The Neon Demon is an upcoming American Giallo horror and thriller film directed by Nicolas Winding Refn and co-written by Mary Laws and Refn and starring Elle Fanning. The plot follows an aspiring model in Los Angeles whose beauty and youth place in her significant danger amongst the women she becomes associated with in the industry.
Jesse (Elle Fanning), an aspiring model, moves to Los Angeles, where she is recruited by a fashion mogul (Alessandro Nivola) as his muse. Upon entering the city's modeling industry, she finds her vitality and youth are devoured by a group of beauty-obsessed women who will use any means to get what she has.
kan? tp i rs lately dua2 pun tenggelam jgk...
tp sbb trailer ni tu yg bukak thread...
walaupun trailer i ni dlm 4-6 je kot...over 10...
keanu pun lately berlakon dlm movie2 sendu that's my prediction...
nape premiere semua cast len xde?...budget ciput kot...masa kat cannes pun cafe society casts selain kristen stewart ade jessey, blake..& that other ni pulak elle sorg je..