A growing nation of genetically evolved apes led by Caesar is threatened by a band of human survivors of the devastating virus unleashed a decade earlier. They reach a fragile peace, but it proves short-lived, as both sides are brought to the brink of a war that will determine who will emerge as Earth's dominant species.
**Maap abang kacak James Franco tak berlakon dlm sequel filem apes die dulu
teringat original version planet of the apes yang ditayang kat RTM pada thn 80an dulu ... ada banyak sequel...mmg tak pernah missed every sequel yang ditayangkan ...
.. awat malam ni iols asik terkenang mobie mobie best yang pernah ditayang kat Tb pada thn 80-an dulu ...
cmf_shiwari posted on 26-1-2014 10:29 PM
yg ni yg sequel dr rise of the apes tu ke yg planet of the apes..
sequel kpd rise of the planet of the apes.
caesar tu kan nama monyet yg dibela james franco dlm filem rise of the planet of the apes. so dlm filem ni sambung balik pas geng2 monyet tu berjaya larik masuk dlm hutan tu
kakikuDibibirmu posted on 25-5-2014 07:10 AM
jujurin akak masih pening edisi tim burton punya ending
yang james franco tu okay sikit
tim burton tu versi gelap gulita... nengok pun hati suram... ngeri tul spesis beruk dominate dunia ko....
dgn spesis beruk mcm2.... mcm puak2 manusia gak masing2 gile kuasa.... berpuak2...
so far semua filem2 summer box office thn ni yg dh tyg semua not up to expectation. ala2 je semua. x-men pon x best sgt.
ntah2 cter guardian of the galaxy yg meletop nanti, pdhl cter yg org x familiar with.
harap sequel POTA ni best, tp mls nak expect lebih2.