Hi Warga Triple P
Saya ada berita terbaru dr Admin berkenaan topik2 yg telah mencecah 500 mukasurat. Kemungkinan besar sy akan tutup topik ini dan membuka topik baru utk version 4. Segala kesulitan amatlah dikesali.
ini linknya.
http://forum3.cari.com.my/viewth ... e%3D1&sercari=9
Originally posted by admin at 29-11-2007 03:04 AM
Dear Friends:
During the system cleaning, we had found out a serious problem
many of the thread contain more then 500 pages reply and we can抰
clean it because it is still active, and we can抰 just ignore it, imaging,
how many such gigantic thread do we have in this forum, this will
wasting lot of forum valuable resources and cause system slow down,
so need to do something to solve this problem..
starting from next week, we will setting Every thread can not exceed
100 pages reply, when the thread reach 100 pages, it will close automatically,
forumer cannot reply anymore, but they still can open a new thread with the
same title to continued the unfinished topic.
Hope that we can cooperate to make this new setting run successfully,
thanks you.
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Reply #13015 Amiizaa's post
cute cute...nmpk perut  |
Reply #13022 Sasha's post
ok sha noted...
sapa nak wat umah baru???? |
Salam Ols...
tuk..tuk..tuk.. ada org x..  |
Comelnya hannah...
mija.. x dpt tgok gambar icha.. ko guna PB ker... |
ehhhh korang dah bukak bru ker... |
salam semua...........
kesian umah ni tercampak jauh kat bawah... u oll sebuk ker cuti? maklum la dah ujung2 tahun ni, anak2 cuti.. |
Weyy!! sesape saje yg berkenaan...(termasuk aku )
bukak la umah baruuuuuu....
smod dah bagitau tuuuu...
senak dah aku tgk umh nii... kesiannnn..  |
xder org ker... pagi2 dah gi gather2 ker...
Mijaaaaaaaa.. i mis u too... lama x beborak..  |
Reply #13024 melati-putih's post
Since takde seorg pong yg nak bukak so i buka utk u all semua...
ok ladies.. i dah buka rumah baru...bole laa bwk kuih muih kat sana... buat kenduri doa selamat sket.. ok..
dgn rasminya rumah ini i kasi mangga  |
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