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Hubble: 22 Years In Orbit (22 photos)
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April 24, 2012 was exactly 22 years since the launch telescope "Hubble" to orbit the Earth. After the heroic overcoming all the problems faced by astronomers (because of the negligence of the contractors 'Hubble' was produced with significant optical defects), and a few upgrades of equipment, "Hubble" acquired the status of a truly legendary telescope. And now, 22 years later, "Hubble" continues to be at the forefront of science. Features allow the telescope to explore distant galaxies and quasars, the processes of birth and death of stars, extrasolar planets and explore the ancient globular clusters. Noting that date, we have prepared a selection of 22 pictures of deep space objects obtained at different times using the "Hubble."  Tarantula Nebula. Tarantula (or region of 30 Doradus) - the vast region of star formation in our galactic neighborhood. The nebula is located at a distance of 170,000 light-years from Earth in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy, the Milky Way. Tarantula nebula is so large that if it were from us at a distance of the Orion Nebula, it would equal the size of 60 full moons, and shone brightly enough to cast a clear shadow on the Earth. This photograph - one of the largest mosaic ever obtained with a telescope "Hubble". In addition, the superimposed photo image nebulae, obtained with a 2.2-meter telescope of the MPG / ESO La Silla Observatory. This is to identify areas of glowing hydrogen gas and oxygen. This image has been published on the day of the celebration of 22 anniversary of the "Hubble" in Earth orbit. Photo: NASA, ESA, ESO, D. Lennon and E. Sabbi (ESA / STScI), J. Anderson, SE de Mink, R. van der Marel, T. Sohn, and N. Walborn (STScI), N. Bastian (Excellence Cluster, Munich), L. Bedin (INAF, Padua), E. Bressert (ESO), P. Crowther (Sheffield), A. de ****r (Amsterdam), C. Evans (UKATC / STFC, Edinburgh), A. Herrero (IAC, Tenerife), N. Langer (AifA, Bonn), I. Platais (JHU), H. Sana (Amsterdam)
 The central region of the Lagoon Nebula, also known as M8. The fine structure of the nebula is formed by the strong radiation of young stars, which interacts with the surrounding hydrogen cloud. Externally, the interstellar clouds is really reminiscent of waves crashing on the cosmic lagoon. Photo: NASA, ESA
 Globular cluster M9. Not far from the center of our galaxy at a distance of 25,000 light years from Earth is the 9-th object from the catalog of French astronomer Charles Messier. The structure of this cluster is about 250,000 stars, each of which is approximately twice as old as the Sun. Globular clusters - one of the oldest formations of the Milky Way, appeared at a time when the universe was not enough of the chemical elements heavier than helium. Therefore, the probability of finding rocky planets like Earth around stars in the cluster is very small. Photo: NASA, ESA
 Antennae Galaxy. Antennas - one of the closest pair of colliding galaxies. The two spiral galaxies started to interact a few hundred million years ago. Their shapes distorted by the forces of gravity, the dust and gas collided and created the most powerful star-forming regions. As a result of collisions in galaxies billions of new stars are born. Two large yellow spots on the picture - the nuclei of galaxies, consisting of old and cool stars like the Sun. Pink spots - giant interstellar clouds of gas, mixed with dark dust. Among them are seen everywhere dazzling bluish-white specks. This is - superskopleniya young, just born stars, consisting of tens of thousands of blue giants. Snapshot Antennas received the "Hubble" - the sharpest image pair of colliding galaxies to date. Photo: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI / AURA) -ESA/Hubble Collaboration
 Fireworks of star formation in Orion. Orion Nebula - a place near to the earth of star formation. On the example of a close relative to the nebula (up to her 1500 light years), astronomers can study in detail the processes of nucleation, the formation and early evolution of new star systems. To the left center of the image we see a remarkable object - a very young star, still wrapped in a pink gas-dust cocoons. Perhaps, now inside the cocoon, the planetary system formed stars. 5 billion years ago Earth is inside the same cocoon. Please note that the star in opposite directions as if they beat two jets of matter. This shock waves in the nebula gas emissions generated by an active young star. On the sizes of the jet is many times larger than the solar system, but after the process of burning the hydrogen in the core stabilizing, this cosmic fireworks will dissolve within a few thousand years. Photo: ESA / Hubble & NASA
 Radio galaxy Centaurus central region A. This is an image obtained from a series of photographs made by the "Hubble" in optics, as well as in the ultraviolet and near-infrared spectrum. Dense clouds of dust crossing the galaxy and blocking the light beyond the stars they create quite a fantastic picture. This photo - best known for today image of the galaxy. Photo: NASA, ESA, Hubble Heritage (STScI / AURA), R. O'Connell (University of Virginia), WFC3 Scientific Oversight Committee
 NGC 2818 - a unique planetary nebula, located inside the open star cluster NGC 2818A. Planetary nebula - is the final stage of the evolution of relatively small stars with masses less than 8 solar masses. After passing through a stage of red giant stars such supernovae do not explode, but gradually shed their outer shell into space, which forms the nebula. Usually, the age of evolved star is billions of years, while the open clusters are destroyed hundreds of millions of years. It turns out that the cluster NGC 2818A is much older than their "cousins". And the cluster and the nebula are separated from us at a distance of 10,000 light-years. You can find them in the southern constellation of the Compass. Photo: NASA, ESA and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI / AURA)
 Probably the most famous picture, "Hubble" - the famous image of "pillars of creation" Eagle in the nebula. The image was taken in visible light using filters SII / Hα and OIII. The highest column on the left has a height comparable to the distance from the Sun to the nearest star - 4 light-years. On top of it are very dense gas and dust clouds, through which the light breaks newborn stars. The picture was obtained in 1995. Photo: NASA / ESA / STScI / ASU
 In the center of a grand cluster of galaxies. The giant elliptical galaxy on the right image is the core of the cluster of galaxies in the constellation Coma Berenices. NGC 4874 - the so-called the galaxy - is 10 times greater than our own, and contains about 30,000 globular clusters - more than any other known galaxy in the universe. Around the galaxy, revolving in its gravitational field, like spiral galaxies less dance. In this picture, "Hubble" shows only a small part of a huge cluster. Photo: ESA / Hubble & NASA
 Keyhole Nebula - a region of great Carina Nebula. In this photograph clearly visible hot glowing gas and dark and cold molecular clouds, mixed with dust. On the left is also visible at the top of a well-delineated dense gas-dust structure formed by the stellar wind of a giant star, who missed the shot, but whose blue light illuminates the clouds at the top of the picture. Photo: NASA, Hubble Heritage Team |
clouds at the top of the picture. Photo: NASA, Hubble Heritage Team
 In small telescopes galaxy NGC 3077 looks like a normal elliptical galaxy. However, this snapshot of "Hubble" reveals startling details in its structure. It appears, in fact, NGC 3077 is a hotbed of vigorous star formation is: the entire galaxy is permeated with dust "mustache." NGC 3077 is located 13 million light-years from Earth. For the first time the galaxy was spotted by William Herschel in 1801, when the famous astronomer was completing its reviews of the sky with 47-centimeter telescope. NGC 3077 is located in the constellation Ursa Major, and forms a triplet with two bright nearby galaxies, graceful spiral M81 and "exploding" galaxy M82. Photo: ESA / Hubble & NASA
 Globular cluster M54 - the first globular cluster, open beyond the Milky Way. M54 was found in 1778 by Charles Messier. For a long time it was considered normal globular clusters in our galaxy in which there are more than fifteen hundred. But recent studies show that M54 belongs to the Sagittarius dwarf elliptical galaxy, which is a satellite of the Milky Way. M54 is located at a distance of 90,000 light years from Earth. Photo: ESA / Hubble & NASA
 Eskimo Nebula. In 1787, astronomer William Herschel discovered the Eskimo Nebula, which looks like a human head surrounded by hooded jackets Park. In 2000, the space telescope "Hubble" got this great shot, which is visible fine and complicated structure of the gaseous nebula. The outer nebula apparently formed about 10,000 years ago, when the dying star at the center dropped its outer layers. Internal filamentary component, apparently there was not so long ago because of the strong wind of particles blowing from the star. Unusual orange filaments in the outer regions of the nebula has a length of about one light year. Photo: NASA / Andrew Fruchter (STScI)
 The beautiful spiral galaxy NGC 5584 in the constellation Virgo. In this photo "Hubble" see some of the brightest stars of the galaxy, some of which are from time to time alter its luster variable stars - Cepheids. Exploring the Cepheids in different galaxies, astronomers can measure the rate of expansion of the universe. Photo: NASA, ESA, A. Riess (STScI / JHU), L. Macri (Texas A & M University), Hubble Heritage Team (STScI / AURA)
 An unusual celestial spiral. One of the most perfect geometric forms created by nature, is a rare case, as recorded by astronomers - the first stage of formation of planetary nebulae. IRAS 23166 1655 surrounds the variable star LL Pegasi, which is completely hidden behind a thick layer of dust. The spiral structure of the nebula reflects the periodicity of the jet of gas of the central star. The material forming the spiral is moving away from the star at a speed of 50,000 km / h, knowing the speed and the distance between the layers, the researchers calculated that the coils were ejected with a period of 800 years. Probably, the shape of the nebula reflects the fact that the star LL Pegasi - a double. The period of revolution around the smaller star LL Pegasi is just about 800 years. Photo: ESA / NASA & R. Sahai
 The young open cluster IC 1590 in Pacman Nebula. Named after the famous hero of the arcade game, Pacman Nebula, in fact, resembles a Bun with a huge hungry mouth. Part of this cavity formed by the dust, occupies the lower part of the picture. The accumulation of IC 1590, apparently born within the nebula, but it is so young that have not yet had time to leave. Photo: ESA / Hubble & NASA
 Galaxy NGC 1345 and its fuzzy spiral arms. Galaxy NGC 1345 is located in the constellation Eridanus at 85 million light-years from Earth. Along with 70 other galaxies, it is a cluster of galaxies, Eridanus, but other members of this cluster at this picture were not included. Small spiral around NGC 1345, are also galaxies, but they are much further than this wonderful facility in the southern sky. Photo: ESA / Hubble & NASA
 Spiral Galaxy NGC 6503. Reddish glow of gas clouds shows intense star formation processes, the current inside the star system. Galaxy NGC 6503 is located in the constellation Draco, at a distance of 17 million light-years. It is located on the edge of the Local Bubble, an area of ​​almost empty space between the galaxies of Coma Berenices cluster, cluster in Hercules, and our Local Group of galaxies, which includes the Milky Way. Bubble Size up according to various estimates from 30 to 150 million light-years across. Photo: ESA / Hubble and NASA
 The Orion Nebula. This photo "Hubble" is one of the best pearls of the night sky images. A huge cloud of glowing hydrogen, you can easily find the naked eye on winter evenings in that part of the constellation of Orion, where the ancient maps depicting the sword hunter. But the best photographs of the nebula shows many parts: a thin fibrous structure, dust conglomerates, globules and jets. In the picture you can also see over 3,000 stars associated with nebulosity. Many of them did not see in visible light, but in this composite image, obtained by including with the use of infrared images, it was noticeable. A lot of faint red stars at the bottom of the picture - young brown dwarfs, objects with intermediate mass between planets and stars. Photo: NASA, ESA, M. Robberto (STScl / ESA), HST Orion Treasury Project Team
 Ultradeep field "Hubble." To get this shot, it took more than 800 exhibits, two per turn the telescope around the Earth. 400 turns, one million seconds of peering into a tiny portion of the celestial sphere. The total exposure was 11.3 days. As a result, the picture was manifested about 10,000 galaxies, most of which have weak 30th magnitude. Some of these galaxies are from us at a distance of more than 12 billion light years. In the picture we see them in an era when the universe was very young. Ultradeep field "Hubble" includes only one 13 millionth of the sky. To photograph the entire sky with such clarity and depth, the telescope would require a million years of continuous operation. Photo: NASA, ESA, S. Beckwith (STScl), HUDF Team |
liptop slow cam siput vavis jer.... pic lembab ya amat nak kuar |
cantik gilos alam semesta... masih banyak misteri tak terungkai kat universe nie ... (komen berdasarkan kepada 2-3 pic yang nampak separa jer... yang lain tak kuar kuar lagi .... ) |
mengingatkan aku pada mata kita
duduk depan cermin, rapat2, suluh anak mata, tengok dalam mata. |
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