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Lasak semasa mengandung
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i nak tanya dengan mommy2 dan bakal2 mommy kat sini...
korang masa mengandung ada tak buat aktiviti lasak? such as berlari ke, hiking ke...
sebab i ada baca dalam internet, ramai yang exercise masa mengandung... i pernah tengok dalam facebook, ada sorang model tu even dah trimester menunggu masa nak beranak pun masih lagi buat work out...
anyone pernah cuba?
Edited by leylapple at 26-3-2015 02:16 PM

Is a Six-Pack While Pregnant Unhealthy?
If it's hard for you to believe that the woman in this photo is eight-and-a-half months pregnant, you're not alone. The Internet has been going crazy ever since 30-year-old lingerie model Sarah Stage announced her pregnancy onInstagram last month with a photo showing off her defined abs and a barely-there baby bump. Admittedly, we were curious too. So we asked an ob-gyn to break it down. Bottom line? "There’s no obvious explanation. This is not what normal pregnancy looks like at 34-weeks," says Alyssa Dweck, M.D., and co-author of V Is for Vagina. But that doesn't necessarily mean it's unhealthy, she says. In fact, there are plenty of reasons to explain her surprising appearance. "Some women don't show. The rectus muscles might be so well defined that they're masking her growing uterus," Dweck says. Not to mention, a lot of the way someone's belly looks during pregnancy depends on how they are shaped on the inside. Different pelvic bone structures may predispose you to looking different on the outside, she explains. Other variables include the way the baby is facing, the size of the baby, and the amount of fluid around the baby. Plus, Dweck adds, "when you have your first baby, your muscles will remain tighter and more defined until you deliver and until the rectus muscles have the chance to separate." Pre- and post-natal fitness expert, Sara Haley agrees. "I actually don’t think she looks unhealthy at all. If you look at a picture before she was pregnant, she was teeny tiny. She’s definitely gained at least 20 pounds, which is what doctors recommend." And based on the look of her oblique muscles, she's clearly working out, Haley says. "The muscles I'm seeing on her are the ones that help support your growing baby, so that’s not a bad thing. That’s amazing, that’s going to help her bounce back." When it comes to exercising while pregnant, naysayers will probably always feel the need to weigh in, but as we've reported in the past (remember the nine-months pregnant woman who stirred up controversy for her CrossFit pics?), the two can go hand in hand, as long as you proceed with caution. "In general, exercise is definitely recommended if you were used to exercise beforehand. We usually tell people to moderate the intensity—75 percent to 80 percent of what they were doing beforehand," Dweck says. She also recommends hydrating well, and keeping your pulse rate below 140 beats per minute, as well as engaging in activities you would normally engage in pre-pregnancy—i.e. don't decide to run a marathon for the first time! Haley also recommends avoiding putting too much pressure on the core, which can lead to ab separation or diastasis recti. At the end of the day, only Stage's doc can know whether she's healthy or not. But as far as these experts are concerned, it's nothing to be alarmed about. "Props to her for being able to figure out how to be pregnant and still do what she loves to do," Haley says.. |
that's why i tanya nie...
my fren lari marathon, 9 weeks into pregnancy, dia keguguran..
Edited by leylapple at 26-3-2015 02:13 PM
Baby Gate: Running During Pregnancy
By As told to Jessica Sebor Published Jun. 11, 2013

Photo by Erik Isakson
Is it safe to lace up your running shoes with a bun in the oven? What some people call irresponsible, others believe is bene cial. Maternal health expert Sheeva Talebian, M.D., sheds light on this hotly contested issue.
Dr. Sheeva Talebian: Yes! That’s the one-word answer. Running is safe anytime—during the rst, second and third trimester—if you are having an uncomplicated pregnancy. You should not run if you have complications like elevated blood pressure or, in some cases, multiple gestation, that would cause an obstetrician to advise no high-impact exercise.
ST: Just because you’re pregnant doesn’t mean you can’t stay in shape. All of the same reasons you normally exercise— heart health, stress reduction, weight maintenance, lower blood pressure—are reasons to run during pregnancy. Additionally, women who exercise while pregnant have lower rates of diabetes and preeclampsia, and they are less likely to gain an unhealthy (and potentially dangerous) amount of weight. There’s even some data that suggests babies born to women who worked out while expecting have stronger cardiovascular systems.
ST: In the early ’90s, the thinking was that women should maintain a heart rate lower than 140 beats per minute during pregnancy—but there was no real data to support this claim and it’s since been revoked. The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology now gives no specific heart rate women must stay below. I tell my patients to listen to their bodies. If your heart is racing out of control, slow down. If you can talk while running, you should be fine. Your heart aside, there are two things pregnant women need to be wary of: overheating (specifically in the first trimester) and falling (in the second and third trimesters).
ST: Again, it’s best to stay away from workouts that will lead to overheating or falling. It’s important to maintain a core temperature that is as close to normal (98.6 degrees) as possible. Maternal temperatures above 102 are related to an increased risk of spina bi da. To prevent overheating, stay inside on hot or humid days. It’s completely okay to sweat—perspiration actually helps keep your body cool—just don’t overdo it. Later in your pregnancy your center of gravity is changing, so there is a risk of falling and having direct trauma to the abdomen. Don’t run on icy paths or uneven trails. Also, make sure to hydrate properly as dehydration can lead to premature contractions.
ST: Sometimes people view pregnancy as a “disability” and there is an expectation that the pregnant woman should be sedentary. But as long as a mom is smart, there’s much more good than harm that comes from exercising during pregnancy—both for her and her baby. I hope that stigma will eventually go away.
ST: The general guideline is six weeks, which is when you usually go for a post-partum checkup. If you had a straightforward vaginal delivery, you may be able to run sooner than that. If you had a C-section or other complications, you definitely want to wait. ■
Sheeva Talebian, M.D., F.A.C.O.G., is on staff at The Valley Hospital Fertility Center in Ridgewood, N.J. A marathoner and mom of two, Dr. Talebian is board certi ed in Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Endocrinology, and is a fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
leylapple replied at 26-3-2015 02:08 PM
that's why i tanya nie...
Yeke kesian nye ur fren tu...hmm
Miabebe pon xtahu la...xpenah peknen pon lg...
Kene tanya kaum2 ibu expert mengomen ttg peknency ni...ya ampun leylapple...hihi
ingatkan u bakal mommy
leylapple replied at 26-3-2015 02:13 PM
ingatkan u bakal mommy
Mmg xla...miabebe ni mmg merantau setiap latest threads d cari xkira bod ape...hihihi |
bakal2 mommy dgn mommy2 kat luar sana blm masuk lagi niee
O&G pun tak masuk niee
leylapple replied at 26-3-2015 02:17 PM
bakal2 mommy dgn mommy2 kat luar sana blm masuk lagi niee
Bakal mommy n o&g expert tgh bz kot....leylapple leh tdo dlu hihi |
Trimester pertama:Penting bagi anda mengelak daripada menjadi terlampau panas, terutamanya dalam trimester pertama. Ini boleh membahayakan bayi. Jadi, jangan terlalu memaksa diri, dan jangan berjoging atau berlari semasa cuaca terlalu panas dan lembap.
Trimester kedua:Pusat graviti anda sedang beralih tempat dan kandungan anda semakin membesar, menyebabkan anda mudah tergelincir dan jatuh. Untuk keselamatan, berlari hanya di permukaan jalan berturap yang rata. Jika anda hilang kawalan, cuba jatuhkan diri secara mengiring atau ke atas tangan dan lutut, dan bukannya ke atas perut.
Trimester ketiga:Teruskan berhati-hati seperti semasa di trimester pertama dan kedua. Ingat, jika anda berasa terlalu letih untuk berlari, berehatlah. Semakin anda menghampiri tarikh kelahiran, anda mungkin mengalami kesakitan di bahagian yang tidak pernah sakit sebelum ini. Lihat galeri foto kami mengenai bagaimana mengurangkan kesakitan dalam fasa akhir kehamilan.
7 Senaman Ibu Mengandung Yang Mudah18 October 2013 by abumansur kb in Kehamilan - 1 Comment

Setiap pasangan pastinya akan gembira apabila mereka disahkan mengandung oleh para doktor. Hal ini kerana mereka begitu teruja untuk mendapat cahaya mata sama ada yang pertama atau menambah lagi bilangan anak-anak dalam keluarga. Senaman ibu mengandung sangat penting pada waktu sebegini. Ini kerana, bagi setiap ibu mengandung, mereka bukan sahaja mengalami alahan sepanjang sembilan bulan mengandung malah mereka juga mengalami masalah sakit belakang dan juga kekejangan otot. Bagi mengurangkan masalah sakit dan kekejangan yang dihadapi oleh ibu mengandung, ada banyak senaman yang mereka boleh dipraktikkan untuk mengurangkan kesakitan yang dihadapi. Selain itu, senaman ini juga dapat mengurangkan tekanan yang dihadapi oleh ibu hamil. Secara umumnya, senaman ibu mengandung tidak perlulah senaman yang berat. Cukup sekadar melakukan gerakan-gerakan ringan yang juga membantu mengerakkan otot-otot. Kebanyakan gerakan adalah untuk melegakan bahagian pinggang dan belakang badan. [backcolor=transparent !important] Antara senaman ringan yang boleh dipraktikkan ialah senaman gaya kucing. Caranya ialah lakukan seperti posisi diatas, kemudian senaman dengan menolak bahagian belakang badan ke atas. Lakukan senaman ini berulang kali dengan perlahan-lahan. [backcolor=transparent !important] Senaman ringan yang kedua ialah senaman gaya rama-rama. Duduk seperti gaya diatas, kemudian gerakkan peha anda ke atas secara perlahan-lahan. Anda digalakkan untuk bernafas secara normal semasa melakukan senaman ini. Senaman ini membantu untuk membuka otot pelvik dan tulang pinggul. Senaman ringan yang ketiga ialah dengan mencangkung. Mencangkung dapat membantu membuka otot pelvik. Namun begitu, bagi ibu yang menghadapi masalah buasir, anda dinasihatkan untuk tidak melakukan senaman ini. [backcolor=transparent !important] Senaman ibu mengandung lain yang boleh dipraktikkan ialah dengan baring sambil mengangkat kaki. Baring seperti dalam gambar, kemudian angkat kaki anda ke atas dan cuba untuk bertahan selama tiga ke empat saat. Senaman-senaman ini mudah untuk dilakukan oleh para ibu dan pergerakannya tidak akan memudaratkan ibu dan bayi dalam kandungan. Namun begitu, ibu mengandung digalakkan untuk merujuk dan mendapatkan nasihat sebelum melakukan senaman ringan. Selain itu, senaman yang boleh dilakukan oleh para ibu ialah berjalan, berenang, dan berbasikal. Senaman ini boleh dilakukan apabila ibu sudah membiasakan diri dengan senaman-senaman ringan seperti contoh diatas. Jika anda mengalami masalah seperti sakit dada, sendi atau perut, rasa pening dan hendak pitam, sesak nafas, pendarahan faraj, kabur penglihatan atau kontraksi selepas melakukan senaman, anda perlu berhenti serta-merta dari melakukan senaman tersebut. Kesimpulannya, senaman ibu mengandung adalah sangat penting semasa hamil kerana dapat mengawal masalah berat badan, mengurangkan stress kepada anda dan bayi serta melatih otot-otot untuk menghadapi proses kelahiran baik. Bayi yang dilahirkan dengan baik akan lebih mudah untuk dibesarkan tanpa masalah. Amalan ibu semasa mengandung juga boleh merangsang minda minda bayi sejak kecil lagi. Ia ada diterangkan dalam Panduan Anak Pintar Cerdas. Selain itu, para pengkaji yakin bahawa senaman sepanjang hamil memberi manfaat kepada anak sehingga dewasa seperti menurunkan risiko penyakit jantung, strok, diabetes dan hipertensi.
bakal jadi mama lar ni..?
1st pegnen,1st trimester umo baru 28, lasak siap main netball lagik.....pastu tidak diizinkan melasakkan diri uhuhuhu....yg bongsu plak uhhuu dah tak larat..jalan soping pun malas umo masa tu 36, jalan sket letih banyak tido.... |
i baru cek UPT mlm tadi, positif...
last week i lari 12km... tapi takla pantas sangat.. masa dalam 1 hr 39 min
next week i ada larian 10km
u masa 1st trimester mmg lasak la...
so bila u stop?
stop menjelang 2nd keliling bising..mak,mil,asben..kengkawan pun takut nak soh main netball lagik.....tapi still aktif berjalan, masa tu opis tingkat 5, me tak naik lif.menapak guna tangga + brjalan window soping uhuhuhuh
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