The story begins in June 2012, at a party in Oxnard, California. After a woman dies in the apartment beneath the party, some party goers camera to investigate. They discover items associated with black magic rituals, even the missing tapes from Paranormal Activity 3. When Jesse, the film's lead protagonist, discovers an inhuman bite mark on his arm, strange forces pursue him while Jesse's loved ones attempt to save him.[2]
kt tmpt aku ade tiket early bird sblm pkl 12 hujung minggu harga RM7 jah. so pas berjogging sekejap ngan busuk2 tu masuk wayang tgk filem ni pkl 11pg gitu. first time kot aku tertido dr setgh jam pertama smpi habis movie ni. tak sure sbb filem ni mmg membosankan ke ataupun aku yg kepenatan masa tu