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Author: dattaswami

Buddha kept silent about God

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Post time 5-2-2007 07:35 PM | Show all posts
and you? sheesh, you are such a wimp you know that, you cannot see any good in other people except yourself.  Stop condescendign to other believers , it does not matter what they believe, and they couldnt care less of what you think of them either.

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Post time 24-3-2007 03:09 PM | Show all posts

Reply #61 tickmeoff's post

Buddhism is not a cult nor a religion that is governed by a book.
You don't need to become a buddhist to be a buddhist. Gautama Buddha was not a buddhist.

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Post time 24-3-2007 05:41 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by rurouni_khairul at 28-12-2006 09:06 PM
Sesungguhnya agama mu untuk dirimu, agamaku untuk diriku..

Our understanding towards other religion sometimes dosen't make sense but it make sense to the follower of that religion.

That why ...

hahaa......... your the man.... seems like some people buat kacau bukan je kat chanel islam ,chrstian malah buddism jugak...
cari pasal ni......

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Post time 24-3-2007 05:42 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by SONofODIN at 24-3-2007 03:09 PM
Buddhism is not a cult nor a religion that is governed by a book.
You don't need to become a buddhist to be a buddhist. Gautama Buddha was not a buddhist.

YEAP...............buddist is a guide to better way of life... to free from suffering..... human suffering.....

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zeekin This user has been deleted
Post time 2-4-2007 12:45 AM | Show all posts
You claim that Pureland Buddhism IS True Buddhism as well. That IS False. Gautama Buddha have never teach any Pureland teaching.
In my opinion, you are just as worse as Muslims and others.

emn.. shephiroth, this is not true...

Gautama Buddha once held a talk in Jeta Grove of Shravasti

gathered a lot of people

and told the amitha buddha sutra, decribing everything about the pure land

recorded by Ananda, who memorize every words by siddharta gautama..

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zeekin This user has been deleted
Post time 2-4-2007 01:04 AM | Show all posts
sephiroth, i don't want myself to make a division between mahayana and theravada. She gaves me the sutras and mantras, and ask me to read. well, there are common things about these sutras.

1.) they are all words by lord gaotama
2.) they are all verbally recalled by ananda and other deciples
3.) they are all very messy

well, theravadians pick thohse they believe to practice.. from your theravada view, i think you left out a lot of sutras , such as amithabha sutra, which talks about the pure land. He told thousands of listeners about pure land in shravasti. decribing everything the pure land can offer, telling them hohw to get to the pure land. many theravadians argued that it can't be that easy to get it, even if there is a pure land. But put away your tinted glasses of theravadian. just listen to what Lord Gautama have to say, is that too hard for us? If you deny amithabha sutra, then using the same reason you deny it, one can deny all buddha's teaching.

be it metaphysical (mahayana) , or practical (theravada), all are governed by shurangama sutra. because buddha afraid that deviation might take place and twit the fact of buddism. so buddha held a talk in shavasti, and told shurangama sutra, make it the top sutra that goven buddism.

a lay person does not need to label him/herself as mahayanian or theravadan to approach buddism. so long that they follow what buddha says.

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Post time 2-4-2007 08:21 AM | Show all posts
When Gautama Buddha (learn to write His name properly) gave sermon, there is NO Thervada, Mahayana, Zen or Vajrayana Buddhism. There was ONLY ONE Buddhism. And it is NOT MESSY. :no:

Division occurs because it is created by Man.

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Post time 2-4-2007 09:44 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by zeekin at 2/4/2007 00:45

emn.. shephiroth, this is not true...

Gautama Buddha once held a talk in Jeta Grove of Shravasti

gathered a lot of people

and told the amitha buddha sutra, decribing everything ab ...

There are many addition after the buddha's parinibbana. To investigate if it is true, then we have to compare it with the earlier 4 Nikayas or Agama Sutras (in the mahayana). Sukhavati Sutra is not in this category. According to the Buddha, a Buddha can only have his last birth in the human realm and not some other realm. Now, the question is, is Buddha Amitabha had his last birth in the human realm?

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Post time 2-4-2007 09:46 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 2/4/2007 08:21
When Gautama Buddha (learn to write His name properly) gave sermon, there is NO Thervada, Mahayana, Zen or Vajrayana Buddhism. There was ONLY ONE Buddhism. And it is NOT MESSY. :no:

Division  ...

True... but Buddha Gotama's name is Gotama. Gautama was a sanskrit translation of it. During the Buddha's time, his used pali, or magadha language.

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Post time 2-4-2007 09:47 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by zeekin at 2/4/2007 01:04
sephiroth, i don't want myself to make a division between mahayana and theravada. She gaves me the sutras and mantras, and ask me to read. well, there are common things about these sutras.

1.) ...

The Buddha forbid bhikkhus or bhikkhunis to recite mantras nor teach them to to others to recite.

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Post time 6-4-2007 06:48 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 2-4-2007 08:21 AM
When Gautama Buddha (learn to write His name properly) gave sermon, there is NO Thervada, Mahayana, Zen or Vajrayana Buddhism. There was ONLY ONE Buddhism. And it is NOT MESSY. :no:

Division  ...

The three major schools of Buddhism recognise one another. They even hold puja together. Whether they are Theravada, Mahayana or Vajrayana they are still basically Buddhism with different method/ way to achieve enlightenment.

Take Taichi for instance. There was only one form of Tai Chi when it was first created. But now there are many schools of Tai Chi but they are still basically Tai Chi as long as the basic principle is adhered.

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Post time 11-4-2007 11:57 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by SONofODIN at 6/4/2007 06:48

The three major schools of Buddhism recognise one another. They even hold puja together. Whether they are Theravada, Mahayana or Vajrayana they are still basically Buddhism with different me ...

There is a big difference between the Theravada tradition and the Mahayana tradition, especially in beliefs on the role of Bodhisatta, and Buddha Amitabha. I follow the orthodox, thus more inclined to Theravada.

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Post time 15-4-2007 11:48 AM | Show all posts
bagaimana plak ngan aliran Hinayana?

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Post time 16-4-2007 04:21 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by johnconan at 15/4/2007 11:48
bagaimana plak ngan aliran Hinayana?

Hinaya is a degrading term used by some Mahayanist to refer to Theravadians.

During the Buddha's time, there is no split, there is no such term as Mahayana nor Theravada. However, Mahayana came much later.

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Post time 14-5-2007 06:04 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 29-12-2006 08:13 AM

Hmph ... and like everything else in Al Quran, Muslim never bother to follow it.

They say Others' religion belongs to Others and their religion is their alone. FINE, we don't distrub you and you don't distrub us. Is that what happening?

No, already we have seen threads trying to undermine Our Beliefs like threads that Buddha is just a Rasul thing, or linking Muhammad to Kalki and so on. So this shows that Muslims have no respect for Others' belief and trying to drag foolish people into their own foolish belief.

In short ... Muslims do not follow Al Quran, the same way Christians do not follow their Bible. A Kettle and a Pot.

I agreed with you Seph on that bolded sentence.

I relunctantly agreed that the problems occurs between Muslims and Non-Muslims these days is because of their lack of understanding of Islamic teachings and shallow interpretation of the Quran and Hadis.

Some Muslims tend to preach Islam only when it suits their interest. Same goes to radical non-Mulsim.

However, I'm not here because I want to preach Non-Muslims to embrace Islam because I'm just a man, a mere mortal like all of us here. I believed each and every human being has right to choose, the right to think what is best for them and nobody in this world has the right to told him/her what to do!

I'm here because I'm sick and tired of watching people arguing on who's blessed and who's not, who are more righteous and who are disgustingly immorale, who are on the righteous path and who are cursed with eternal damnation....I'm totally fed up with all this crap! I'm here to observed the possibilities of whether mutual understanding could still exist in this uncertain times.

What I'm trying to say is that I have a belief, a faith that I hold and nothing in this world, and esspecially you, will ever change that! I respect followers of other religion regardless of what you personally believed Seph but take my word for it, there are still a lot of Muslims out there who share my point of view. Who share my respect towards others. All we ask in return is for you and your kind to respect us as we respect you.

Yes, I agreed that there are some Muslims out there who are radicals but rest assured that they are only minority and even if you had to cursed them back, please...curse only them and not my religion. This is an appeal from a peaceful Muslims community to all Non-Muslims here.

Originally posted by wei_loon5063 at 24-3-2007 05:41 PM

hahaa......... your the man.... seems like some people buat kacau bukan je kat chanel islam ,chrstian malah buddism jugak...
cari pasal ni......

Bukan niat saya nak carik pasal Wei Loon...

Saya cuma nak kata kite semua ade hak bersuara untuk menyuarakan pendapat, even untuk Seph.

Tapi saya juga percaya yang kebebasan bersuara perlu diikuti dengan perasaan bertanggungjawab dengan apa yang kita cakap!

Setiap ayat yang keluar dari mulut kita atau dari tulisan kita, kita harus bertanggungjawab atas kesannya.

Bagi saya jika seseorang tak setuju dengan Islam atau mana-mana agama sekalipun, lakukan dengan cara berhemah dan bukan dengan cara kurang ajar...itu saja maksud saya.

Saya harap komen saya nie tak menyinggung sesiape dari kalangan beragama Buddha yer..

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Post time 14-5-2007 07:29 PM | Show all posts

Reply #75 rurouni_khairul's post

I never say you cari pasal wat...........

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Post time 15-5-2007 05:22 PM | Show all posts

Reply #76 wei_loon5063's post

For a second there, I thought you were...

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