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Jom buat duit online !!!

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Post time 28-3-2013 08:23 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
aq tau kat sini rmai yg da tau psl PTC(paid-to-click) ni
aq cume nk invite kpd sesape yg still x tau care nk buat duit gune PTC
bnde ni senang je x smpai 1 jam pon,, cume men klik2 je duit masyukkk

Apa yang perlu korang lakukan?

korang kne register dlu gune link kat bwah ni pstu bile siap register korang cari "View Ads". Pstu nnti korang nmpak iklan yg diberi utk korang klik.

korang akn dpt USD $ 0.001 - USD $ 0.04 stiap kali tgk iklan. SIKIT JE? Cmne plak ade 10 iklan utk di-klik x byk gile account PTC x klik tiap2 hari? byk wooo,,mule2 kite rse mmg la mcm skit dan x berbaloi tp bile da cashout tu fuhhh puas ati beb..

tak smpai 1 jam pon kerje sng men klik2 !!

PTCCashout minimum (USD)Register Link
TheBux$ 3$$$$$
ClickFair$ 1$$$$$
ProBux$ 5$$$$$
CashnHits$ 0.60$$$$$
OptickBux$ 5$$$$$
PinoyIncomeBux$ 2$$$$$
StabilityBux$ 0.50$$$$$
NeoBux$ 2$$$$$
InaBux$ 2$$$$$
CeoBux$ 2$$$$$
TheGoldMineBux$ 2$$$$$
KanBux$ 5$$$$$
OfferNation$ 1$$$$$

korang cashout sent kat paypal, sesape yg x de paypal buat SINI.

ni 1st payment yg aq dpt dr CashnHits

Sikit? haha mmg la sbb aq pon baru je join men klik2 sume ni,,cashnhits ni best skit sbb low cashout dgn byk bnde bole wat utk dpt income,,klu sites PTC lain byk yg view ads je utk dpt income,,tp dkt cashnhits ni bole dpt bile view ads, like fb, wacth video, promote link, and klu nk tido bukak auto surf,,tu yg best pkai cashnhits ni

CAREFUL at TheGoldMineBux !!! kat VIEW ADS, kat situ ade satu CHEAT LINK,,klau korang tekan link tu acc balance korang akn jadik telor ayam,,link tu remove duit yg ade kt acc,,aq da 2 kali terkene puihhh,,kat sni dy bayar x de la tggi tp byk ads yg bole klik,,sehari bole dpt dlm $0.20,,tu yg aq rse mcm syg plak nk bla dr situ undefined

kt atas ni byk sites PTC and aq join sume skali,,tp aq x pakse korang join sume skali sbb ade yg cashout tggi,,lame nk kne tggu baru ley cashout,,plih la mane2 sites yg korang minat

tak lame pon cume 1 jam je,,dari korang berFB, gaming, gosip, lebih bek wat duit sket undefined

nnti bile aq dpt payment lg aq post payment proof aq kat sni,,klau korang nak payment proof utk sites PTC lain korang bole tgk kt forum site ptc tu,,kt situ belambak org len post payment proof.



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