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nak belajar cara2 nk sekat web.
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kalo dh ader umah ni,blh x bg tau link kat mana,secara detail..buat2 xjadi,xtau ap prob nyer...nk sekat web kat opiz ni... |
trunks posted on 3-7-2013 06:29 AM 
kalau nak automatic block website porn boleh guna software ini
dia memang akan automatic block sele ...
tq mod..
tp kena admin je kan boleh block...?abz jahanam pc kat opiz ni budak ni donwload tp x reti nk guna...huhuhuh.keje bertambun,men je kuat...
naganigi posted on 3-7-2013 02:31 PM 
tq mod..
tp kena admin je kan boleh block...?abz jahanam pc kat opiz ni budak ni donwload tp x re ...
budak IT tak ada ke sana?
trunks posted on 3-7-2013 06:34 AM 
budak IT tak ada ke sana?
opiz ader 5 org je..
budak it le jaga x reti...
nk block fb dgn youtube ja.
naganigi posted on 3-7-2013 02:35 PM 
opiz ader 5 org je..
budak it le jaga x reti...
cuba buat manual di setiap PC..ikut page dua dan ke tiga saya bagi tadi.
trunks posted on 3-7-2013 06:39 AM 
cuba buat manual di setiap PC..ikut page dua dan ke tiga saya bagi tadi.
ok skejap ye boss...
kena buat pagi2,sblm org masuk opiz.hahaha
trunks posted on 3-7-2013 06:39 AM 
cuba buat manual di setiap PC..ikut page dua dan ke tiga saya bagi tadi.
cm pening je...huhuhuh
naganigi posted on 3-7-2013 02:54 PM 
cm pening je...huhuhuh
try lah your best ;-)
trunks posted on 3-7-2013 07:07 AM 
try lah your best ;-)
huhuh...anyway tqq...
but kalo ado cr lain blh bgtau..huhuhu
saya nak kongsikan 1 software yg senang diguna untuk block web
100% Free Website Blocker, Simple to use, Block Any Website
Download your free website monitoring tool. The Web Blocker can block any site on the Internet with one click of the mouse button.
The internet parental control software can block Facebook, MySpace and any other site on the net. It’s one of the only free internet parental control programs on the web!!
This is what this free internet parental control software looks like when you block facebook. (Click “block facebook” to see picture)
Is your child abusing his or her Internet privileges by watching obscene videos? Are your employees spending too much time on recreational sites? If so The Web Blocker is for you.
Here’s what else The Web Blocker will do for you.
Block any website on the internet on a per-user basis.
Content Filtering (internet filter) blocks millions of websites with one click of the mouse. This makes it easy to block adult content (block Adult Websites).
Use preloaded block lists including gambling, social networking and game-playing sites.
Monitor internet history on a per-user basis.
All new White List allows users to pass specific sites through the filter.

Web Site:
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caner plak kalu nak block 'pembawak hantu' dlm fesbuk yg bernama
bila nak block, hanya hantu je yg kene block 'kenderaan' dia still bawak hantu2
lain semakkan fesbuk member i.
i takreti berfesbuk2 nih... saja sampaikan pesan member. |
bangcak posted on 2-9-2013 08:49 AM 
caner plak kalu nak block 'pembawak hantu' dlm fesbuk yg bernama
cuba taip dalam bahasa malaysia yang betul,aku kurang faham apa masalah ini
dan cuba buat print screen ke apa. ;-)
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