Set within the world of global cybercrime, Legendary’s Blackhat follows a furloughed convict and his American and Chinese partners as they hunt a high-level cybercrime network from Chicago to Los Angeles to Hong Kong to Jakarta. Directed and produced by Michael Mann, the film stars Chris Hemsworth, Viola Davis, Tang Wei and Wang Leehom, and it is written by Morgan Davis Foehl and Mann. Legendary’s Thomas Tull and Jon Jashni produce alongside Mann, while Alex Garcia and Eric McLeod serve as the executive producers.
**Hari tu Chris Hemsworth ade dtg Malaysia shooting filem ni, tak taulah ngape kt film info tulis Jakarta plak. apepun, sbb Lee Hom ada...
If the storyline just concentrates on trying to find the perpetrator this movie would be fine.They can do without having a love story in between. I don't buy's too soon for it to happen.
I lost interest half way through the movie.
At 1 hour mark i was looking at my watch and wondering when it is gonna end (the movie runs for 2 hours, 13 mins).
Got lost in the hacking technical stuff early on, should make it a little more simpler.
This kind of movie shouldn't make the audience think too much.
Hemsworth is ok I guess...but still couldn't really help me rate this movie higher.
They have that one scene shot in Perak. And I was like 'Hemsworth came to Malaysia for just this one scene?'
sgt so-so citer nih..aku excited nk tgk citer nih sbb chris hemsworth dgn wang leehom..but unfortunately watak leehom mati tgh2 citer..spoil betul ..baru nak merembes
jalan citer agak longgar..pening aku..kalau boleh nak kuar je dari panggung tp rugi tiket layan sampai habis..
pendapat aku..baik sedut je citer nih..dan abam chris..baik ko concentrate trilogy thor dgn avengers the movie sampai tamat
citer nih lah rupanya dia datang kat malaysia..but utk 1 scene je? ayooo ..baik tak payah