all posts
adnil posted on 19-9-2012 08:19 AM
jiran aku antar anak dia 4 thn  kat sini... katanya bagus.. nak gak antar tapi fees dia mahal : +- r ...

bagus dari segi apa yer... boleh detail tak.. interms of speaking jer ker... sbb baca mmg dorg pentingkan speaking jer...
yg lelain tak sure...

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Post time 19-9-2012 05:01 PM | Show all posts
mayyonnizz posted on 19-9-2012 03:53 PM
bagus dari segi apa yer... boleh detail tak.. interms of speaking jer ker... sbb baca mmg dorg pen ...

truthfully aku tak tau.. but according to the mom bagus la masa aku tanya for my youngest - same age dgn dak tu ie 4 yrs old.  walaupun dok sblah rumah, tapi kami jarang terserempak.  so xleh komen bagus tang mana - but the last time we saw each other, have heard her sebut a few things in english - not in full sentence lah.

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Post time 23-1-2013 05:37 PM | Show all posts
Sekarang ni Brainy Bunch di Kota Damansara dah moved to Bunglow lot and still maintain at Seksyen 5 under Seri Utama housing area.
Very close to my house. Kalau hantar my son pun boleh jalan kaki saja cuma I tak familiar concept Brainy Brunch ni dan banyak mix review about branch Kota Damansara....dan apa yg I baca banyak negatice than positive.
My son baru 3years old so I plan nak hantar dia play school dulu instead dia duduk dengan maid dekat rumah.

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Post time 23-2-2013 10:35 AM | Show all posts
kimoree posted on 23-1-2013 05:37 PM
Sekarang ni Brainy Bunch di Kota Damansara dah moved to Bunglow lot and still maintain at Seksyen 5  ...

ms dia kat corner lot tu i dgr dr my neighbour yuran dia full day rm700+, ni dah msk bungalow... berapa la gak nyer yuran dia ek??

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Post time 17-5-2013 10:50 AM | Show all posts
adnil posted on 23-2-2013 10:35 AM
ms dia kat corner lot tu i dgr dr my neighbour yuran dia full day rm700+, ni dah msk bungalow... b ...


Sampai sekarang I belum pergi check lagi about Brainy Bunch Kota Damansara.
Ikutkan 2min dah sampai kalau I nak pergi check.
Kadang2 pagi2 tu I saja bawa my son pass by Brainy Bunch ni. Memang I notice bilangan student dan guru semakin ramai.
Guru dekat situ pun nampak kids friendly.

I still torn between Braining Bunch or Tadika Dayana TTDI.

Because my eldest and second child dulu belajar at Tadika Diyana and we satisfied with environment and cara pembelajaran. Mcm Brainy Bunch I still tak tahu result dia mcm mana.

Hope ada mana2 parents yg pernah hantar Brainy Bunch ni dapat share info disini.

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Post time 18-5-2013 10:22 AM | Show all posts
kimoree posted on 17-5-2013 10:50 AM

Sampai sekarang I belum pergi check lagi about Brainy Bunch Kota Damansara.

tadika dayana dah established and proven.  brainy bunch nih still relatively new.. lagipun reviews by parents not widely available online kan.. cumanya brainy bunch nih islamic la kan...

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Post time 23-5-2013 12:52 PM | Show all posts
adnil posted on 18-5-2013 10:22 AM
tadika dayana dah established and proven.  brainy bunch nih still relatively new.. lagipun reviews ...


This morning I singgah Brainy Bunch to check the fees.
Registration Fees : RM1060.00
Monthly Fees : RM 350.00
Class will start from 9-12noon. Tapi boleh dihantar seawal pukul 7.00pagi.

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