Just wanted to share the great things that our Lord is doing in our midst.
These happens just in recent years....... To God be all the glory...
God is indeed a wonderful healer. I remembered having a back injury and it was so bad I couldn't walk and I lied in bed for 3 days. I didn't even bothered to go to the hospital because I couldn't even get up and I was staying alone all by myself. So, I prayed for 3 days and spent mostly lying on the bed. I got healed pretty fast. On the 3rd day, I could practically stand up straight and walk as if I had never gotten any back injury at all!
Miracles are happening everywhere it's hard to believe these days. One of my favourite pastors who perform miracles is Andres Bisonni from Latin America. He has travelled all over the world and many has encountered healing!
And let's not forget Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke too. This guy has brought millions to Christ in Africa through miracles of healing! The blind are seeing, the deaf are hearing, the sick are healed and the cripple are walking!
Klaim keajaiban penyembuhan dari sesuatu penyakit bagi saya adalah sesuatu yang bersifat 'nothing'. Ianya tidak dapt dijadikan bukti untuk mendakwa penyembuhan tersebut kerana kebenaran agama yang dianuti. Ini kerana agama-agama lain juga ada yang mengklaim keajaiban penyembuhan seperti ini. Contohnya kita boleh lihat pengakuan daripada seorang penganut agama Buddha yang mengklaim kanser yang dideritainya hilang apabila beliau berdoa dan mengamalkan amalan dalam agama tersebut. Lihat di link di bawah.
Apakah kelompok kristian mahu mempercayai kebenaran agama buddha setelah membaca pengakuan tersebut? Pastinya tidak. Justeru tiada sebab untuk kelompok kristian mendakwa keajaiban penyembuhan yang berlaku dalam agama mereka sebagai bukti akan kebenaran agama mereka itu.
Begitu juga dengan klaim-klaim keajaiban penyembuhan dalam Islam di link di bawah.
Kelompok kristian mahu percaya? Sudah tentu tidak.
So isu klaim keajaiban penyembuhan oleh kelompok kristian ini bagi saya hanyalah sesuatu yang bersifat 'nothing'. Islam juga mempunyai klaim keajaiban penyembuhan mereka sendiri. Begitu juga dengan agama-agama yang lain. So di mana kelebihannya klaim keajaiban penyembuhan oleh sesuatu amalan agama??
Namun saya memahami. Saya melihat kelompok kristian ini sudah tidak mampu berpegang pada kitab bible mereka untuk membuktikan kelebihan agama mereka bila mana mereka sendiri pun sudah tidak mampu membuktikan bahawa bible mereka itu masih 100% bersih daripada sebarang kesalahan dan penyelewengan. Justeru mereka sekarang cuba berpegangan kepada konsep-konsep keajaiban yang berlaku dalam agama mereka. Malangnya keajaiban juga berlaku dalam agama-agama yang lain. So sekal lagi mereka tidak punya sebarang pegangan untuk menyatakan kelebihan agama mereka berbanding dengan agama-agama yang lain.
Saya terfikir sesuatu. Jika kelompok kristian ini sudah mengakui orang biasa di dalam agama mereka pun boleh melakukan keajaiban penyembuhan, justeru secara tidak sedar, mereka telah mendiskreditkan kemampuan Jesus dalam melakukan penyembuhan daripada penyakit. Dengan kata lain tiada sebarang keistimewaan atas kemampuan Jesus dalam melakukan keajaiban penyembuhan kerana orang biasa pun mampu melakukan perkara yang sama.
Post Last Edit by newsongfashion at 28-2-2012 09:48
The story of the Christian miracles do not give any meaning to me because the magic is happening in ...
erusi2 Post at 11-12-2011 00:14
Anything genuine in this world, there are many counterfeits. For example,there are many counterfeit Rolex Watches in the market, that doesn't meanswe reject the genuine. There are many pirated DVDs in the market, that doesn't means we reject the original or fear the genuine. Likewise, Satan like to counterfeit what is genuine from God especially those supernatural experience with the purpose to distract the focus of mankind toward Almighty God and putting fear to Christian for the the possibility leading to deception. Bible tell us God is not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love and sound mind. God is looking for a partnership 'on earth as it is in Heaven' (Mat 6:10). Whatever existing on Heaven, we have the authority to release it on earth, whatever not exist in Heaven, we have been given authority to bind it (eg. sickness, curse, etc) Bill Johnson said Holy Spirit lives in every believers, but He rest upon very few. The ultimate purpose God intended for mankind is to host His presence, His Glory resting upon us. Our salvation is first step into the journey of the supernatural.
Post Last Edit by newsongfashion at 28-2-2012 09:58
The story of the Christian miracles do not give any meaning to me because the magic is happening in ...
erusi2 Post at 11-12-2011 00:14
The life of Jesus on earth is the life of miracles. When John, the baptist heard in prison, he sent word by his disciples and said to him, "Are you the one who is to come, or shall we look for another?"
And Jesus answered them, "Go and tell John what you hear and see: the blind receive their sight and the lame walk, lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, and the dead are raised up, and the poor have good news preached to them. (Mat 11:4-5 ESV)
Instead of giving theological debate, old testament's scriptures or prophecy, Jesus just point to the "WORKS" himself which testify of Him as a Messiah. Jesus is our model to follow. To reject the move of the Spirit of God is to reject the face of God.