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Tadika Terrorist "R" Us, berserta acara cosplay..dan banyak lagi
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Edited by 123456 at 4-5-2016 07:28 PM
acara cosplay mengikut terrorist idola anda
Tell me what you think of these photos?? I am extremely disturbed by these...
Apparently these photos were on Instagram posted by a teacher from a kindergarten in Kota Damansara!! It's called Tadika Bistari. The teacher and the kids are holding weapons! Maybe plastic but a kindergarden? In a pre-school? WTF is she teaching??
They are from this school called KUDQI (Kolej University Darul Quran Islamiyah). I was told its a branch of Jemaah Islamiyah! Their headquarters is in Terengganu.
What kind of Islam do you think they are teaching the kids you think? I hope the authorities will look into this.... |
Mane gambo.. Puak2 lobai lobainita ni x habis2 |
Ok gambar dah up selebihnya dalam link FB
Kecik2 dah diajar jd terrorist
Dah besor sok bleh la bunuh org lain sesuka hati dan henjut tebusan2 wanita lain
Jilaka punya terrorist
isk. bawaklah kuar bebudak tu semua dr situ. teruknya |
Amboi sampai dah ada tadika terrorist...melampau |
Edited by Oren1 at 4-5-2016 07:51 PM
Nigaq tutup mukq ni bukan diharamkan ke di msia lps kes al arqam dulu2? Mcm pernah baca....pencerahan pls! Cikgu pun imej extremist mcm ninja
Apalah dalam kepala otak cikgu tadika ni..tak faham lah.. apa yang best sangat terrorist2 ni..ganas ade la.. |
Religion of peace wehhhh |
Teruknya dekkkk |
Bukankah lebih elok diterapkan sifat cintakan keamaman dan be kind to one another dari mengalakan mereka angkat senjata utk berperang sebegitu. |
nape tak pakai baju cicakman ke, keluang man ke, ejen Ali ke, atau bioNik..
keji lah mentality 'jihadis' ni.. |
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