ok, kat board Tanya Lelaki ada thread Warna Untuk Lelaki. Kat sini plak ak nak share sikit also pasal warna jugak dgn tambahan pasal cara nak tentukan color makeup apa yg sesuai utk jenis2 tone kulit korang asian women.
Kat bawah ni ada 9 jenis tone warna. Korang pilih lah yg mana mewakili korang....kalu korang like info, like la gak fanpage Analisis Pakaian Lelaki dan Wanita. tq
![](http://donnafujii.com/images/stories/dfimages/asian/frost-200h.jpg) | Her skintone is very light, fair and pale. Her hair color is cool brown such as rose brown or burgundy brown or it can be a soft black. Silver and white hair with a light or medium olive skintone can also be in this category. Cool, blue-based pastels and muted colors are prominent in her palette. Her overall look is very soft, gentle and delicate. |
Read more: Frost
![](http://donnafujii.com/images/stories/dfimages/asian/horizon-200h.jpg) | She has a unique look which is neither cool nor warm. Her skintone has a pink, or slightly yellow undertone, and can range from pink or ivory, to slightly olive with a yellowish cast. Her hair color can be a medium to dark brown. Due to her lukewarm skintone, the Horizon woman has the versatility of looking great in either cool or warm clear tones. |
Read more: Horizon
![](http://donnafujii.com/images/stories/dfimages/asian/midnight-200h-dk.jpg) | Her distinctive feature is her dramatic blue black hair. Her skintone color is medium to dark olive. She sun tans easily. The colors in her palette have rich, dark values, and are cool, pure, and intense. As such, they flatter the striking depth of her hair color. |
Read more: Midnight
![](http://donnafujii.com/images/stories/dfimages/asian/moonlight-200h.jpg) | She is distinguished by her black-and-gray, or black-and-white hair, and olive complexion. Her olive skintone would allow her to wear some of the bright, vivid colors of the Starlight palette, but since she is a mature woman, she prefers colors that are dusty, more conservative and less bright than the Starlight palette. |
Read more: Moonlight
![](http://donnafujii.com/images/stories/dfimages/asian/starlight-200h.jpg) | Her skin is milky-white and her hair is black. She generally has a cool, light skintone with a pink undertone, but her skin may also have a slightly warm cast, such as beige. Her cool, rich palette blends beautifully with the coolness of her skintone and contains very light and very dark values, perfect for her high contrast look. |
Read more: Starlight
![](http://donnafujii.com/images/stories/dfimages/asian/sunlight-200h.jpg) | She has the warm glow of the summer sun, from the medium yellow beige or yellow olive of her skin, to her warm brown hair. She sun tans easily. Her skin has a yellow undertone, and her hair color can be a medium to dark brown, or it can also be black. Her palette is warm, bright, and intense. |
Read more: Sunlight
![](http://donnafujii.com/images/stories/dfimages/asian/sunrise-200h.jpg) | She is characterized by her light, warm look. Her skin has a pink or yellow undertone, and can range from a light with pink, to a warm ivory or light yellow beige. Her hair color can be honey blonde, light brown to copper red, usually colored. Her palette has warm to lukewarm colors that are light and fresh. |
Read more: Sunrise
![](http://donnafujii.com/images/stories/dfimages/asian/sunset-200h.jpg) | She has the very warm look of a golden desert sunset. She has a darker, golden bronze skintone, and orange brown to black hair, sometimes giving her a Polynesian look. She tans instantly and can get very dark. Her palette is very warm and moderately dark in tone which blends well with her warm overall look and skin tone.
Read more: Sunset
![](http://donnafujii.com/images/stories/dfimages/asian/twilight-200h.jpg) | She is characterized by her brown hair, which may be blended with gray or white. She is mature and has a preference for the more subdued hues and a more conservative look, even though brighter, more intense hues would also look great on her. Her palette is warm, because warm hues are the most flattering to her warm hair coloring and overall look. |
Read more: Twilight |
tatau kulit kaler hapa ![](static/image/smiley/onion/omg.gif) |
tkde satu pun di atas..hahha
awat modeii dia, cam tk bape selera nk tgk? huhuhu... |
model zaman bile ni?? ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
semua tk sesuai....![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
x tau nak pilih yang mane ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
walaupun x tau nak pilih kaler apa yg kat atas tue... tp kalu untk pakaian carly & mekap carly sendiri... carly agak2 yg bersesuaian ler.. x terlalu terang sgt & x terlalu gelap menampakkan cam fesyen org tua... dari segi mekap plak.. x de lah nak pakai lipstik dari jauh nampak bibir merah menyala... kira pakai mekap yg lite jer.... |
Semua xcantek ![](static/image/smiley/default/cry.gif) |
huduh-huduh belako...![](static/image/smiley/onion/run.gif) |
asal cam kelaka thread nih ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
TT ni gulungan veteren kot ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
model zaman 80 an ke apa?mekap pun sgt out of date![](static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif) |
macam tak selera nak pilih bila tengok model2 tu..![](static/image/smiley/onion/spec.gif) |
model yg sedap mata memandang takde ka??? |
Auntie menyatakan kudos kpd AadiGoth pasal memberi penerangan sebegini.
Sebenarnya auntie pun tau sikit2 pasal ni semasa menghadiri kursus pasal grooming di organisasi auntie dulu.
- bukan senang nak tau pasal warm colours atau cool colours and keserasian warna dgn kulit.
- Juga susah utk menilai samada kulit anda itu pinkish atau orangish.
- Yang senang sikit ialah samada anda curvaceous atau straightline....
Walaupun auntie dah hadiri kursus tu, kdg2 auntie masih blur lagi pasal benda2 mcm ni.
Apa kata AadiGoth bagi penerangan yg lebih terperinci? Auntie pun berminat nak tau ni, almaklumlah kan, di usia sebegini, kena selarikan penampilan dgn usia....
Sekian. |
payah nak tilik kulit sendiri ni...
horizon kut...kuning,merah gitu... |
Reply 17# auntieagony
pasal makeup ni i rest my case lah. Not my expertise la, nak tumpu pd warna pakaian je... |
Reply auntieagony
pasal makeup ni i rest my case lah. Not my expertise la, nak tumpu pd w ...
AadiGoth Post at 24-2-2012 16:33 ![](http://mforum1.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Sori, my bad. Auntie tersalah faham sbb visual yg ditunjukkan adalah gambar muka org.
So if it is related to clothing, why don't u provide explanation on warm colours and cool colours. Which skin texture is more suitable to either warm/cool colours. Kalau ada gambar, lagi bagus.... Boleh jugak refresh memory auntie yg selalu jer terlupa....
Dan tak lupa what kind of fashion is suitable for office wear, casual wear, functions and such.... Utk org tinggi/rendah/putih/sawo matang/hitam manis - apa colours yg sesuai serta fesyen yg selari....
Thks. |
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Category: Wanita & Lelaki