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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) also known as Stein-Leventhal syndrome or functional ovarian hyperandrogenism, is a complex endocrine disorder associated with a long-term lack of ovulation (anovulation) and an excess of androgens (male hormones, e.g., testosterone).
The disorder is characterized by the formation of eight or more follicular cysts of 10 mm or smaller in the ovaries, a process related to the ovary's failure to release an egg (ovum). PCOS is one of the most frequent causes of infertility.
Symptoms may include various menstrual problems, hirsutism (excessive body or facial hair), endocrine abnormalities, acne, obesity, infertility, diabetes with insulin resistance or hyperinsulinemia. Even if specific symptoms are not causing an immediate problem, PCOS can have significant long-term effects, including diabetes, heart disease, and endometrial or breast cancer, so seeking treatment is critical.
PCOS treatment decisions depend on symptoms, age, whether or not the patient wants to become pregnant, and the degree of ovarian, adrenal and androgen excess. First line management includes diet modification, weight loss and stress reduction since obesity and stress can contribute to androgen excess. Other management and treatment approaches are directed at addressing specific symptoms (i.e. acne, excess hair growth, menstrual problems, infertility) and at preventing long-term complications, given that PCOS can begin in adolescence or earlier.
Some PCOS symptoms (acne, menstrual irregularity) may affect body image and self-esteem, and may be of concern, especially in adolescent girls. Education and support are important in helping young women cope with the physical and psychological aspects of PCOS.
The MediFocus Guidebook on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome contains information that is vital to anyone who has been diagnosed with this condition.
You will learn about the causes, risk factors, common signs and symptoms, medical tests that are used to establish the diagnosis, and standard treatments. You will also learn about the latest clinical advances in the management of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome as well as about the newest treatment options that are available.
The MediFocus Guidebook on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome will also inform you about important new, exciting research in the area of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. You will also learn about the doctors, hospitals, and medical centers that are at the leading edge in conducting clinical research about Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.
Information about clinical trials, quality of life issues, a list of questions to ask your doctor, and a useful directory of organizations and support groups that can help patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome complete this valuable Guidebook.
You won't find this combination of information anywhere else. It is easily accessible right here. We invite you to preview the MediFocus Guidebook on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome so that you can decide if this comprehensive, trustworthy information may help you or someone you care about who has been diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome |
masa aku study dulu, doktor sahkan aku ada masalah nih..sbb masa scan dulu ada ketulan cycts nih...doc ckp x membahayakan so no need to be removed..
then, pas aku kawin, aku wat medical checkup..tu pun sbb memula tu check air kencing, doc pertama ckp aku maybe pregnant aound 3 weeks..
so, aku pun pegi la dapatkan further 2nd doc..masa scan 1st time, cysts tu still doc ckp aku x pregnant pun...
doc bg ubat je..x ingat apa nama ubat tu..
pastu masa 2nd time pegi scan, cysts dah takde...sampaikan doc pun pelik...
sampai skrg nih aku lom ada rezeki nk dpt baby  |
bini aku cakp penyakt nih normal bagi pompuan ... tak tau le betul ke tak |
last 2 weeks ade yg citer pasal cyst ni...dia pon tak dpt baby lg sbb ade cyst.dia kata punca dpt cyst ni sbb masa bujang dulu dia amik pil perancang tuk betolkan period...tak sangka ade long term effect..hmmm sian gak kat dia...
so 1st step nk dptkan baby kene buang cyst tu caner cyst fariepari leh ilang cmtu jek ek.. |
ceerio pun ada cyst nie... dulu masa bujang doc detact penyakit nie... normally doc ckp sapa2 yg ada "POS" nie mmg susah nak dpt bb.... pernah sekali ceerio kena attack peh tu member anto g tawakal... lupe nama doc tu.. dia kasi ubat pil perancang sbbnya nak bagi telur kita tak aktif.. bila telur aktif dan dinding ovari kita kotor tu yg buat sakit... tp kita rujuk balik doc yg biasa kita jmp kat ampang puteri... doc tu tak kasi kita mkn pil perancang tu sbbnya dgn pil perancang tu akan buatkan chances kita utk peknen dimasa depan lagi nipis... so ceerio tak amik...just bertahan ngan ubat tahan sakit jer... alhamdulillah lps kawen dlm masa 3 bln je ceerio peknen...
tp satu lagi tips utk sapa2 yg ada "POS" nie mesti maintainkan berat badan seimbang jgn lebih .. means kita tak leh gemuk la... doc ckp kat ceerio masa ceerio wat check up lps bersalin... doc ckp kena make sure berat bdn sesuai dgn ketinggian .. so memudahkan kita peknen..
utk sapa2 yg ada "POS" nie dun worry.. insya'allah kita leh peknen.. pastikan makanan kita berkhasiat dan seimbang dan maintain berat badan jgn terlebih yer.. |
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