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Apasal banyak orang China sibuk pasal Chin Ping?
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Sebenarnya bumi ini bumi Allah swt, dia yang menciptanya dan dia yang memelihara. Namun bumi malaysia telah diamanahkan kepada bangsa melayu untuk menjaga dan mentadbirnyanya. Setiap bangsa telah diberi negara atau tanah kediamannya sendiri. Hanya beberapa bangsa didunia ini yang tidak ada negara seperti bangsa yahudi. Bangsa yahudi adalah bangsa yang minda mereka sangat jahat. Ideologi kominisme adalah idea karangan karl mark, ia seorang yahudi.
Agama yahudi mengajar: Hanya kaun yahudi sahaja yang layak hidup dengan baik. Bangsa-bangsa lain boleh dilayan seperti haiwan, biarkan semua bangsa lain menjadi huru-hara, kacau bilau dan berbunuh-bunuh.
Oleh itu, kesemua idea, sistem, dan apa sahaja yang datang dari yahudi semuanya membawa akibat buruk kepada bangsa bukan yahudi...samada cepat atau lambat.
by zamkumis
Namun bumi malaysia telah diamanahkan kepada bangsa melayu untuk menjaga dan mentadbirnyanya.
Yakah? Tolong tunjjukan kontrak kamu (bangsa melayu) dgn Allah kamu itu di sini sikit.
Kalau orang Hindu pun berfikir sempit macam bangsa kamu itu, bangsa kamu masih duduk dlm gua dan di atas pokok, pakai daun sbg pakaian dan makan belacan. Mereka tak akan datang ke Malaya dan mengajar nenek moyang bangsa kamu itu macam mana nak hidup macam manusia.
Agama yahudi mengajar: Hanya kaun yahudi sahaja yang layak hidup dengan baik. Bangsa-bangsa lain boleh dilayan seperti haiwan, biarkan semua bangsa lain menjadi huru-hara, kacau bilau dan berbunuh-bunuh.
Setahu aku, hanya orang Islam shj berperangai sedemikian. Saya hidup di atas muka bumi ini lebih 4 dekad dan tak pernah pula mana2 Yahudi melakukan kejahatan ke atas aku. Orang Islam banyak (melakukan kejahatan) adalah.
Last sekali - tolong BACA dan FAHAM tajuk thread - Apasal orang China menyibuk pasal Chin Peng? |
Pity you, hardly anybody is interested in replying your ignorant remark.
Chin Peng, (1924-2013)born Ong Boon Hua in Sitiawan, Perak was a hardcore Maoist Communist and to the families of soldiers killed during the emergency period, he was even a war ciriminal, that is the historical fact and nobody can deny it.
But, did Chin Peng repent ? Yes he did ! Why forgiveness cannot be granted to an oldman who have repented ?
Did we all forgive Japanese for the war crime they had committed during WW2, yes we do ! But why when it comes to Chin Peng, an obvious double standard being practised here ?
What was the contribution of Chin Peng or Parti Komunis Malaya(PKM) as a whole ??? Who took the lead and bravely fought the Japanese during Japanese invasion and occupation from 1941-45 when the British surrendered to the Japanese with tails between the legs ??? It was PKM and that's the undeniable historical fact !
There are many historical facts of the history of Malaya/Malaysia in which BN UMNO don't want the younger generations of Malaysia to know. The reasons ? Racist Malays with concept of Ketuanan Melayu simply don't allow other races to be praised and glorified in the history textbooks of our school children ! Eventhough there were also many Malay PKM leaders like Rashid Maidin and Abdullah CD.....
by wkk5159
But, did Chin Peng repent ? Yes he did ! Why forgiveness cannot be granted to an oldman who have repented ?
Who gives a damn whether he repented or not? Do you think the World revolves around Forgiveness and Repents. If you do, then you are a bigger fool than you imagine. The old man is a war criminal and he should have been brought to Malaysia and tried as a war criminal. But backbone-less Malaysian Government forgot all those people who died defending the country so a few like Najis and Mahathir can sleep well at night and allowed that old man to live free in Thailand. That is why Chinese today (who are mostly Communists as well) are barking that their deceased war-hero is not allowed into the country.
Did we all forgive Japanese for the war crime they had committed during WW2, yes we do ! But why when it comes to Chin Peng, an obvious double standard being practised here ?
Yes you do, because Japanese have given back technology and knowledge to improve the country for over twenty years (through Pandang ke Timur Policy). Therefore, the evil Japanese did during World War II, they have paid for it by helping us back. I say their sins are worth forgiven. But what did this Chin Peng do? Did he ever apologized to the families of men and women he and his Communists had killed? How can anyone seeks forgiveness for another person who himself didn't bother to ask forgiveness when he was alive?
It was PKM and that's the undeniable historical fact !
And who continued to fight the Government after Malaysia become independent in 1948, and Malaysia was formed several years later? The same PKM who refused to accept the formation of the Nation we call Malaysia. That too is undeniable fact.
Racist Malays with concept of Ketuanan Melayu simply don't allow other races to be praised and glorified in the history textbooks of our school children !
This has nothing to do with ketuanan Melayu or praise anyone. Many of the victims of PKM included Chinese who refused to work for PKM, Indian estate workers who worked at rubber and oil palm plantations as well as Malay policemen and civilians. This has nothing to do with praising any specific race.
Eventhough there were also many Malay PKM leaders like Rashid Maidin and Abdullah CD.....
They WILL face judgement of God in afterlife for the crimes they had committed upon the People of this nation. |
Aku kesian dengan korang ni...sampai bilalah korang nak hidup dalam kegelapan. Kalau aku bagi penerangan nanti mesti kamu tolak kesemuanya. So...biarkan lah kamu dengan khayalanmu... |
zamkumis posted on 25-9-2013 05:58 PM
Aku kesian dengan korang ni...sampai bilalah korang nak hidup dalam kegelapan. Kalau aku bagi penera ...
Mengarut. Hidup dlm kegelapan konon. Buktikan dulu bahawa Muhammad itu memang seorang Nabi dan ada tuhan nama Allah dulu sebelum nak menjual agama bangsa Arab kpd orang lain.
Who gives a damn whether he repented or not? Do you think the World revolves around Forgiveness and Repents. If you do, then you are a bigger fool than you imagine. The old man is a war criminal and he should have been brought to Malaysia and tried as a war criminal. But backbone-less Malaysian Government forgot all those people who died defending the country so a few like Najis and Mahathir can sleep well at night and allowed that old man to live free in Thailand. That is why Chinese today (who are mostly Communists as well) are barking that their deceased war-hero is not allowed into the country.~ by Sephiroth
The fundamental difference between a truly God inspired religion and other paganic pseudo-faith is so obvious here, that's why the West can forgive the war crime committed by Nazi German and Imperial Japanese during WW2, one interesting fact to note is that after WW2, German(Christian majority nation) had repented and apologised to her victims in WW2, especially the Jews BUT Japanese never,i said never ever show signs of remorse and even utter a single apology word after WW2, perhaps there is no concept of REPENTANCE in Shintoism and Buddhism, that's why every year when Japan prime minister pay a visit to Yasukuni Shrine(remains of Japanese WW2 criminals are rested here), it will cause widespread anger and objection in mainland China and Korea. Chinese and Korean suffered the most during Japanese invasion in WW2, from indiscriminate massacre to "comfort women"(forced prostitute to entertainthe Japanese soldiers in WW2 !)
Yes you do, because Japanese have given back technology and knowledge to improve the country for over twenty years (through Pandang ke Timur Policy). Therefore, the evil Japanese did during World War II, they have paid for it by helping us back. I say their sins are worth forgiven. But what did this Chin Peng do? Did he ever apologized to the families of men and women he and his Communists had killed? How can anyone seeks forgiveness for another person who himself didn't bother to ask forgiveness when he was alive?~nby Sephiroth
What kind of logics are you portraying here ? Are all Hindus have a extreme mindset and as imbecilic as you ? Is that your logic; "given back technology and knowledge" constitute repentance ? Then PKM who fought with their lives against Japanese during invasion of Malaya from 1941-1945 should garner greater compliment for their sacrifices. Does sacrifice of lives means nothing and unworthy to you ? If it does, that just reinforced that general consensus that Hindu are just as sadist and vile as Islam ! Btw, if you insist on your logic of "given back technology and knowledge" constitute repentance and subsequent acceptance and praise, then you should bow down to China and Korea now as 80% of your IT gadgets are made in China and Taiwan and most likely the smart phone you are using now is Korean made with its components made in China.
And who continued to fight the Government after Malaysia become independent in 1948, and Malaysia was formed several years later? The same PKM who refused to accept the formation of the Nation we call Malaysia. That too is undeniable fact.~ by Sephiroth
Like i said, do you even know how to think logically and humanely like a normal human being with conscience ? My point is that PKM did carry out their national duty by fighting Japanese invasion of Malaya with their lives from 1941-1945. The later conflict between PKM and federation of Malaya was a conflict of political ideology. There is no absolute good and bad in this conflict as both camps suffered casualties just like Cold War between former USSR wth its Eastern European Allies and USA with its Western Allies Nato. Although i personally still favour the democracy over any anti-human right autholitarian idealogy like Communism and in "religion"...Islam !
This has nothing to do with ketuanan Melayu or praise anyone. Many of the victims of PKM included Chinese who refused to work for PKM, Indian estate workers who worked at rubber and oil palm plantations as well as Malay policemen and civilians. This has nothing to do with praising any specific race.~ by Sephiroth
Of course it got everything to do with Ketuanan Melayu ! You must be brain-washed by Malaysian government approved history text-book from juvenile age, right ? Do you even know true history ? Why our history text-book blatantly omit the contributions from other races other than Malays in fighting for independence ?? Do you think Tunku is the only bapa Kemerdekaaan ?
They WILL face judgement of God in afterlife for the crimes they had committed upon the People of this nation.
Judgement definitelly comes from true Abrahamic God and not some paganic god and goddess.
by wkk5159
The fundamental difference between a truly God inspired religion and other paganic pseudo-faith is so obvious here, that's why the West can forgive the war crime committed by Nazi German ...
You really are a stupid ba$tard, ain't you. They (America and the West) will come and rape you and you will bend down spread your a$$ to make it easy for them.
People like you paint America as a great and noble country when the truth is, America is just another thief. You think America fought the Nazis because they are noble? NO, they fought out of fear - Japanese already blasted them in Hawaii and conquered most of the Pacific and the Nazis had conquered most of the Europe and had only Britain to fight against. But America knows that it is a backwater country in 1940s when compared to Germany and the Nazis so do you know WHAT the Americans did? They coaxed Nazi scientists to defect to America and developed weapons for America. The nuclear bomb they created was Nazis product.
So, PLEASE do me a favor and DON'T give me America is such a great country bull$hit here. Got it?
Is that your logic; "given back technology and knowledge" constitute repentance ?
Actually giving back something worldly like technology and knowledge worth better than repentance. You can give all the nonsense you want about sacrifices and repenting but in the end, it is nothing but empty words by a person who is as useless as you are. So compared to the terrorist PKM, the Japanese were 100% better because they actually have technology and knowledge in return.
... then you should bow down to China and Korea now as 80% of your IT gadgets are made in China and Taiwan and most likely the smart phone you are using now is Korean made with its components made in China.
Ahahahaha .... again and again you proving that you really are stupid. Oi bodoh, China and Korea doesn't produce technology, they STEAL technology from the West and duplicate it in their cheap factories. And Korea ... remember the case where Apple went and sue Samsung over the Galaxy phone a few years ago. You so used to using cheap stolen products that you actually think a thief can have ownership of those which he stole.
FYI - if you must know, I use NOKIA phone and most of my equipment is made in and imported from Europe or Japan. Even my games is downloaded directly from Playstation Network (PSN) babe. So please stop assuming you are talking to another cheapskate like yourself. Thank you.
The later conflict between PKM and federation of Malaya was a conflict of political ideology.
PKM fought against Japanese because they swallowed the British bull$hit who stated that British will give Malaya to them (Chinese) so they could make it a republic like they did in Singapore. Matter a fact, the Communists (like you) were daydreaming of creating a perfect sphere which included Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, and mainland China. British used them to fight Japanese and they become sore because British turn and give Malaya independant. To the end, PKM were terrorists because they were fighting Malaysia. THAT IS FACT.
Judgement definitelly comes from true Abrahamic God and not some paganic god and goddess.
Your so-called "true Abrahamic god" is as much bull$hit as the Communist and the Church propaganda is. |
Sephiroth posted on 26-9-2013 10:42 AM
by wkk5159
You really are a stupid ba$tard, ain't you. They (America and the West) will come and rape you and you will bend down spread your a$$ to make it easy for them.
People like you paint America as a great and noble country when the truth is, America is just another thief. You think America fought the Nazis because they are noble? NO, they fought out of fear - Japanese already blasted them in Hawaii and conquered most of the Pacific and the Nazis had conquered most of the Europe and had only Britain to fight against. But America knows that it is a backwater country in 1940s when compared to Germany and the Nazis so do you know WHAT the Americans did? They coaxed Nazi scientists to defect to America and developed weapons for America. The nuclear bomb they created was Nazis product.
So, PLEASE do me a favor and DON'T give me America is such a great country bull$hit here. Got it? ~ BY Retarded Inbred Sephiroth
Who is talking about America here ??? You really are a certified Retarded Inbred Sudroid, aren't you ?
Ever wonder why that dark continent India tops the list as champion of rapists, it's not surprising with comment from a retarded inbred sudroid aka Sephiroth like " They (America and the West) will come and rape you and you will bend down spread your a$$ to make it easy for them. "
Btw, you don't have the bloody right to criticize USA as vile Sudroid Hindu like you can't even tackle your own pathetic and dubious moral dilemma.
Actually giving back something worldly like technology and knowledge worth better than repentance. You can give all the nonsense you want about sacrifices and repenting but in the end, it is nothing but empty words by a person who is as useless as you are. So compared to the terrorist PKM, the Japanese were 100% better because they actually have technology and knowledge in return.~ by Retarded Inbred Sephiroth
Yea, this perfectly sums up what kind of individual this retarded inbred is made of and the values that he upholds.....
Ahahahaha .... again and again you proving that you really are stupid. Oi bodoh, China and Korea doesn't produce technology, they STEAL technology from the West and duplicate it in their cheap factories. And Korea ... remember the case where Apple went and sue Samsung over the Galaxy phone a few years ago. You so used to using cheap stolen products that you actually think a thief can have ownership of those which he stole.
FYI - if you must know, I use NOKIA phone and most of my equipment is made in and imported from Europe or Japan. Even my games is downloaded directly from Playstation Network (PSN) babe. So please stop assuming you are talking to another cheapskate like yourself. Thank you. ~ by Retarded Inbred Sephiroth
Ultimate stupidity really need not be taught, it is obvious that you are synonymous with ignorance and utmost imbecility. Guffaw ! No wonder you are still using Nokia, an Outcast Loser like you really fit a loser company like Nokia, which had been sold to Micosoft fortnight ago ! ... ars-even-exciting/. Nokia which used to be the largest handphone company, had been outcasted by Samsung and Apple because of unwillingness and late initiative in riding smartphone bandwagon. Nokia by the way is a company from Finland and now sold to American whom you loathe the most, Nokia and Microsoft in turn are both from Christians majority nations and they sure don't want anything to do with stinky filthy Sudroid like you !
Hey, retarded Inbred Ignoramus, a simple general knowledge question for you, what is Japanese contribution to invention ??? Don't know ?? Here is the simple answer for you; NONE ! They are only good at enhancing existing technology !
What are Chinese contribution to great inventions ??? A lot ! From Compass to Agriculture Technique to Navigation technique to Printing technique ! ... chinese-inventions/
Btw, who invented USB Drive/Pendrive ??? A Chinese resided in Taiwan from Malaysia by the name of Pua Khien Seng.
Can't stomach the truth that Samsung nowaday are a far more innovative company as compare to Apple ???
By the way, there is no apple for a sore retarded inbred loser like you, only sour Grape !
PKM fought against Japanese because they swallowed the British bull$hit who stated that British will give Malaya to them (Chinese) so they could make it a republic like they did in Singapore. Matter a fact, the Communists (like you) were daydreaming of creating a perfect sphere which included Indonesia, Singapore, Brunei, and mainland China. British used them to fight Japanese and they become sore because British turn and give Malaya independant. To the end, PKM were terrorists because they were fighting Malaysia. THAT IS FACT.~ by Retarded Inbred Sephiroh
As usual, imbecile like you just love embarrassing yourself in front of all knowledgeable forumers here by writing your own fantasy here, why drop your own pant which ultimately expose the stinky necrotic VD infected tiny dicky of yours ???...
Your so-called "true Abrahamic god" is as much bull$hit as the Communist and the Church propaganda is.~ by Retarded Inbred Sephiroth
Go on with your fallacy( which your faith is based on), nobody give a damn of your pagan gods which by the way are rifed with bloody anti-human right Caste system, animal gods worshipping and misogyny !
by wkk5159
Who is talking about America here ???
You did and I qoute :
he fundamental difference between a truly God inspired religion and other paganic pseudo-faith is so obvious here, that's why the West can forgive the war crime committed by Nazi German and Imperial Japanese during WW2
Who did you mean by the West can forgive if not America?
Ever wonder why that dark continent India tops the list as champion of rapists, ...
I know why India is on top of the lists of being corrupted. because India also bend down and kiss the rear end of America, and her political system is filled with atheists, Christians and Muslims alike. That is why.
Btw, you don't have the bloody right to criticize USA ...
If USA got problem with me, they can come over and tell them themselves instead of have a watchdog like you bark in their behalf.
No wonder you are still using Nokia, an Outcast Loser like you really fit a loser company like Nokia, which had been sold to Micosoft fortnight ago !
Irrelevant to the topic at hand. I can always change my handphone if I don't like the services. The rest of the garbage are irrelevant here as well.
So far, I have not received a single FACT, just a lot of bull$hit from a Communist and an atheist pig. |
See, peace loving Samaritan like me give factual argument but the violent demented Hindu is only good at fabricating his own fallacy. Truly pathetic.
To me, Communists are zillion times better than a violent thug like you.
Atheist pig ??? Why whine like a lady ??? Are you a sissy ??? Btw, I'm not even an atheist to begin with.....
I think this is the right time for you both fight
Last edited by zamkumis on 27-9-2013 08:50 AM
zamkumis posted on 27-9-2013 08:49 AM
I think this is the right time for you both fight
Oh please, you are assuming that atheist joker is equal to me thus able to stand even one minute in the ring.
I could have ripped his heart out and shove it back up his a$$ if I really pissed off.
by wkk5159
You should now start punching your own hideous face now since you subconciously hating yourself so much !
I really think you should see a good psychiatric doctor. I heard atheists attend to go crazy from living like pigs and dogs early in life, before committing suicide.
The reality is that Chin Peng fought for Malaya from 1941-1945 during Japanese invasion.
And from 1945 - 1989, what was he doing? Screwing your mother? |
Oh please, you are assuming that atheist joker is equal to me thus able to stand even one minute in the ring.
I could have ripped his heart out and shove it back up his a$$ if I really pissed off.~ by Sephiroth
This inbred Hindu just recemented himself as a violent sadist inbred, even muslim has to call him Guru.....
wkk5159 posted on 27-9-2013 01:23 PM
Oh please, you are assuming that atheist joker is equal to me thus able to stand even one minute in ...
Oi Communist Cum Atheist, shall we end this here? Your crazy ranting is boring.
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