Author|Post time 18-8-2020 08:47 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
yuki812 replied at 15-8-2020 01:53 PM
Sepanjang hidup i ni..dah mcm2 laki jumpa kenal..belum pernah rasa terdetik dihati 'he is the one' t ...
Insyaallah.. buat masa ni fokus kat diri sendiri dulu instead of cari pengganti..i have so many people in my life that loves me..i hope everything going on well with you too..
Author|Post time 18-8-2020 08:48 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
adila39 replied at 14-8-2020 03:02 PM
setuju dgn ifan.
Still doalah. Jangan sedih lama lama. Semalam ke kelmarin pun I sedih kejap sam ...
Jgn sedih2 ok.. tp kalau dah tak tahan sangat nangis je puas2.. habiskan.. detox.. then bangun balik with a smile... life is too short utk dihabiskan dgn bersedih dan meratap benda yg tak jadi
Author|Post time 18-8-2020 08:50 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
NorAddin replied at 17-8-2020 11:34 PM
aiyaa ..
once d'telepathy communication senses thought damage ..
no more fun .. no more joy .. ...
Yup yup.. thanks.. that feeling of joy.. lama dah ada sblm tu tp ignore:: still trying hard nak fix tp makin lama makin sakit sebab one sided je.. bila dah betul2 let go baru rasa ada kekuatan utk move on
Post time 18-8-2020 09:06 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
sweetpea911 replied at 18-8-2020 08:45 AM
In progress.. wish me luck.. for a start dah block every numbers sebab tau kalau dia contact dlm m ...
Baguslah u ada effort nak move on.
Kalau time sedih nangis je puas2 dan kalau rindu, ingat semula moment sakit hati ni :
"antara plg ingat, i jalan ngan this lady sama2.. bertembung dgn dia tp his eyes caught this lady instead of me.."
Nak hilangkan dia dari ingatan rasanya mustahil tapi Insyaallah boleh redakan rindu tu. Sampai suatu masa u rasa dia takde value pun dlm hidup u.