by salmon
Yes, surely dajjal is coming. But we're not waiting for dajjal!! We're waiting for our Saviour(Imam Mahdi a.s)
Dajjal who will bring peace, prosperity, knowledge and wisdom, eh? :cak:
Did I tell you that you and I will be on opposite side in the battlefield? Tak faham lagi ke? :cak:
Don't have any sign for your bhagavad gita to come? In your scriptures or avtar text?
When Tsunami hit Asia Dec. 26, 2004, did you get any signs that it going to happen? No ... I did, at least one month before the actual event.
ONLY the faithful ones will know His arrival - when and where ... foolish ones and faithless one will not. :no: |
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salmon This user has been deleted
Dajjal who will bring peace, prosperity, knowledge and wisdom, eh?
Seems i'm stubborn isn't ? You're really sure that we will meet at battlefield?
How it's going to be? Must be in your scriptures already wroted, who will win!! As we in our Holy Scriptures already NOTED!! We are won, althought unbeleivers hate it! |
by salmon
Seems i'm stubborn isn't ? You're really sure that we will meet at battlefield?
Hmph ... Many of you here have I meet in my pervious existence (even so you may not accept such, and I don't care). No, I wasn't liked back then and I was your oppresser also. Let just say our relationship based on whether you followed orders and whether my sword came out of my scabbard or not. ;)
Same relationship will precise in the next on also, where you will be the oppresser and I will be in the disadvantaged side (in term of numbers, of course). I hope you all will not disappoint me in battlefield for I do not think twice before killing those who flee in fear. 
How it's going to be? Must be in your scriptures already wroted, who will win!! As we in our Holy Scriptures already NOTED!! We are won, althought unbeleivers hate it!
You WILL Win, not to worry.  |
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salmon This user has been deleted
But why when i'm asking at temple, they beleive that KALKI avatar will come? |
salmon This user has been deleted
But why when i'm asking at temple, they believe that KALKI avatar will come? |
by salmon
But why when i'm asking at temple, they beleive that KALKI avatar will come?
Yalah ... kalau kamu tak menang nanti dan dunia ini tak penuh dgn orang2 yg tak percayakan Dharma dan Karma (kepercayaan Hindusm), Kalki datang pun tak guna. Tugas Dia memusnahkan dunia dan gantikannya dgn dunia yg baru ... dptkah Dia buat kerja tersebut kalau dunia penuh dgn orang2 yg alim dan percayakan tuhan?
Oleh itu, adalah mustahak utk orang2 yg tidak menpercayai Tuhan (spt dlm Hindusm) utk wujud di dunia sebelum Dia dpt melakukan tugasNya.
Utk penstructuran Dunia, Syurga dan Neraka semula, Dia memerlukan pengorbanan sedemikian sebelum dunia ini dikembalikan kpd keadaan asal. Jadi, jangan bimbang ... kamu memang ditakdirkan menang ... Hehehehehe ;) |
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Uh uh..tersalah masuk..
nak tergelak jap..:D |
How does the 3 Worlds structured?
This is an important question to ask if we are to know about restructuring the World and now the new World will born (come to exist). Basic structuring of the World is like that of the Tree.
Hell (Temporary) is the root, and Heaven is the green canopy on top. The physical world as we know it lies in the middle (the trunk). Each of this structures have a role to play.
Heaven is full of people who self-indulge in themselves. Due to their forgetfulness (of God), they attend to err and fall. It's like effect of a leaf has which absorbs too much sun ... it becomes dry, dies out and fall down from the tree.
Hell is full of people who are self-attached in themselves. They who are too attached in desires, unfullfill dreams, anger, hatred, loniness and such release a large quantity of "raw" energy from the Hell which will be used to reshape the world later.
And the Trunk - physical world. We live in the physical world - you, me, millions of animals, microbes, invisible beings and such. This is the world where people dream, pray (to God), live and die.
Now, let take the energy from Heaven (the sun which the leaves absorbed) and the "raw" energy" from the Hell (due to desire) and mixed together in prayers of Man on the World. What you get? a formula for the Tree to grow. However, uncontroable growth will only tax the Tree itself and the World will not be shaped according to what it required.
So comes the Gardener (God). What He does is, trim the branches to make the Tree look small and manageable. The trimmed branchs are gathered, made into compose which feed to the roots. The roots, absorbing this nutritions will then bring the energy up through the trunk and new branches will grow, along the Tree itself. The Gardener will continue to shape it as He wants, allowing it to grow bigger and taller (but never taller than Him) and in one period, He will reduce the amount of trimming and observe silently the changed occuring to the Tree.
So that is how the World born, grows and finally dies to be reshaped again. Which is why, Dewas (correction, not God/s) in Heaven needs to outrooted, Hell must be filled with Souls and destructions (in form of branch trimming) must be done before a new World can take shape.
Great things are coming ahead ... 
[ Last edited by Sephiroth at 19-8-2005 03:56 PM ] |
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So,when kalki came he will destroy world and start the satya yuga again....so all destroyed human 99.9 % will go to the 'root' or canopy....and rebuilding the world again...will the destroyed human will borned to the trunk again... |
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by Atomic_Omnikid
So,when kalki came he will destroy world and start the satya yuga again....so all destroyed human 99.9 % will go to the 'root' or canopy....and rebuilding the world again...will the destroyed human will borned to the trunk again...
Nope ... depends on each person's merits and sins. Those who lives for sake of others (praying for beneficts of Man and the Planets now, - like some Buddhist Monks in Tibet and such) will become Dewas and continue to do what they did - Pray for benefit of the World. Their "prayers" will become "energy" to give the World its shape (God makes the World and those who live in it will shape it).
Those who are sinners and those who "waste" the offerings of God from birth (not giving any praise, gratitude and such to God) will be thrown to Hell where they will provide "raw materials" for the World to be reborn and reshaped by God and the Dewas.
So, not all the 99.9% of Humans will reach the Canopy ... only chosen few who lives for sake of others. After all, to shape a clay, you need only little water to "met" the large amount clay.
But ... those who are destroyed physically will be reborn again - some as humans, some as demons, some as animals and some even reborn as Dewas after their time in Hell is over (due to some sins in the past). |
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Main Question now is ... Will this predictions that the World will be reshaped again occur or is it just another hoax?
After all, what is the use of predictions if there is no scientific proof to back it up? Is there any indications that this will occur as predicted? Is this prediction something new or had it happened before on this world?
If it is new prediction, what is the basics for a race, 5,000 years old with almost no astronomical equipments except their own eyes and mind, could predict such an event?
If this prediction is based on something which occured before, what is the proof? Surely there should be some sort of traces of it when it occured in the past. :hmm:
Science says Yes - it will happen.
History said it happened before - SIX (6) TIMES to be exact :
http://wwwf.countryday.net/FacSt ... c%20Time%20Line.htm
According to Science (and Astronomi), they have found what known as Golden Nebula which constantly bombarbing a part of the space (Bombardment Path) which the Planet will pass through every 24,000 years. Which means, we are about to past through Bombardment Path in the next few years (Mayans believe it will occur in 2012). |
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Now, what did I meant earlier when I said this sort of events occured?
According to Puranas, such events had happened up to 6 times, corresponding to Lord Vishnu's Avatars and according to Science and History, I have managed to make logical 5 occurances which can be corresponds to this "great changes" onto the Planet.
Let look at the History.
Source : http://wwwf.countryday.net/FacSt ... c%20Time%20Line.htm
4.6 billion - Formation of Earth * Precambrian
[The World is 4.6 Billion years old.
And as the website suggested - the 1st 90% of the World's Lifetime went onward without much of a major event - Life Emerged, strive, lifeforms born and die and circle of life continued.]
570 million - Cambrian Period * numerous hard-shelled animals (trilobites) appear in the sea
[Something which NEVER occured before happened - the North Pole shifted, mass extinction occured and 90% of the Life in the Ocean was wiped out.
And, Cambrian Explosion occured - WHY? Scientists today CANNOT answer. They don't know the source nor can they recreate such event again. THIS is the 1st major event which links to reshaping the World. ]
290 million - Permian Period * youngest rocks exposed in Ohio--sandstones and shales in southeastern Ohio * widespread extinctions occur among land and sea life (trilobites, brachiopods, ancient corals, many amphibians, trees, and ferns) * great fin-backed reptiles (Dimetrodon) dominant
[Again, Mass extinctions occured ... new lifeforms born, Pangea Continent which was born anew, split and species strive within it to become millions of new species. This is 2nd Major Event].
65 million - Tertiary Period * Teays-age stream deposits in southwestern Ohio * North American Plate and Pacific Plate collide * huge extinction (dinosaurs and many other species) * Age of Mammals begins * beginning of modern shell life in seas * North America begins to cool
[3rd Mass Extinction - Dinosaurs and others species were wiped out, leaving the World free for small Mammals to step forward and take over - Man's first step in Evolutions with tailed, monkey-like beings. ]
1.6 million - Quaternary Period * beginning of the Ice Age * abundant horses, mastodons, beavers, porcupines, and large ground sloths
[4th Mass Extinction - Ice Age covers most of the World, Man was force to evolve and adapt while its other brethens who couldn't keep up dies. Some like Peking Men, Neathandals and Java men existed for the next few thousand years but Man was advancing forward in a steady stride.
10,000 years - End of recent Ice Age * two-thirds of Ohio covered by unconsolidated glacial deposits * many large land mammals become extinct
[The 5th Mass Extinction - Modern Man - Homo Sapien emerged as winner in the race of becoming the most adaptable lifeform on the Planet.
All this shows that Mass Extinctions had occurred for some unknown reasons. Science tries to explains it by giving reasons such as sudden climate changes, drop in temperature, lack of food resources, unknown diseases etc but none of this made sense. |
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In Islam and Christianity,they believe in Adam ,Hawa ...what about hinduism ?Whats thier Adam & Hawa ?or the hinduism support the darwin's theory of evolution |
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by Atomic_Omnikid
In Islam and Christianity,they believe in Adam ,Hawa ...what about hinduism ?Whats thier Adam & Hawa ?or the hinduism support the darwin's theory of evolution
No such thing as Adam and Eve in Hindusm (as far as I can tell). There is three separate stories regarding human race.
Lord Brahma, in order to create Humans brought forth 7 Sages to help them. So, it is said that 7 person with same appearance is born at the same time.
Also, it is said that one of the Ancient King (Human) of the World had 27 daughters. He married them to Chandra - a being from the Moon (Space?) and thus, usher the new beginning in Mankind.
And finally, Manu - known as Father of Modern Man. Hindusm could be said to officially started with him. His story is similar to Islam's Nabi Noh and the Ship which saved the Mankind. Only different here is, Manu's wife wasn't turn into a salt pillar by any curse and considered to be one of the Mother to the nowadays Humans.
And what does all this have to do with Prophecies of Doomsday? :stp: |
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Anyway, from what you could have understood so far, as I have stated, there had been 5 Mass Extinction throughout the History of the Planet, probably marking the time period of Lord Vishnu's Avatars.
Which means, the 6th Mass Extinction MUST occur in modern times before Kalki could come and revitalize the World. Some people could say that will not happen, but it already commencing today. Matter a fact, it had started thousands of years ago. Mass Extinction in this World is :
1. Increase in War with use of modern and steel weapons for the past 1,000 years.
2. Massive hunting and exterminations of various species of animals in many parts of the world for the past 40,000 years ago - from killing of megabeasts in Plains of Africa and Australia to recent extinctions of species as young as 100 years ago.
3. Extinction of natural flora and fauna in the World compared to the past 250 years.
4. Increase in diseases, virus (man-made and new variations) in the World such as Ebola.
5. Environment problems which effecting the World like Global Warming.
And such ... ALL this have been adding together to sum up to a mass extinctions which the World had not faced for nearly 10,000 years (since the last Ice Age).
And, to make things worse ... the World is about to undergo a Magnetic Pole Reversal.
Source :
http://pureenergysystems.com/new ... _Magnet_Pole_Shift/
All this shows that more extinction is coming along the way and there is a very high probability that Humans will be the last ones to go extint. |
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What does Doomsday means to Hindus?
Unlike some religions like Islam and Christianity which feels that Doomsday/Judgement Day is one event in history of creation, Hindus (and Buddhist for that matter, I come to that later) do not think so. To Hindus, there is no Doomsday where everything occurs in a single event. It is compose of 4 Ages and in the last age - Kali, the world will undergo massive tranformation and the world will be cleanse. And they believed that this occurs over and over again.
Let's say for arguement say that each cycle calls - Satya-Kali Cycle. It consist of 4 Ages, starting with the one where everyone is good and follows Dharma (Sat = Truth, thus Satya Yuga could literaly mean Age of Truth) and ends at Kali (Kali means Destruction and also another name for Shakti, Lord Shiva's consol).
Everything in the World (and the Universe) undergoes the same Cycle and the best way to describe to imagine the World to be like a forest. Each tree is a micro-world consists of its own ecological balance. There are predators and prey and also food resource. Life goes on and on. So what will happen if someone come and chop the tree down? The tree falls and the creatures that dwell in it goes with it.
However, the fallen tree doesn't just disengrate and disappear. From its trunks, absorbing nutrients, new tree will grow up and take the place of the old. The creatures which dies with the pervious tree will compose and add to the new tree's growth and it will continue to grow to the extend that it can become a new ecosystem for other creatures and a cycle is complete.
You may say this is fine and dandy of a tree, but doesn't make sense for anything else. Wrong again ... As I have already mentioned in other posts, Mass extinction had occured 5 times in the past 3 billion years (but this exinction only started about 500 million years ago or so). In that time, millions, if not billions of ecosystems grew, matured and perished in their own Satya-Kali Cycles, and in some way, promote the growth of the world in general.
Scientists already shown that absence of predators in a forest will make low-level animals reproduce in faster rate and eaten up the resources. Wolves, lions, tigers, killer whale and such are such creatures, and their origins comes from Cambrian Explosion.
Dinosaurs had perished 250 million years ago and their remains have turned to oil which fuels our economy (and influence the ecosystem by emiting Greenhouse Effect). Even our ships, tires and such are becoming artifical reefs for sea creatures. All this shows that there is a Cycle of Beginning and End. |
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As I predicted it will ... Magnetic Core of the Planet seems to be increasing in speed in a short period of time. It is probably the start of the magnetic reversal.
Source : http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050825/ap_on_sc/earthspin
They analyzed 30 quakes occurring in the South Atlantic and measured at 58 seismic stations in Alaska and found differences in the travel times and shape of the waves, indicating differences in the core as the waves passed through the center of the Earth.
Increase in Seismetic activities around the world (especially in Asia and Middle-East) is sign that the Core is speeding. Soon, we can expect more earthquakes and Tsunamis. :hmm:
Also, the faster rotation means the magnetic field will increase in strength and this means the Planet could absorb more Solar winds from the Sun ... which means heating will occur faster, the Planet will experience more interference in communication devices and it will effect the ozone layers as well.
Hindus believe that the Planet will undergo a change in phase in 2012, so ... I believe things will not be so nice in 2012. Better pray. :hmm: |
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betul ke Sathya Sai Baba ni avatar terakhir bagi Yuga Kali? |
Originally posted by johnconan at 3-5-2007 01:53 PM
betul ke Sathya Sai Baba ni avatar terakhir bagi Yuga Kali?
Says who?
Kalki is the last Avatar for Maha Vishnu and it is stated so in Bhavagad Gita for the past 5,000 years.
Does the condition NOW look anything like Sayta Yuga to you if he (Sai baba) was the last avatar? |
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