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sakit di celah peha

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Post time 14-6-2012 12:03 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Saya sekarang tgh mengandung anak ketiga dan kandungan nak masuk 4 bulan. Sekarang ni saya selalu sakit2 celah peha...contoh kalau kita angkat kaki sebelah semasa nk ambil air smayang...mmg terasa...masa berjalan...kadang2 terasa juga...cuma sakit tu x de la kuat sgt.. Semasa mengandung anak pertama dan kedua mmg ada sakit jugak celah peha...tapi itu bila kandungan dah cecah 8-9 bulan...kali ni kandungan baru nk masuk 4 bulan dah rasa sakit celah peha...normal ke? ada sesapa yg penah alami mcm saya x?

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Post time 14-6-2012 12:37 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1# eauclaire

selalu eda dgr sakit celah paha ni bila perut dh besar..
orang cakap baby dah turun.. eda masa anak 2nd pon kena time 8mths gitu...
awal2 ni x sure la napa... susu ada minum x? ke ganti ngan kalsium ke...
if sume cukup better g jumpa doc yg selalu wat regular cek up la...
doc lebih arif....

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 Author| Post time 14-6-2012 12:44 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2# waneeda1904

tu la...selalunya yg sakit celah peha ni bila kandungan dah besar...tu yg pelik kali ni 4 bulan dah start sakit celah peha...tapi bila waneeda cakap pasal susu...hehe...mmg pregnant kali ni agak malas minum susu...kalo minum waktu pagi2...rasa nk muntah...kalo minum waktu mlm2 pun rasa nk muntah...tu yg asyik culas je minum susu ni...dan sy plak bile doc tanya minum susu ke x...saya jawab minum...hehe...takut kene marah...jadi doc x bg la kalsium...hhmm...mungkin jugak kan sbb kurang minum susu...x pe la...check up minggu depan sy tanya la doc...kene terus terang la jarang minum susu...kene marah pun hadap je la...

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Post time 14-6-2012 12:51 PM | Show all posts
Reply  waneeda1904

tu la...selalunya yg sakit celah peha ni bila kandungan dah besar...tu yg pel ...
eauclaire Post at 14-6-2012 12:44 PM

mungkin x cukup kalsium pun 1 sebab gak... eda bila gynea tanya xleh tipu.. hubby ada sekali
eda memang xleh minum susu gak... jd eda ganti ngan kalsium... x suka pon telan jek..
now rajin telan psl sakit tulang bontot malam2... lain2 xde masalah...
siang hari xde sakit plak... cergas manjang...

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 Author| Post time 14-6-2012 12:56 PM | Show all posts
Reply 4# waneeda1904

tu la...mungkin jugak sbb kurang kalsium...pas ni mmg kene terus terang ngan doc...hehe...tq eda...

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Post time 16-6-2012 08:39 PM | Show all posts
mungkin byk duduk kot.. tapak kaki besar x?

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Post time 16-6-2012 11:20 PM | Show all posts
Panaskan tunku,tuam kt tempat sakit atau lenguh jek....
Ai aritu,bertunku dalam seminggu,sakit tue ilang sendiri..

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Post time 21-6-2012 10:09 AM | Show all posts
mgkn disebbkn varicose vein during pregnancy..ada nampk urat timbul tak di betis?klu ada then betul lah doktor mmg tak de medication utk varicose vein nie.lps bersalin mmg hlg sendiri

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 Author| Post time 21-6-2012 11:25 AM | Show all posts
Reply 6# rosseamanda

tapak kaki x de la besar...sbb sy ni kurus je bnyk duduk tu...mungkin jugak...kat opis mmg duduk je...bangun pun nk ke tandas, makan, smayang...

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 Author| Post time 21-6-2012 11:28 AM | Show all posts
Reply 7# miesah

x penah plak cuba tuam kt situ...u pun dulu sakit kat celah peha/kelangkang ke? atau kat sekitar peha?

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 Author| Post time 21-6-2012 11:31 AM | Show all posts
Reply 8# wiecyg check..x de plak urut timbul kat betis...varicose vein ni mcm mana sebenarnya?

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Post time 21-6-2012 11:38 AM | Show all posts
hmm bhs kampung dia urat tue mmg biasa bg org pregnant.better check dgn doktor.cuma klu btol varicose vein next time awk prengnant akn lg skt

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 Author| Post time 21-6-2012 11:49 AM | Show all posts
Reply 12# wiecyg

ooo urat simpul...sblm saya pregnant...saya ada mengurut satu badan...masa urut tu...tukang urut tu ada cakap urat celah kangkang saya mcm bersimpul...pas tu die dah urutkan la...hhmm...maybe pregnant ni..kene balik kot...esok sy g check up...insyaAllah nnt sy akan tanya kpd doktor...tq wiecyg...

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Post time 21-6-2012 11:55 AM | Show all posts thing faktor awk slalue duduk mmg kemungkinan tue tinggi

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 Author| Post time 21-6-2012 12:05 PM | Show all posts
Reply 14# wiecyg

ye...betul jugak...sbb bila duduk lama...lepas tu nk berdiri...waa...mmg terasa...

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Post time 21-6-2012 01:20 PM | Show all posts
Reply 10# eauclaire

Aritu sakit kat peha,lenguh....smp tahap cam tak boleh jalan...
So,try je tuam kat peha,sekitar2 tue...
Pastu cam sakit tue ilang tiba2 jek....

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 Author| Post time 21-6-2012 02:30 PM | Show all posts
Reply 16# miesah

ooo...saya bukan sakit kat celah peha/kelangkang dekat kawasan miss V kita...ala...kalo mengandung...bila dah 8-9 bulan tu...bila kepala baby dah menekan ke bawah kan terasa sakit kat celah kelangkang kite... sakit mcm tu la rasanya...cuma skang ni saya baru mengandung 4 bulan dah terasa mcm tu...

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Post time 22-9-2013 10:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eauclaire posted on 21-6-2012 02:30 PM
Reply 16# miesah

Sy pon rasa sakit mcm awk.. Sejak kandungan masuk 5 bulan.. Nape yer ?

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Post time 24-9-2013 03:54 PM | Show all posts
eh same la msalah kite..
tp missy da mmg tggu hari..dah 9 bln ni..
sakit sgt bila pagi2 nak masuk bilik air n nak start berjalan.. bila da jalan die cm ansur2 pulih..
pagi2 tu je x tahannn...sakit sgt celah kangkang tuu..

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Post time 3-12-2013 06:00 PM | Show all posts
most probably sbb ni: Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD) (also known as Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP)

What is Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD)
The two halves of your pelvis are connected at the front by a stiff joint called the symphysis pubis and strengthened by a dense network of ligaments. Normally, very little movement occurs. However, when pregnant, a hormone called relaxin is released , which softens the ligaments in your pelvis. As a result, these joints move more during and just after pregnancy.

Causes still unsure but current thinking indicates that if one side of the pelvis moves more than the other when you walk or move your legs, this can lead to pain and inflammation at the symphysis pubis. Many women with SPD experience significant pain without any great separation of the joint -- the amount of pain isn't related to the degree of separation.

When does it happen?
SPD normally happens from the second trimester of pregnancy onwards, but can occur at any stage in any pregnancy, even if you've never suffered before. Many women notice their symptoms for the first time around the middle of their pregnancy. If you experience SPD in one pregnancy, it is more likely that it will reoccur in your next pregnancy. The symptoms may also come on earlier and progress faster, so it is important to seek help as early as possible. It can help if you allow the symptoms from one pregnancy to settle before trying to conceive another child.

What are the symptoms?
Pain in the pubic area and groin are the most common symptoms. Also pain in the inside of your thighs and sometimes in your lower back and hips or hip pain. It is common to feel a grinding or clicking in your pubic area and the pain may travel down the inside of the thighs or between your legs. The pain is usually made worse by separating your legs, walking, going up or down stairs or moving around in bed. It is often much worse at night and can stop you getting much sleep. Getting up to go to the toilet in the middle of the night can be especially painful. Sometimes there can be a clicking during hip movement felt or even heard. A tendency to shuffle along or waddle may develop as women try to distribute their weight evenly.

Treating SPD

• The best person to treat SPD is an obstetric physiotherapist

• The physiotherapist can give you a pelvic support garment to wear such as a belt or Tubigrip bandage, and crutches if walking is difficult. You'll also be given gentle exercises to help strengthen the muscles supporting the joint and general advice about posture and activities to avoid.

• Your doctor can prescribe safe painkillers to take in pregnancy, usually paracetamol.

• The most effective alternative therapies, according to the British SPD Support Group, include chiropractic and osteopathy which help to relieve joint pain.

• In most cases you'll be fully recovered in six months after giving birth, but if the pain continues, surgery to fix the joints together may be considered.

Self-help tips
• Avoid pushing through any pain. If something hurts, if possible don't do it. If this type of pain is allowed to flare up, it can take a long time to settle back down again.

• Move little and often. You may not feel the effects of what you are doing until later in the day or after you have gone to bed.

• Rest regularly by sitting reasonably upright with your back well supported.

• Avoid heavy lifting or pushing (supermarket trolleys can be particularly painful).

• When dressing, sit down to put on clothing such as your knickers or trousers. Pull the clothing over your feet and then stand up to pull them up. Don't try to put your legs into trousers, skirts or knickers whilst standing up.

• When climbing stairs, go up them one step at a time. Step up onto one step with your best leg and then bring your other leg to meet it. Repeat with each step.

• Avoid separating your legs and making straddling movements. Getting into a car by sitting on the seat first, and then lifting your legs inside. Reverse this procedure for getting out.If you need to separate your legs, do so slowly and carefully and keep your back arched.

• Avoid swimming breaststroke if you can and take care with other strokes. Swimming can often feel like it is helping whilst you are in the water but cause an increase in pain when you get out.

• Always having the knees together firmly when turning over in bed.

• Rest as much as possible. Take the body’s weight off the pelvis when you can. Try to have some daily bed rest.

• Where possible, sit down to do daily tasks like food preparation.

• Try to avoid twisting the upper body. Think ahead, turn and face the thing you are doing.

• Avoid straddling positions e.g. sit on a bidet as you would on a toilet.

• Avoid sudden jerky movements.

• Performing regular pelvic floor exercises (also called Kegel exercises) and lower abdominal exercises can help to reduce the strain of the pregnancy on your pelvis.

To perform a safe and easy lower abdominal exercise, get down onto your hands and knees and level your back so that it is roughly flat. Breathe in and then as you breathe out, perform a pelvic floor exercise and at the same time pull your belly button in and up. Hold this contraction for 5-10 seconds without holding your breath and without moving your back. Relax the muscles slowly at the end of the exercise.

How will it affect my labour?
• Make sure anyone attending you is aware that you have SPD. Your midwife should measure how far you can comfortably widen your legs at the onset of labour and ensure that you don't exceed this.

• If you have an epidural or spinal block injection, it's particularly important to ensure you don't exceed the comfortable gap as you won't be able to feel any damage you do.

• In very severe cases, an elective caesarean may be considered.

• Make sure you're in a comfortable position before any internal examinations are performed.

• Experiment with different positions for giving birth - kneeling on all fours, Lying on your side with the upper leg supported by someone, kneeling position with your torso fairly upright over several pillows, beanbags or such.

• Squatting positions are best avoided, and the lithotomy position (the on your back, knees bent and raised above the hips, thighs apart position often involving stirrups) can exacerbate pelvic pain. It is known to, among other things, put pressure on the coccyx, and is thought to be a potential cause of pelvic pain that presents itself postnatally. There are similar issues regarding the use of stirrups if any post partum stitching is required.

• Assisted delivery. You could specify a ventouse delivery (uses a suction cap on the baby’s head) instead of forceps, as this can be performed laterally.

• Some women feel that they cannot face the idea of adding to their pelvic pain by having a vaginal birth, and wish to opt for a caesarean. This should be very carefully discussed with health care professionals, as it is a major operation with its own drawbacks and issues.

The condition of SPD does no harm to the baby itself. It is purely a matter of the mother’s pelvic pain.

How soon will I recover from my SPD symptoms after the birth?
A recent study showed that around 60% of women with SPD still experienced some symptoms after delivery. Most women find that their symptoms improve after the birth of their baby although a small percentage still have pain when their babies are a year old. You should continue with physiotherapy after the birth and get help with looking after your baby during the early weeks if you can. Some ex-sufferers find they experience pain every month just before their period is due, which is caused by hormones which have a similar effect to the pregnancy hormone relaxin.

Can I avoid it happening again?
Unfortunately, there's no way of predicting whether you'll suffer in subsequent pregnancies, and if you do whether it'll be more or less severe than your first experience of SPD. However, if you have experienced it in one pregnancy, be aware of any signs of pain from the start of a subsequent pregnancy and see your midwife. Being referred to a physiotherapist early on and receiving treatment can help to reduce the pain as much as possible. "However, it's best to avoid a subsequent pregnancy until your baby is walking independently, as lifting your child will be especially difficult if you suffer SPD again.

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