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Beberapa Kisah Nadya Suleman,Wanita Yang Lahir Kembar 8 + Kembar 6.

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Post time 9-4-2012 02:06 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Nadia Suleiman knows how to lose weight after giving birth (5 photos)

Many say that the figure after the birth of girls is much damaged and restored to its former elasticity of the stomach is almost impossible!  Most likely it depends on the girl ...

  For example, take Nadia Suleiman.  She became famous in his time that has managed to give birth to twins eight.  Nevertheless, she managed to not only lose weight after childbirth, but also to return to the figure of prenatal ...

VIVAnews - Nadya Sulaeman adalah salah satu ibu paling kontroversial di dunia. Wanita yang dijuluki 'Octomom' ini melahirkan delapan bayi kembar melalui pembuahan invitro pada 26 Januari 2009. Ia melahirkan 6 bayi laki-laki dan 2 bayi perempuan.

Yang lebih menggemparkan, sebelum melahirkan bayi kembar delapan, pada kehamilan sebelumnya Nadya melahirkan 6 anak kembar. Ibu beranak 14 ini juga tidak bersuami dan tidak memiliki penghasilan sendiri.

Nadya yang wajahnya mirip Angelina Jolie ini, sangat mengagumi artis yang juga punya banyak anak tersebut. Masalahnya, Nadya tak mampu membiayai hidup anak-anaknya. Nadya sendiri adalah seorang ibu tunggal yang kesulitan membiayai hidup anak-anaknya hingga harus mencari bantuan sana-sini.

Nadya sempat ditawarkan menjadi bintang film porno, namun ia menolaknya. Selain itu, ia juga ditawarkan untuk membintangi reality show bersama ke-14 anaknya. Tapi, entah apa alasannya, reality show tersebut batal tayang.

Sejumlah kalangan selama ini mengkritik Nadya karena dia tidak memiliki pekerjaan maupun sumber pendapatan layak untuk menghidupi keluarganya. Nadya hanya bisa membuat suatu laman yang mengharapkan bantuan dari para donatur, itu pun berkat bantuan dari para penasihat hukumnya.

Keseharian Nadya dihabiskan untuk mengurus ke-14 anaknya, dibantu 3 orang pengasuh. Lihat foto keseharian ibu beranak 14, di sini!

Ibu Nadya, Angela Suleman mengungkapkan, rumah Nadya ibarat sirkus yang berantakan. "Setiap hari, Nadya hanya bisa tidur selama 3 jam."



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 Author| Post time 9-4-2012 02:10 PM | Show all posts
Octomom Nadya Suleman Did it for the Money


Octomom Nadya Suleman, mom of 14 agreed to pose topless for a European magazine Closer because she needed the money.

The mom of 14 – Elijah, Amerah, Joshua, Aiden, twins Caleb and Calyssa, and octuplets Isaiah, Jonah, Josiah, Jeremiah, Maliyah, Makai, Nariyah, and Noah- is having a hard time supporting her family and is currently on welfare support.

So how much did she get for the racy photos? “I got $8,000,” she tells Anderson Cooper of the paltry sum. “I have to do what I have to do to take care of my family, and I’m not ashamed. I’m not ashamed at all…I’ve never sacrificed my morals and values.”

“I am covered [in the photos]. I had to think about that. I reflected on that quite a bit before choosing to do it,” she added. “I discussed it with my children openly.”

However, she openly admitted the obvious fact, “I’ll be honest, I did it for money.”

In the interview with Closer magazine, she speaks highly of herself as a mom. “I’m such a good mother,” she said with conviction. “I’m so loving, and my kids are so happy. There’s never been a time I’ve regretted having so many.”

Nadya is moving (or getting evicted) from her La Habra home, as she has been struggling to meet her mortgage payments.

Maybe she and Michelle Duggar can have a talk about “overpopulation” now.


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 Author| Post time 9-4-2012 02:11 PM | Show all posts
In Touch Exclusive:
Inside Octomom’s crazy world

This week’s In Touch showcases the first-ever magazine cover featuring an exclusive photo of “Octomom” Nadya Suleman and six of her eight newborn babies, plus 12 never-before-seen photos from inside their home.  

Those who have been inside Nadya’s new four-bedroom house in La Habra, Calif., paint a disturbing picture. “These babies should be placed in foster care,” Gloria Allred, an attorney for Angels in Waiting, which provided free nursing service to Nadya, tells In Touch. “There they would receive the individualized care that the babies need and deserve.”

Nadya may soon get the chance to prove she is a good mom on her own reality television series. According to an insider, a deal is in place for her to be filmed 24/7 for a reality TV show as soon as sons Jonah and Josiah are released from the hospital. “It’s about Nadya trying to raise 14 children while looking for love,” the insider explains.

Check out the new issue of In Touch, on-sale now, for more - including eight pages of exclusive photos.

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 Author| Post time 9-4-2012 02:16 PM | Show all posts
Nadya Suleman, Beautiful Woman With 14 Kids

Nadya Sulaiman is one of the most controversial women in the world. The woman who was nicknamed 'Octomom' This gave birth to eight babies twins through in vitro fertilization on January 26, 2009. She gave birth to six baby boys and 2 baby girls.

Even more appalling, before the birth of twins and eight, in a previous pregnancy gave birth to 6 children Nadya twins. Mother bear 14 was also not married and has no own income.

Nadya, whose face is like Angelina Jolie, really admire artists who also have a lot of these kids. The problem, Nadya was unable to make a living of their children. Nadya itself is a single mother who have difficulty making a living until their children should seek help here and there.

Nadya had offered to be a porn star, but he refused. In addition, he also offered to star in reality show along with the 14 children. But, for whatever reason, it canceled the reality show aired.

Some circles had been criticized Nadya because he did not have a job and decent income to support his family. Nadya can only create a page that expect help from donors, it was thanks to the assistance of its legal advisers.

Nadya spent on daily care of the 14 children, assisted by 3 people caregiver. Nadya's mother, Angela Suleman said that Nadya's house is like the circus is a mess. "Every day, Nadya could only sleep for 3 hours."


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Post time 9-4-2012 02:21 PM | Show all posts
takut iols tgk pewut dia...........

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 Author| Post time 9-4-2012 02:22 PM | Show all posts
Octomom: Should Nadya Suleman be on welfare? Vote now!

By Jenna Busch

April  5, 2012  5:37 PM ET
Follow @jennabusch on Twitter

Octomom Nadya Suleman has gone back on her very public vow not to put her family on welfare. Though she posed nude for money, Suleman says it just isn't enough to care for her litter family. She now receives $2000 a month in food stamps.

Suleman has said that she's received death threats for receiving public assistance, something she repeated during her interview with Matt Lauer on "Today" on April 5.

The Octomom is raising 14 children. She gave birth to the longest living set of octuplets after undergoing in vitro fertilization. So, what do you think of Suleman going on welfare? We want to hear your opinion. Vote in our poll and watch the "Today" interview below.


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Post time 9-4-2012 02:32 PM | Show all posts
islam ker die nih??????????????????

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Post time 9-4-2012 02:35 PM | Show all posts
adoi..bila mana duit  menjadi sembahan...tiada lagi rasa malu..

walau pon dri memek muka dpt aku rasa dia ni jenis pemalu & pendiam pada asalnye

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Post time 9-4-2012 04:26 PM | Show all posts
macam mana dia ni boleh terpikir nak mengandung lagi bilamana dah ada 6 orang anak, dengan tiada perkerjaan...

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Post time 9-4-2012 04:26 PM | Show all posts
bestnya anak rmai
bagi aku 1 boleh?
buat anak angkat...
alang2 dia xmampu nk bela

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Post time 9-4-2012 04:36 PM | Show all posts
Tummy tuck tu..

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Post time 9-4-2012 05:16 PM | Show all posts
bestnya ramai anak.....

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Post time 9-4-2012 05:27 PM | Show all posts
Gigih nak jadi artis agaknya

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Post time 9-4-2012 05:41 PM | Show all posts
islam ker die nih??????????????????
lonso Post at 9-4-2012 14:32

   pada nama ajer...

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Post time 9-4-2012 05:44 PM | Show all posts
gambar kurus tuh lepas die beranak ke... slim gile.. parut bersalin pon x de... ape rahsia..

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Post time 9-4-2012 06:08 PM | Show all posts
x mcm angelina jolie sgt la...lebih mirip Cher adalah...Liv Tyler pon ada iras sikit...pada mata i la..

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Post time 9-4-2012 06:50 PM | Show all posts
Si Nadya ni... otak dia mereng sket...
Sekali nampak dia muncul dalam Oprah Winfrey Show... cakap pun dah cam mental tak betol

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Post time 9-4-2012 07:44 PM | Show all posts
pada nama ajer...
leylapple Post at 9-4-2012 17:41

   dia ni arab kristian.
kat negara arab nama muslim dan kristian lebih kurang ..

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Post time 9-4-2012 07:45 PM | Show all posts
meriah ngan anak2 tp perangai nan hado pulak!

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Post time 9-4-2012 08:54 PM | Show all posts
she did it for money...

baideway, muka octomum ni dah plastik ke? lain je dari mengandung tu

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