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Megaupload ditutup!

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Post time 20-1-2012 05:23 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Megaupload Taken Down On Piracy Allegations

Popular file-hosting site Megaupload, probably known to our readers for a variety of reasons, has been taken down after the FBI charged some of its staff with copyright infringement and “conspiracy to commit racketeering.” Seven people have been charged, and four arrested (in New Zealand), and the site itself appears to be down as authorities around the world closed in on the site’s resources.

Bizarrely, it was also just revealed that the CEO of the company is none other than Swizz Beats, the husband of Alicia Keys. Clearly the rabbit hole goes much deeper than the FBI expected.

Mr. Beats is just the acting CEO, and probably was brought on by founder Kim Dotcom as part of the site’s efforts to legitimize itself in the eyes of the law. Part of this effort was the publication of the so-called “Mega Song,” in which a number of musicians espouse the service as a useful and fast way of transferring files.

In December, Will.I.Am, Sean “Diddy” Combs, and the others pulled their support, and it was claimed that they never consented to appearing in the video, which was subsequently removed from YouTube.

Naturally, it was quickly replaced by users who had downloaded it, and you can watch it below:

Megaupload filed a countersuit against UMG regarding the video, but there doesn’t appear to be any movement by the company on today’s news. The Department of Justice has issued a press releasedescribing the action taken and the employees who were indicted; the release also alleges that Megaupload failed to comply with DMCA provisions.The FBI stressed that the takedown had nothing to do with the ongoing SOPA/PIPA controversy; indeed, a direct takedown of the site with international cooperation is much more in line with existing methods for dealing with “rogue” websites.It seems as if the whole story will have to come out in court, as Megaupload likely doesn’t have the resources to continue operating while its staff is on the lam. It should make for interesting reading once the dust settles.


*  Laaa apa lagi dorang ni, Berapa lama mau tutup haa..~~
Sudah la Korean stuff banyak pakai MU



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Post time 20-1-2012 07:41 AM | Show all posts
selagi dia x tutup mediafire aku x kisah...

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Post time 20-1-2012 10:48 AM | Show all posts
selagi dia x tutup mediafire aku x kisah...
B.K Post at 20-1-2012 07:41

Semua tu bakal menyusul kalau Sopa dilaksanakan nanti :@

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 Author| Post time 20-1-2012 11:53 AM | Show all posts
Drama pun bermula

Anonymous Goes on Megaupload Revenge Spree: DoJ, RIAA, MPAA, and Universal Music All Offline

Anonymous has sure been quiet lately, but today's federal bust of Megaupload riled 'em up good: a retaliatory strike against (and plenty of other foes) leaving them completely dead. is reporting the department's site as universally nuked, and an Anonymous-affiliated Twitter account is boasting success. This is almost certainly the result of a quickly-assembled DDoS attack—and easily the widest in scope and ferocity we've seen in some time. If you had any doubts Anonymous is still a hacker wrecking ball, doubt no more.

The combination of the hacking nebula's SOPA animosity—they've been a vocal opponent of the bill since its inception—combined with today's sudden Megaupload news has made the group bubble over: hundreds upon hundreds of Anon operatives are in a plotting frenzy, chatting about which site will go down next. In Anon's eyes, the government and media interests are responsible for the undue destruction of Megaupload (and the arrest of four of its operators), so it'll be exactly those entities that're feeling the pain right now. Pretty much every company that makes movies, TV, or music, along with the entirety of the federal government, is in Anonymous' crosshairs.


Antara website yang sudah sendu dek penangan Anonymous setakat ini:

FBI punya website tidak d tepekkan kerana baru tadi je dah pulih.. *sigh

*Grabs popcorn*
Somehow I really like this drama

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Post time 20-1-2012 12:00 PM | Show all posts
Megaupload ni macam yakuza. Tapi versi internet. Sekali kena kacau, panglima perang turun menentang. Haha. Dengan FBI skali kena tapau..

team Aryzs

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 Author| Post time 20-1-2012 12:08 PM | Show all posts
Reply 5# B.K

Adakah selepas ini file hosting lain pula menyusul rentetan SOPA. Hargh! menyusahkan bukan

Oke, sebentar.
Ko ni di antara dalam kalangan team Aryzs ke

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Post time 20-1-2012 12:11 PM | Show all posts
tunggu dan lihat

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Post time 20-1-2012 12:14 PM | Show all posts
Reply 6# kiwibenz

   xper banyak lgi filehosting mungkin akan muncul filehosting underground lak mcm indowebster

p/s: xlah, aku copy paste dri fanpage team aryz tu...

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 Author| Post time 20-1-2012 12:16 PM | Show all posts
Reply 7# kmkd

apakah nasib mereka yang memegang lifetime acc
Dan bagaimana pula dengan pelajar-pelajar atau pekerja-pekerja yang menjadikan MU sebagai medium utama
bangun pagi confirm sumpah seranah

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Post time 20-1-2012 02:49 PM | Show all posts
Megaupload ni macam yakuza. Tapi versi internet. <-- aku rasa aku baru sebut benda yang sama pagi tadi/malam semalam di twitter. entah. kebetulan kot.

@kiwi kompem! nak mintak refund tak boleh sebab bukan salah megaupload.

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Post time 20-1-2012 08:59 PM | Show all posts
nasib baik la aku backup filekerja aku dlm filesonic sekali.
kalau tak.. masak..

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Post time 20-1-2012 09:58 PM | Show all posts
aku backup fail aku dalam server blog

dan email

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Post time 23-1-2012 10:06 AM | Show all posts
Reply 12# kmkd

haha sama mcm aku, backup file apa2 doc dlm emel. tp kalau yahoo aku ada org tuka paswod & reset info. abis arrr

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 Author| Post time 23-1-2012 10:55 AM | Show all posts
First Megaupload, kini Filesonic pula dah xsupport file sharing....hanya untuk upload sahaja... Filepost started suspending accounts with infringing material..., not available in U.S. anymore

HAH menggelupur semua

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Post time 23-1-2012 03:23 PM | Show all posts

Megaupload ditutup!

Irc irc. Back to basic

(posted by mobile)

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Post time 23-1-2012 05:09 PM | Show all posts
yurp.. guna irc balik la lepas ni

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 Author| Post time 24-1-2012 12:27 AM | Show all posts
nanti buat tutorial irc ya habang-habang sekalian

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 Author| Post time 24-1-2012 01:08 AM | Show all posts
MegaUpload - Closed.
FileServe - Closing does not sell premium.
FileJungle - Deleting files. Locked in the U.S.
UploadStation - Locked in the U.S.
FileSonic - The news is arbitrary (under FBI investigation).
VideoBB - Closed! would disappear soon.
Uploaded - Banned U.S. and the FBI went after the owners who are gone.
FilePost - Deleting all material (so will leave executables, pdfs, txts)
Videoz - closed and locked in the countries affiliated with the USA.
4shared - Deleting files with copyright and waits in line at the FBI.
MediaFire - Called to testify in the next 90 days and it will open doors pro FBI
Org torrent - could vanish with everything within 30 days "he is under criminal investigation"
Network Share mIRC - awaiting the decision of the case to continue or terminate Torrent everything.
Koshiki - operating 100% Japan will not join the SOPA / PIPA.
Shienko Box - 100% working china / korea will not join the SOPA / PIPA
ShareX BR - group UOL / BOL / iG say they will join the SOPA / PIPA

Japan, China and Korea have a say NO to the FBI and that even if laws are passed in the USA will not have any value within the sovereignty of their countries!

P/S: mediafire has start deleting copyright protected files. Only left is the personal files.




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Post time 24-1-2012 03:41 PM | Show all posts
Network Share mIRC <-- mIRC je terlibat. IRC tak.

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 Author| Post time 24-1-2012 04:25 PM | Show all posts
sedang bergomol dengan torrent! HAH. Gue memang xkenal langsung selok belok nya itu

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