Aku baru langgan Streamyx pakej 1 mbps tu...
Nak tanya, macammana nak register TM Wifi? 
kalu tak silap .. once you register .. secara automatic dia akan bagi ko access ke TM WIFI .. tuh.. |
hydrocloric posted on 11-2-2014 11:41 PM 
kalu tak silap .. once you register .. secara automatic dia akan bagi ko access ke TM WIFI .. tuh..
Tak perlu register ke?
Saya cuba login haritu guna id and password streamyx saya, still tak boleh login. 
net_level posted on 12-2-2014 12:30 AM 
Tak perlu register ke?
Saya cuba login haritu guna id and password streamyx saya, still tak boleh ...
kena register device tu dlu
net_level posted on 11-2-2014 04:30 PM 
Tak perlu register ke?
Saya cuba login haritu guna id and password streamyx saya, still tak boleh ...
Dalam package yang hang amik tuh meme dah ader TM WIFI services.. register for 1st time used .. rase tak perlu pasal mase ko log in dalam tm wifi portal tu dia ader wizard nak guide ko macam mana nak register device ko nih..
cmf_death posted on 12-2-2014 12:46 AM 
kena register device tu dlu
Maksudnya 1 device for 1 id? e.g; hp samsung 1 akaun, iphone 1 akaun, laptop 1 akaun.... etc etc?
Then TM WiFi Login ID & password kita create baru atau register sepertimana akaun streamyx punya id?
net_level posted on 14-2-2014 07:54 PM 
Maksudnya 1 device for 1 id? e.g; hp samsung 1 akaun, iphone 1 akaun, laptop 1 akaun.... etc etc?
id streamyx sama je cuma kena register device la
lps setel isi atas tu pi sini ntuk add/remove/edit device baru..
cari mac address hp/laptop pastu ada
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