At Tahrir Square in Cairo, police beat demonstrators participant. Survey, published on the Internet, show how some police officers wearing helmets attacked a woman, dragged her to the ground, beaten with batons and kicked. Then opened the veiled face, and one of the policemen paid a kick in the chest.
Scary video from the event:
1. The Egyptian army, and so on which the breaking waves of criticism over its actions after the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak, cordoned off the area and made every effort to filmed beating a woman does not get into the Internet. (REUTERS)
2. Conducted house searches, a few reporters seized equipment. (AP)
3. This weekend violence began with an attempt to stop a three-week military demonstration in Tahrir Square, where participants criticized the military government of wanting to prevent the democratic process. (EPA / KHALED ELFIQI)
4. Caught fire during the riots Research Center, built by the French in the eighteenth century, and the flames completely destroyed the building from the inside. Employees of the archive, and dozens of volunteers have made every possible effort to save valuable documents. After the fire, two-story building could collapse at any moment. (REX)
5. Institute for Scientific Research was created during the three-year stay in Egypt, Napoleon Bonaparte. His house contained more than 200,000 valuable documents. On Monday, several young men gathered charred books, trying to save anything. (REUTERS / Amr Abdallah Dalsh)
6. These old books burned - few surviving in a fire at the research center in Cairo. (Amr Nabil / AP)
7. A demonstrator shows a victory sign. Behind him - burning building. In downtown Cairo during clashes with protesters military killed eight people. (AFP)
8. A young Egyptian with charred books that were saved during the fire at the Institute for the study of Egypt in Cairo. (AFP)
9. Protester prepares to throw Molotov cocktails at police in Tahrir Square, Cairo. (REUTERS)
10. Supporters of the military regime, chanting slogans from the roof of the Ministry of Transport and Communications in downtown Cairo. (AFP)
11. The soldiers throw stones at the demonstrators from the roof of a government building in Tahrir Square, Cairo. (REUTERS)
12. Local residents and police in civilian clothes repel laser demonstrators, Tahrir Square. (REUTERS)
13. Demonstrator chants slogans against the military government. (AP)
14. Protesters throw stones at police. (APAimages / Rex Features)
15. Protesters throw stones at soldiers, and are covered from flying back, Tahrir Square, Cairo. (AP)
16. Demonstrator for the lack of helmet put on his head a bucket. (AFP)
17. Boy demonstrator near Tahrir Square, Cairo. (REUTERS)
18. Demonstrator, who sustained an injury to the head in a clash with soldiers in Tahrir Square. (REUTERS)
19. A wounded demonstrator with a metal bar at Tahrir Square. (REUTERS / Amr Abdallah Dalsh)
20. Young demonstrators throw stones at police. (REX)
21. One of the protesters firing stones from slingshots, Sheikh ul Riha, Cairo. (EPA / MOHAMED OMAR)
22. Beating demonstrators with police. (REX)
23. A boy with a broken head in the Parliament building in Cairo. (REX)
24. After three days of uninterrupted violence in Cairo, killing 10 people and injured about 500. (REX)
lagi senang negara lain nak campur tgn....lagi satu negara akan jadik kahadam israel ngan us nih....mula2 kucar kacirkan rakyat depa..pastu campur tgn...then amik alih kuasa...then country tu jatuh...yeayyyy kite dah menang(cmtu laa depa yg menang bersorak)
yahudi dh campur tangan dh pun..mesir=syiah tak hairan laa
xXgunnerXx Post at 24-12-2011 01:14
mesir ni Sunni dikhabarkan ada cmpurtangan golongan syiah utk jatuhkan mesir ni. mcm kat iraq n pemerintahan hosni dulu mmg teruk thp pengangguran smpai 50%. even mesir sekutu kuat AS tp kuasa rakyat xde sape yg dpt halang. doakan kesejahteraan rakyat mesir n ummat islam keseluruhan.amin.