The film opens with a shot of three girls having tea and playing with dolls, who then simultaneously look at a corner of the room, and then immediately get up and jump out a window, committing suicide as their mother screams outside. In the Edwardian era, young solicitor Arthur Kipps (Daniel Radcliffe) lives with his four-year-old son, Joseph (Misha Handley) and his son's nanny (Jessica Raine). Kipps's wife Stella (Sophie Stuckey) has died after childbirth. Kipps has been having visions of her and is facing financial problems along with stress from his firm. He is assigned to handle the estate of Alice Drablow, who owned an English manor known as the Eel Marsh House, where she had lived with her husband, son Nathaniel, and sister Jennet Humfrye (Liz White). Although the locals are unwelcoming, Kipps befriends Sam Daily (Ciarán Hinds), a wealthy landowner, and his wife Elizabeth (Janet McTeer).
At Eel Marsh House, located on an island in the marshes, Kipps repeatedly hears footsteps and sees a woman dressed in black. He reports the sighting at the local police station, but while there, two boys bring their sister Victoria (Alexia Osborne), who has drunk lye; she dies in Kipps's arms. She is not the first child in town to commit suicide and the townspeople believe the "Woman in Black" comes for their children as revenge for her own child being taken from her, and believe that when ever someone sees her, a child nearby is killed, which could be why children have been dying lately since Kipps' arrival at Eel Marsh House.
Aku da tengok kat TGV KLCC
Memang best coz ada scenes yang mengejutkan
Harry Potter boleh bawak watak dewasa dan meyakinkan
Jalan cerita best dan tak meleret
Ending twist okes dan aku suka dengan ending camni
Aku bagi 3 1/2 bintang
ya citer ni seram! mula2 tak expect tinggi sgt, mula2.. lama kelamaan nah....
walaupun mcm old fashion punya seram (scene buat org terperanjat, rumah usang etc) tapi filem ni ada lebih dari itu..
Daniel Radcliffe's foray into horror has racked up record breaking numbers during its theatrical run. TWIB has spent three weeks atop the British box office and has raked in 23.2 million USD in 457 theaters.
The film has outlasted Hollywood-made Brit flicks like The Others and Interview With a Vampire as well born and bred U.K. movies like Shaun of the Dead and 28 Days Later.
Verdict: DanRad is unstoppable!!!
On top of his native success, TWIB has grossed $50 million stateside as well. British production company Hammer hails the film as its resurgence, calling it "an important achievement that affirms the re-birth of Hammer."
Aku baru jer balik dari nonton mobie n tengah hari tadi....
Komen: Menghiburkan... menyeramkan .... ada banyak part yang leh wat audiences terperanjat, mengeluh , mengesah, tak senang duduk, menjerit ....
Rate: 7.5 out of 10
Walaupun jalan cerita agak slow at the beginning part, tapi penceritaan keseluruhan jalan cerita tidak membosankan ... disamping mata mata penonton disajikan dengan permandangan kawasan pendalaman England yang agak cantik dan menarik (tetapi disebabkan cuaca asik mendung dan hujan jer, menyebabkan suasana kawasan pendalaman tersebut tampak cam dull .. tak ceria jer)...
dan kehidupan penduduk penduduk yang agak perlahan dan tenang (tenang secara luaran jer... tapi biler diselami perasaan penduduk dikawasan tersebut, kehidupan mereka yang tampak aman dan damai tersebut sebenarnya diselubungi oleh ketakutan yang amat sangat)...
Memang terdapat ler adengan adengan yang bisa membuat penonton tak senang duduk.. even in certain scene, terpaksa menutup mata sebab tak sanggup nak serap kejutan yang bakal muncul... Kejutan yang tol tol effective ... sampaikan satu panggung gelak lepas tu, pasal memasing memang tidak menyangka akan menerima kejutan sedemikian rupa...
Ending... surpriseeeee ...
p/s Teringat si Daniel ni pegang watak bebudak dalam citer Harry Potter tetapi in this mobie, he was acting as a father and a man.... proved that he is very talented actor ...
daniel Radcliffe bagi aku mcm xkena lak bwk watak bapak, sbb still terbayang watak dia dlm harry potter. Time ada satu scene tu, dia nampak woman in black ni dkt luar tingkap, then dia turun bwh sbb nk kejar pompuan tu, tunang aku ckp (dalam nada yg serius, ok) "la, apsal xguna je kayu dia" aku lak tanye la kayu apa, then dia baru sedar we r not watching harry potter. Huhuhu....
mmg x dpt elak dr terfikir heri potter masa tngok citer ni
even awal2 pon mcm ala2 wat homage pada filem HP je, di mana watak Daniel radcliffe naik keretapi(ala2 nak pegi hogwarts gitu ), pstu smbil baca paper(teringt newspaper yg gmbo leh gerak2 tu )
aku yg mmg penakut, tp suka tngok citer antu(the others, the ring) rasakan citer ni mmg seram sgt most of the time aku tutup telinga(bukan tutup mata), since usually sound effect lagi menakutkan dari visual.
leh la bagi 6.5/10
daniel radcliffe mmg ada star power utk mempengaruhi org tngok citer ni. sbb aku pun nk tngok sbb dia. expectation pd dia agak tinggi sbb ramai nk tngok leh ke dia blakon watak lain. tp mcm trying too hard lak amik watak dewasa cmtu. dia patut take his time n jgn terkejar sgt watak2 mature.
yang part last tu, aku rasa hantu nak balas jasa dia sebab satukan dia ngan anak dia, maka dia bunuh laa 2 beranak tu, maka mereka telah pun disatukan dengan isteri dia..