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1 pun aku tak pernah tengok lagi |
tatottttttttnyaaaaaa.....tapi nak tengok gak nanti  |
Midsommar aku dah tgok
X seram
Cuma psycho horror
Aku x fokus sgt masa tgok sbb boring
Cuma yg last tu interesting scene sbb berjimak berjemaah rasanya - ada penonton kalau x salah
Tu je aku ingat |
Hereditary tu citer thriller yg x thriller
Biasa saja
Nothing new n interesting |
Saint Maud starting slow
2 kali aku tgok 2 kali aku x boleh ikut
Masuk 3rd time tgh scene henjutmenghenjut anak bujang pulak dtg
Terus tutup dan pesan ni 18sx so umur 16 x boleh tgok heheh |
Saint maud dgn midsommar tu pernah beli kat Astro first xhbis tgok pun,hereditary dgn the witch tgok sampai habis blhla cerita dia |
Edited by amandel at 8-8-2021 02:01 PM
Tengoklah nanti.... people say watch horror movie for now is good. Where many people feel lonely because they can't go anywhere. Horror movies will make loneliness disappear because after watching a horror movie you definitely wouldn't feel alone anymore haha
Nice reviews....But i have different opinion. For me most of all A24 movies best, including Midsommar. Those film have good story, unique characters and very artistic. But whether a film is good or not is very subjective, so different opinions are very normal
Mungkin mmng movie ni takde jumscare berlebih, so maybe tak seram sangat. But I love most of all A24 horror movies
That's enough or you still have the 4th time to finish it haha...
Upcoming horror films from A24 might be interesting because Joaquin Phoenix is there
amandel replied at 8-8-2021 01:36 PM
Nice reviews....But i have different opinion. For me most of all A24 movies best, including Midsom ...
Ahha! Yes artistry psycho horror that is midsommar yg I can watch the film just as it is
Nothing interesting except the last scene jimak berjemaah yg jugak digarap secara artistic - that’s the only part I remembered most
Story line nothing new
The film itself nothing new
I prefer Joker type of psycho horror
Yg ni mmg sangat disturbing sgt seram pada I
Jump scare is no longer seram to me
Tutup telinga hilang keseraman
amandel replied at 8-8-2021 01:50 PM
That's enough or you still have the 4th time to finish it haha...
Upcoming horror films from A2 ...
Waaaa hahah panjang umur joker
I'm guessing that you've watched a lot of good horror movies. The things that scare other people from horror movies no longer work well for you, like jumpscares. Because maybe you already know the pattern too. You are already very senior as a horror movie connoisseur. My guess refers to a generalization of facts based on experience if the satisfaction of the need for a certain type of object is carried out continuously, the pleasure will continue to decrease until it finally reaches a saturation. (I made the sentence complicated to look smart, but actually I don't know what I'm saying haha)
I imagine when other people get scared and close their eyes when ghost faces appear in horror movies, people like you do the exact opposite. Pause the scene and then zoom in on the ghost's face to see the details of their makeup. In real life maybe the ghosts who should be afraid of someone like you haha. Btw, what's your favorite horror movie so far?
btw thank you to all who have given reviews, both pro and con. Sorry if I can't reply to comments one by one |
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