A report from the Indian town of Khajuraho, famous for their erotic sculpture. Children under 18 and people with unstable mentality to view is not recommended.
2. Appearance of the temple Kandarya-Mahadeva. Worldwide "Khajuraho" is primarily associated with erotic sculptures. It is still not known why the ancient architects topic of sex is paid attention. According to one version, while the topic is unusual, free from any kind of taboo. On the other elements in the design of churches illustrated erotic practice as an alternative way to achieve liberation. On the third, frivolous image served as a kind of textbook "a la Kama Sutra" for future generations ...
3. The true reason we do not know. Be that as it may, on the facades of temples built of sandstone and granite, have survived artfully carved reliefs depicting various scenes of sexual and near-sexual.
4. Ancient feminine charms in the rays of the setting sun. Two ladies standing on the sides of a couple, embarrassing cover palm faces (not just individuals).
5. Time has not been kind to the creation of the ancient masters, and most of the fragments irretrievably lost. It is unlikely that this sculpture was originally a face ... maybe it scared at the crucial moment?
6. All the buildings date back to the IX-XI centuries. Originally the town of Khajuraho was the capital of the Chandela dynasty, but after the XIII century, mentioning it does not occur. City disappeared from human memory until mid XIX century, when a British engineer stumbled in impassable jungle in these funny pictures. Imagine his surprise, Who so builds?
7. The city was restored, cleaned of peelings and other vegetable vines stuff, and in 1986 made ​​a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. His only visitors today - happy tourists and are now concerned about the Chipmunks. By the way, we did not even notice, because he embraced organic sculpture greedy paws.
8. Bas - is a erotic pantheon, servants, domestic animals and some obscure delights, whose outlines ate time. Characteristically, all someone eating each other selflessly love.
9. A ...
10. Even bigger! .. Get closer would not let me chaste optics.
11. Loving couple and a passing plumber with plunger on his shoulder. I wonder what this little busty create biting him just above the knee?
12. Brutal ancient architects! As, perhaps, hard to walk with the size of the charms ... Thread beads disclosed.
13. Wow, I naively believed that aides in this case is not needed.
14. Here vandals profited legs, not daring to touch what was involved in the process.
15. Only a couple of privacy, as someone close again ashamed ...
16. The only couple not to betray the general debauchery, immediately attracts attention, and their posture seems unnatural.
17. I wonder what this man is busy? I mean, his left hand ...
18. Lakshmana temple from the bottom point. Every inch of going into business. An amazing mix of depravity and chastity.
19. Then you can go for a long time, considering the sculpture slowly, like a "Garden of Earthly Delights" Bosch.
20. I am glad that everything in business.
21. Nice to know that the ancients were entertainers!
22. More sheets, more! Here, they say, were mixed in a bunch of people, horses, elephants, The Headless Horseman, men with lampposts and even the little pigs, if the vision let me down. Someone fell in behind the horse ...
23. ... And some to the elephant. Sculptures clearly flattered someone (sculpture paid for, yeah).
24. "I am ashamed, but I'm next." Third from the left figure represents either chastity or simply pretend that nothing is happening.
25. Ancient bas-relief group. Here too all. Behind a couple more elephants ... What horror!
26. To brighten up a little impression of art, here are some general plans for the southern part of the complex. Early in the morning. January in India - while the dense, thick fog.
27. If we ignore the near temples, they have quite a innocent look.
28. The main thing is not to take close-ups.
29. Otherwise, again a hint of tin!
30. I look at that last picture and remember the anecdote: "Doctor, where did you get these pictures? .."