The Crazies stars Timothy Olyphant and Radha Mitchell. The film takes place in the fictional town of Ogden Marsh, Pierce County,Iowa, "friendliest place on Earth," whose town water supply is accidentally infected with the "Trixie" virus. After an incubation periodof 48 hours, this virus gradually transforms the mental state of the infected into that of cold, calculating, depraved, bloodthirsty killers, who then prey on family and neighbors alike.
The film was released on February 26, 2010 to positive reviews from critics, and was a box office success both domestically and internationally.
Overall this is a good movie. Suspense, thrill, action, horror semua ade...lead cast not bad.1 je yg manja x puas hati. NAPE X BUAT ZOMBIE MOVIE??
Sayang la...instead org2 yg dijangkiti penyakit ni..rupe je mcm sebaliknye jadi psycho killer??....I would have given this a 7/10..but NO...It was almost a good zombie movie..