Reply 140# Farahnas.Irina
bila nk g tu? |
Reply 141# keyboardmouse
insyaallah may next year.... Ngah gigih menabung...
Budget kecik jer...
U nak pi bila keybod? |
Reply 142# Farahnas.Irina
tak pasti lagi..plan nk g end of this year...tpi tak tau la jadi or tak...tgk budget n bbrapa bnda lain |
siapa2 yg ada planning nak travel by train kt europe. boleh la tanya2 saya. saya cuba sebaik2nya tolong bantu based on my experience masa eurotrip dulu.  |
teringin sangat nk buat dari bangkok ke china..sapa tahu di vietnam da ada train ka blom? |
VR Train dari Helsinki-Rovaniemi. 8 jam perjalanan nak jumpa kawan. masa tu first time pi oversea dan bergantung penerangan email dari kawan. tiket bahasa Finnish, sampai tersalah tempat duduk. nasib baik ada gentleman yang baik tolong tunjukkan seat |
siapa2 yg ada planning nak travel by train kt europe. boleh la tanya2 saya. saya cuba sebaik2nya tol ...
henpao Post at 8-6-2012 06:29 
dah ada org pelawa diri...mmg dok gigih mencari info...dari munich - paris -swiss- frankfurt...perjalanan darii munich ke paris, paris-swiss, swiss - frankfrut tu brp lama yek setiap destinasi...selalu dok naik train kat butterworth-kl jer...ni nak merentasi 3 negara..pening tgk budget...tolong...tolong bagi pencerahan sikit.. |
Reply keyboardmouse
keyboard aku pon nak nyelit tanya soklan gaks...
mana lebih jimat utk trav ...
Farahnas.Irina Post at 23-4-2012 16:56 
choice baru balik travel europe 17 hari + UK 7 hari..
utk europe travel by global pass..
ini my route..
Amsterdam - Brussel - Amsterdam
Amsterdam - Munich (Night train) *reserved*
munich - salzburg - munich
munich - venice (nite train) *reserved*
venice - rome *reserved*
rome - florence *reserved*
florence - pisa - florence
florence - Milan *reserved*
Milan - arth goldau *reserved*
Arth goldau - interlaken
*utk travel dlm swiss start dari interlaken global pass dah tak valid. beli tiket asing tapi bleh dpt diskaun 25%*
Interlaken - stuttgart
Stuttgart - paris (nite train) *reserved*
sampai paris mmg ngam2 hari ke-15 dan last day utk global pass tu valid..
ada certain train n destination kita kena reserve.. n utk reserve tu ada extra fee kena bayar..
i buat resevation tu siap2 dari msia.. malas nak pening2 kat sana nanti..
n nite train pun kena top up lagi.. depends pada couch yg kita pilih...
kos semua sekali (pass + nite train + reserved fee) = RM2.7k
i rasa sgt berbaloi n convenience..  |
dah ada org pelawa diri...mmg dok gigih mencari info...dari munich - paris -swiss- frankfu ...
Azaleaayu Post at 28-6-2012 23:43 
choice dulu study kat sini..
smpi rasa nak muntah la tgk bahn punya web ni utk susun route kita org...  |
Reply 139# keyboardmouse
Nak amik train utk travel europe? sangatttt lah convenient.. solo? no probblem.. okay ajer...kalau beli railpass yg global tuh bole dapat duk dalam coach first class yang selamat dan sangattt selesa..... kalau nak amik beli tiket train point to point pon boleh.. tapi kena la gigih membooking (disadvantage = travel nanti mungkin tak brape flexible sebab kena ikut tiket yg dah dibeli, if u miss the train .... u miss it.. kalau railpass u can jump on and off as u like (for trains that do not require reservation lah ) ...sorry jawapan ini mungkin tak lengkap... sebab akak cume nak tolong (<--- kipaskan) uols utk travel europe and amik train jer  |
Reply 150# inamess
kaka inamess high level csi activities iouls telah menunjukkan kalu travel train lg mahal drpd travel by cheap flight...campur tolak global pass euro plus reservation MYR 2700++ for 21 days
cheap flight MYR 2000++ tp cover big cities jaahhh...
takkan nak drop places yg x der airport coverage???
ini blom masuk lg city pass nak naik metro, tram bagai...
huwaaaa..... camna nih???
is it normalkah kalu spend 3K for transportation cost in europe??? |
Well it all depends.... especially baper countries u nak cover, kalau skit, then flying can be cheaper (providing u book well in advance baru dapat cheap tiket). Railpass tu berbaloi bila u nak gi banyak tempat dan guna train as yr main transport. Low cost ni sometimes leceh sebab 1. u have to be mindful of yr berat bag (n make sure bag tak de prohibited items) 2. airport luar town, so, kene spend some euros untuk ke airport 3. can be time consuming sebab kene gi airport awal, tunggu departure etc, 4. travel plan jadi rigid, sebab semua dah booked awal2.. kalau miss, then u terlepas train atau flight tuh 4. internal journey can be costly contoh... nak gi ke fussen (neuswanstein castle) dari munich, kena beli train tiket gak, gi zaanse schanse nak kene beli tiket gat, nak gi lucern, engelberg (nak kena beli tiket jugak).. whereas kalau beli railpass, semua journeys tuh already covered. Besides bukan semua journeys perlukan reservation... yg akak perasan nite trains dan train di italy jer perlukan seservation, yg lain2 tak perlu.
At the end of the day ahkak rasa u have to ask yrself... nak trip yg relax without much pressure for time atau atau nak trip yg memang dah fixed semuanya (tapi yg nih memangg kene rajin ngadap net untuk book tiket flight dan tiket2 domestic train yg murah)...
Good luck sis!
psstt tapi kalau uols ni underage lagi (hehe i mean below 26) .. railpass murah je, dont worry |
Reply 147# Azaleaayu
semua tentang train boleh rujuk di sini, http://www.eurail.com/eurail-passes/global-pass . siap boleh download jadual perjalanan train dan boleh tahu duration perjalanan lagi kat dalam jadual dalam website ni. kenapa tak buat route dari munich - swiss - frankfurt - paris? sebab munich dgn swiss tu dah dekat. (sama macam route sy munich ke swiss) btw, berapa lama travel ni? |
Reply 152# inamess
kaka inamess... Terlebey age sudah... X leh amik pass yg below 26 years itu...
Okies... Nasihat kaka sy akan cuba ikut....
Hopefully besok ada boustead travelnya booth...
Nak interview psl train travel in europe |
erm best nye... tgk dok gagah kumpul info n pulus... plan nak g uk n europe next yr... harap2lah mimpi jd kenyataan... |
henpao posted on 30-6-2012 01:36 PM 
Reply 147# Azaleaayu
semua tentang train boleh rujuk di sini, http://www.eurail.com/eurail-passe ...
thanks...sbbnyer terpengaruh kata2 forumer- kalau pi swiss dulu nanti tempat lain dah tak bermakna...so tu la yg pilih route frankfrut- stuttgart-paris-swiss-frankfrut...pi balik ikut frankfrut sbb company husband dha ambik tiket ikut frankfrut so kena ikut depa la... |
seminggu saya dok melangut kat bad margheteim (germany)...pastu baru gerak ke paris dan swiss- dalam 6 hari...perginyer InsyaAllah 15 Spetember sampai 29 Sept...semoga semuanya selamat...mmg gerak dari satu tempat ke satu tempat naik train... |
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