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Author: Adm_Cheng_Ho

Searching for Gaza's tunnel

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whitepig This user has been deleted
Post time 22-5-2004 04:45 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 22-5-2004 08:35 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 22-5-2004 04:45 PM:

belakang church aku boleh keluar & masuk nothing to hide BUT belakang /or at back of ka'ba room orang tak boleh masuk.....dan macam2 cerita yg belit. ada yg kata 2 pillar dan ada y ...

We were talking about tunnel and suddenly you pop up with ka'bah....

What's wrong with your head boy?

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Post time 22-5-2004 08:40 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kid at 22-5-2004 08:35 PM:

We were talking about tunnel and suddenly you pop up with ka'bah....

What's wrong with your head boy?

nothing wrong with me. Ariel sharon suspect something in the tunnel but I suspect something in that back of Ka'ba room and thats why it kept secret.

Do u know Arab support Hilter????

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Post time 22-5-2004 08:46 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 22-5-2004 08:40 PM:
nothing wrong with me. Ariel sharon suspect something in the tunnel but I suspect something in that back of Ka'ba room and thats why it kept secret.

Oooohhhh..... (what this has to do with tunel??)

Do u know Arab support Hilter???? I wonder what you really want to talk about? we are talking about tunnel, but you are talking about kabah and now suddenly about hitler? (what hitler has to do with tunel)...

Ooh boy...

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Post time 22-5-2004 09:21 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kid at 22-5-2004 08:46 PM:

Oooohhhh..... (what this has to do with tunel??) I wonder what you really want to talk about? we are talking about tunnel, but you are talking about kabah and now suddenly abo ...

u still do not get my point. what a pity

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Post time 22-5-2004 09:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 22-5-2004 09:21 PM:

u still do not get my point. what a pity

No I didn't... I can't see any relation of your posting with the topic

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Post time 23-5-2004 12:24 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 2004-5-21 09:16 AM:
No salman. I never agree with the killing of civilians. Which is why I condemns latest attack by the IDF. I am equally exasperated with the way things transpire.

There is no excuse necessarily ...

Israel stopped occupying lands since 1967. Moreover, lands captured was a legitimate defensive war shown by Israel in the face of surrounding Arab aggression. Israel is still awaiting peace negotiations for 37 yrs and counting.

deceptive response.  outcast imported jews shouldnt have raped PALESTINE as theyve done before un divided PALESTINE so that israel can exist.  read  


Zionism And Its Impact
by Ann M. Lesch

Policies Toward the Palestinians

The main view point within the Zionist movement was that the Arab problem would be solved by first solving the Jewish problem. In time, the Palestinians would be presented with the fait accompli of a Jewish majority. Settlements, land purchases, industries, and military forces were developed gradually and systematically so that the yishuv would become too strong to uproot. In a letter to his son, Weizmann compared the Arabs to the rocks of Judea, obstacles that had to be cleared to make the path smooth. When the Palestinians mounted violent protests in 1920, 1921, 1929, 1936-39, and the late 1940s, the yishuv sought to curb them by force, rather than seek a political accommodation with the indigenous people. Any concessions made to the Palestinians by the British government concerning immigration, land sales, or labor were strongly contested by the Zionist leaders. In fact, in 1936, Ben-Gurion stated that the Palestinians will only acquiesce in a Jewish Eretz Israel after they are in a state of total despair.

Zionists viewed their acceptance of territorial partition as a temporary measure; they did not give up the idea of the Jewish community's right to all of Palestine. Weizmann commented in 1937: "In the course of time we shall expand to the whole country...this is only an arrangement for the next 15-30 years."

Ben-Gurion stated in 1938, "After we become a strong force, as a result of the creation of a state, we shall abolish partition and expand to the whole of Palestine." A FEW EFFORTS were made to reduce Arab opposition. For example in the 1920s, Zionist organizations provided financial support to Palestinian political parties, newspapers, and individuals. This was most evident in the establishment and support of the National Muslim Societies (1921-23) and Agricultural Parties (1924-26). These parties were expected to be neutral or positive toward the Zionist movement, in return for which they would receive financial subventions and their members would be helped to obtain jobs and loans. This policy was backed by Weizmann, who commented that: "extremists and moderates alike were susceptible to the influence of money and honors."

However, Leonard Stein, a member of the London office of the World Zionist Organization, denounced this practice. He argued that Zionists must seek a permanent modus vivendi with the Palestinians by hiring them in Jewish firms and admitting them to Jewish universities. He maintained that political parties in which Arab moderates are merely Arab gramophones playing Zionist records would collapse as soon as the Zionist financial support ended. In any event, the World Zionist Organization terminated the policy by 1927, as it was in the midst of a financial crisis and as most of the leaders felt that the policy was ineffective.

Some Zionist leaders argued that the Arab community had to be involved in the practical efforts of the Zionist movement. Chaim Kalvarisky, who initiated the policy of buying support, articulated in 1923 the gap between that ideal and the reality: "Some people say. ..that only by common work in the field of commerce, industry and agriculture mutual understanding between Jews and Arabs will ultimately be attained....This is, however, merely a theory. In practice we have not done and we are doing nothing for any work in common.

How many Arab officials have we installed in our banks? Not even one.

How many Arabs have we brought into our schools? Not even one.

What commercial houses have we established in company with Arabs? Not even one."

Two years later, Kalvarisky lamented: "We all admit the importance of drawing closer to the Arabs, but in fact we are growing more distant like a drawn bow. We have no contact: two separate worlds, each living its own life and fighting the other."

Some members of the yishuv emphasized the need for political relations with the Palestinian Arabs, to achieve either a peacefully negotiated territorial partition (as Nahum Goldmann sought) or a binational state (as Brit Shalom and Hashomer Ha-tzair proposed). But few went as far as Dr. Judah L. Magnes, chancellor of The Hebrew University, who argued that Zionism meant merely the creation of a Jewish cultural center in Palestine rather than an independent state. In any case, the binationalists had little impact politically and were strongly opposed by the leadership of the Zionist movement.

Zionist leaders felt they did not harm the Palestinians by blocking them from working in Jewish settlements and industries or even by undermining their majority status. The Palestinians were considered a small part of the large Arab nation; their economic and political needs could be met in that wider context, Zionists felt, rather than in Palestine. They could move elsewhere if they sought land and could merge with Transjordan if they sought political independence.

This thinking led logically to the concept of population TRANSFER. In 1930 Weizmann suggested that the problems of insufficient land resources within Palestine and of the dispossession of peasants could be solved by moving them to Transjordan and Iraq. He urged the Jewish Agency to provide a loan of

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Robotic This user has been deleted
Post time 24-5-2004 12:11 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 22-5-2004 04:45 PM:

belakang church aku boleh keluar & masuk nothing to hide BUT belakang /or at back of ka'ba room orang tak boleh masuk.....dan macam2 cerita yg belit. ada yg kata 2 pillar dan ada y ...

memang bab belakang ko orang memang pandai.Jantan kawin jantan pun buleh::cak:

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Post time 24-5-2004 12:35 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Robotic at 24-5-2004 12:11 AM:

memang bab belakang ko orang memang pandai.Jantan kawin jantan pun buleh::cak:

jantan kahwin jantan ???? adakah Bible cakap macam itu??? sah hang punya otak sudah damage dengan ajaran Muhammad.

tapi lu punya muhammad kahwin 6 tahun dan main dengan dia masa 9 tahun....itu gila punya sek

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Post time 24-5-2004 01:33 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 24-5-2004 12:35 AM:

jantan kahwin jantan ???? adakah Bible cakap macam itu??? sah hang punya otak sudah damage dengan ajaran Muhammad.

tapi lu punya muhammad kahwin 6 tahun dan main dengan dia masa 9 tahun... ...

kat US banyak gay marriage tu...

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Robotic This user has been deleted
Post time 26-5-2004 10:11 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 24-5-2004 12:35 AM:

jantan kahwin jantan ???? adakah Bible cakap macam itu??? sah hang punya otak sudah damage dengan ajaran Muhammad.

tapi lu punya muhammad kahwin 6 tahun dan main dengan dia masa 9 tahun... ...

Ada...Ada versi yang ke 2000001

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Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 27-5-2004 10:37 AM | Show all posts
Damn! This thread is heading down the pan!

Tunnel talks become something else in a far away land.

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Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 31-5-2004 09:57 AM | Show all posts
For those who condemn Israel for destroying the tunnel, any smart suggestion then?

Muaahahahaha.... I bet you don't! Just yak yak yak, nyah nyah nyah, bleat bleat bleat. Forever because they are Israel as being taught and are now regurgitating in line with expected behaviour.

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Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 20-11-2004 09:21 AM | Show all posts

Tunnel again...

I saw a picture on page 1 which made a claim the tunnels didn't exist. I hesitated from responding to that nonsense since I started this thread by providing the truth in pictures.

2 days ago(if i remember correctly), the Palestinian Authority contacted the Israelis about a collapsed tunnel and 5 men were trapped! :lol Israel offered rescue attempts and the ambulances, doctors and medics were on the scene briefly but 3 were saved. Could this be a sign of 'things to come'?

Anyway, although I commend Israel's humanitarian effort, as always as usual, I do not think these tunnel diggers would be returned back to their territory (Egypt/West Bank). Once this is confirmed, I suppose our local newspapers would publish stories about "atrocities by IDF after capturing poor Palestinians digging ground for mice" but before that, we won't get to hear anything that would put Israel in good light.

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samerosie This user has been deleted
Post time 22-11-2004 02:44 PM | Show all posts
Israel offered rescue attempts and the ambulances, doctors and medics were on the scene briefly but 3 were saved.
From Haaretz Daily

"The three were arrested by Palestinian security forces, and were transferred to Israel for medical treatment. The IDF made their rescue possible on the condition that the three be transferred to the army afterwards".  :gila:

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