Post Last Edit by abgsedapmalam at 8-5-2012 14:22
Indian cuisine through the eyes of a foreigner
Travelling on Indian soil, you will sooner or later (depending on how much time you can spend without food), will face the local cuisine. Poumnichat hurry and say that, in principle, a single Indian cuisine as such does not exist. Due to different climatic conditions and a large assortment of religions in the cooking of the Indian people there are significant differences. Indian Muslims do not eat pork, Hindus, many Indians are vegetarians and none convinced the Indians do not eat beef. Presented a number of meat lamb, goat, buyvolyatinoy, poultry and seafood and all kinds of freshwater fish. The only common features of all Indian cuisines is the absence of any cutlery (except rake in the form of your hands), and the love of fragrant spices.

The most famous Indian spice, of course, is the curry, in this mixture on the basis of turmeric is still a lot of other components, which can vary from region to region, the dosage is not well regulated and done "to taste", which comes with experience, or do not come. By the way, should not be confused with a curried dishes eponymous family, which still added to the curry. So you can safely order a curry, Chicken curry, fish curry, plus all sorts of variations on the pattern, "Curry * any * word."
Perhaps many have heard the expression "Indian tea", but few know that the real Indian tea prepared with milk. Not to be confused with English tea, which is obtained by adding the milk into the cup after brewing. If the restaurant you order tea, you will most likely bring it to you Milk ty, rather than the usual tea, so if for some reason you do not want to eat the lactose, it is better to articulate to say "I want black ty." Well-established recipe for milk tea does not exist, there are only a set of obligatory ingredients - a milk and tea, so every restaurant and Indian housewives exclusive drink. To one of the subspecies of the milk tea is tea masala (a spice mix is ​​also called masala), which is produced by brewing tea with a different set of spices and herbs. Masala ty is very nutritious, it can easily spend a whole day, that many Indians have proved successful. Tea in any region of India is worth a penny, the maximum price at which we had to buy a cup of tea, was 10 rupees (20 U.S. cents), usually the same price - Rs 5.  A. This Indian tea looks so
 Two. In some restaurants you can see how tea is prepared, as the kitchen is right in the dining room
 Three. Indian cooking is quite varied and different depending on the region. On this photography sealed the restaurant's menu in the city of Cochin (Kerala)
 4. Now on to the rice. Of course, we can say that rice is one of the most important and popular dishes in Indian cuisine, it is as if, yes, but no. First, we need to distinguish between the target audience of restaurant (the locals or tourists who are not so willing to eat the rice), and, secondly, to consider the place of dislocation restaurant (state, city, district, in the coastal cities in Figure pushing seafood). In many regions of active resistance to the rice flour products have, which are represented by different cakes, pancakes and bread. For example, in New Delhi is very popular paneer masala dosa, the Russian language is loosely translated as pancake with herbs and cheese, it is recommended to use. It is also worth considering that in the times of the day preparing different meals: dinner, lunch, breakfast, a surprise, huh? If you are accustomed to eat at their local time, the first time, you may not have time for breakfast or lunch before coming, so you have to learn the standard menu, which does not depend on time of day: pancakes with various fillings.
 Five. Typically, rice is a main dish and is served in its pure form, but will be much tastier if you order a variety of additives: spices, chicken, fish, etc.
 6. Often rice is prepared immediately with vegetables, eggs and meat, this dish is a bit expensive, but, as you know, for an individual approach should be to pay extra.
 7. Indians stretch a meal for 10-20 minutes, coupled with the huge number of enzymes that are found in spices, have been shown to metabolize and stable operation of the Indian of the gastrointestinal tract. In small restaurants or cafeterias you'll be limited in the choice, this is usually pre-cooked rice and various spices, which are poured into bowls, then combine them to your liking. As in many small plates restaurants use palm leaves, a very practical idea, by the way, and no problems with the environment again.
 Eight. It happens, then you come to the restaurant, take place, waiting for the menu, wait, go to the toilet, waiting, and instead bring you a menu of ready-made portion of rice with various additives.
 9. Here's a restaurant in Kollam (Kerala)
 10. Meet women chefs in the restaurants we were not lucky enough. Here's what a normal Indian restaurant kitchen
 11. The restaurant in the heart of Delhi may, sanitation standards are met and all, but the food and service here were at a high level
 12. Where do without sweets ...
 13. Indian cuisine is red your candy, though, in the Indian sweets their understanding, so do not rush to take all at once, try a little bit. The procedure is usually such that you put on a plate (or, pokladut, depending on the region), all that is available, use all optional, we can confine ourselves to any one item for which you in the end, and pay. For the first experience we recommend starting with puri, probably the most neutral of Indian sweets. Puri - these are areas of the dough that are fried in butter and then served with achar or honey. On the one hand, like anything special, fried dough with honey, even a mauvais ton. On the other hand, is really nothing unusual. Puri with achar much more interesting and highly unusual. Achar sauce - a blend of mango jam or pineapple, salt, and a horse dose of hot pepper! The taste of this dish is best characterized by a mystery "and the like, and prickly."
 14. Very cheap and extremely you can dine right on the street, in New Delhi a lot of places to fry, cook and sell food in two steps from the pavement.

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