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Author: Kakasinci


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 Author| Post time 10-8-2020 12:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 10-8-2020 11:05 AM
pegila cuti memana, makan minum and rilek tgk movie kasi mind clear lepas 2 weeks baru balik. see ho ...

Mmg rasa nk keluar enyoy n spend time alone. Tp fikir anak kcik2 lg.. Susa nk berangkut kalau bergerak sendiri.. Kena ada someone to accompany

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Post time 10-8-2020 12:16 PM | Show all posts
u try follow kamaliakamal..
bayar la sikit kalau nak personal coaching..
i tgk dia mcm okay la tips2 utk laki bini..
all the best tt..

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Post time 10-8-2020 12:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kakasinci replied at 10-8-2020 11:15 AM
Memang lelaki ni gatal kn.. Bos aku ni pon asyik citer mimpi-mimpi aku..makin tambah buat aku down ...

Ada laki setia, tapi spesis rare contoh edika yusuf. Anak brapa org umur? Ada siblings tak ajak teman holiday

Get away from husband sekejap and happy kan diri sendiri

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Post time 10-8-2020 02:11 PM | Show all posts
Niat x menghalalkan cara sis...even nk main2 ke..nak acah2 berskandal ke.. really its not gud for u..
Menambahkn masalah yg sediada. Lelaki ni mcm2 dia bole judge kite even mmg dia yg mulakan penyebab kite berskandel...but akhirnye turn point kat kite jugak yg salah.

Allah sedang membungkus hadiah yg penuh kesedihan agar jiwa menjadi lebih kuat. Sesungguhnya aturan Allah itu penuh dgn hikmah.

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Post time 10-8-2020 06:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kaka , u tgh stress sebab tu u decide nak buat gitu . but i know deep inside u bukan isteri camtu pun , kadang bila kita marah , we tend to make stupid move , pikir macam2 and nak buat benda2 out of the box camni . just nak puaskan hati kita kan ? now you are a bit calm , forget the plan take a deep breath and plan yg bebetul apa u nak buat to solve the problem . good luck TT .

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 Author| Post time 10-8-2020 07:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
awanysss replied at 10-8-2020 12:16 PM
u try follow kamaliakamal..
bayar la sikit kalau nak personal coaching..
i tgk dia mcm okay la tip ...

Ok..I’ll checkout her ig

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Post time 10-8-2020 11:09 PM | Show all posts
tenangkan diri, wuduk and zikir - masa tu lupakan sekejap dunia - lupakan ...thinsg will sort themselves out by God's will.

pelan pelan

how s communication between you two ? as in does one party know how to demonstrate and COMMUNICATE appreciation ?

does the other party know how to deliver a sense of appreciation that you WOULD recognise that you are being appreciated ? dah pernah talk ths through ke? like you suka and pada you how would u define appreaciation - through which means? verbally? phsycically , visual ?
apa yg you define as not being appreaciated?

kalau u nak save the marriage - then usually lah kan it goes back to niat and your spiritual strength  - like kalau u dah buat semua yg termampu and dia tak dapat nak deliver penghargaan and cara komunikasi dah address - then i think the best way is to back to ALLAH - sebab seperti mana u janji dan lafza dalam solat - hidup u  mati u semua untuk ALLAH, org tak nampak tak pe - hey they are just humans , depa bukan penetu rezeki awak pun , jauh lagi nak tentukan hidup mati yiu and rezeki you - so why bother about gaining human approval and appreciation - especially bagi mereka yg tak pernah nak nampak ?

so - kalau u nak win and push yourself  to be high of character - ini depends and will take some time untuk asuh jiwa or minda dan hati - buat sehabis baik because ALLAH likes it and u will know semua yg ikhlas akan eventually falls back into their very own and proper places.

ini i cakap within reasons lah ye- kalau jenis yg dah gugat your maqasid - aqal - mental abuse, jiwa, harta keturunan and nyawa

know where to seek help - kaunseling first

i wih you well...

biasalah serabut but - ingat allAh - just self tak to ALlah , it is okay , nak nangis nangis lah nak apae ape pu buatlah - He is okay- right now tenangkan hati dulu ...yakin


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Post time 11-8-2020 02:11 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
bukan pasal chuols tak cantek ke ape, kalo tak cantek nape husband you pilih kawen dengan you sampai beranak pinak...husband you yang jenis tak reti bersyukur...

sebab tu dalam Islam haram laki perempuan bukan mahram bergaul bermesra macam takde batasan...

tu yang jadi bini mati terjerut dek laki sendiri...

you jangan low self esteem, secantek Laudya Cinta Bella pun bercerai...

ini Allah uji you...ya hati tu sakit, doa dekat Allah taala bagi you ketenangan...

kawan iols pun ada camni...sakit hati tu ya...sampai die lempang laki die ahahahaha

tapi skang diorang baik2 confront je laki you kata you masih sakit hati...dan tepek headline kes pensyarah mati terjerut dek husband sendiri, buktikan pada husband you betapa fitnah wanita ni sampai ke penjara la ko kalo tak jaga ikhtilat...

tu cash Allah bagi kat laki pensyarah tu...melingkup la dalam penjara...skandal bebas kemana ko bodoh masuk penjara nanti

anak sendiri pun benci ko...takde sape doa baik2 untuk ko...hah gitu kasik je setepek sis

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 Author| Post time 11-8-2020 08:34 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Terima kasih banyak yg beri comment kpd thread I.. Banyak kata-kata semangat dan nasihat yg u guys berikan betul-betul bermakna dan I am highly appreciated.. Tak sangka dan sayu sebenarnya.. Even kita x kenal sesama sendiri.. U guys sanggup beri ur effort and ur time utk membantu.. Thanks a lot! Dengan nasihat yg diberikan, aku akn bertindak sehabis baik dan x mengikut hati dan perasaan.. InsyaAllah..

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Post time 11-8-2020 09:14 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by yuki812 at 11-8-2020 09:19 AM
Kakasinci replied at 11-8-2020 08:34 AM
Terima kasih banyak yg beri comment kpd thread I.. Banyak kata-kata semangat dan nasihat yg u guys b ...

Bila u kosong..tak tau buat apa..cuba membaca atau exercise senaman bdn. Bila membaca..tu exercise otak sebenarnya. Bila membaca..u akan dapat input baru..secara automatik pemikiran u yg kosong tu akan teralih. Akan keluarlah idea2. Membaca benda2 yg elok..yg positif..motivasi. Buat masa ni..kalau emosi tak stabil, elakkan baca news2 yg negatif cam pembunuhan ke..keruntuhan rumah tangga ker. Elakkan bergaul ngan acik2 bawang yg suka citer hal org jap. Benda2 negatif secara tak langsung akan buat fikiran u jd lebih teruk.

Cuba juga buat exercise..keluarkan peluh. Akan betulkan balik hormon u..perjalanan darah ke. u akan jadi cergas..mood u ok..hepi. senaman ni sebenarnya bkn tuk kesihatan je..tapi bagus tuk build emosi dan inner u yg lebih positif.

Jangan lupa..senyum..senyum..enjoy jer ek.

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Post time 11-8-2020 09:23 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Pelik aku org2 yg dah kawen ni..senang betul berubah hati..padahal dulu nak kawen bukan main payah kena kumpul duit, tahan nervous jumpa bakal mertua etc..

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Post time 11-8-2020 03:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kakasinci replied at 10-8-2020 12:01 PM
Mmg rasa nk keluar enyoy n spend time alone. Tp fikir anak kcik2 lg.. Susa nk berangkut kalau berg ...

ajakla kawan2? tinggal anak dgn mak  kejap? at leaat 2days ke utk u calm down. Hmm u know what.. just ignore what ever... u fokus diri u.. go and make urself look more beautiful

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Post time 11-8-2020 11:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bekerja atau full time housewife?

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