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Author: iddine

Games (PS2, XBOX, PSP, ETC) for kids

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Post time 24-11-2007 07:59 AM | Show all posts
nak beli ke taknak?   ( beli! beli! )   hmm, kesian plak tengok diorang, cuti2 ni melangok depan tv jew..  ( betul tu! kesian kitorang, dok melangok! )  cuti2 ni pun payah nak gi holiday, dengan rusuhan, pergaduhan politik, takde cuti, dan yang paling penting..$$$ habis banyak..   ( kesian.. ish3..   ) belikan lar, beli sekali, harap2 tahan lama..   ( betul tu! belikan! yes! terima kasih mama! terima kasih abah! hehehehe... )

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Post time 24-11-2007 08:00 AM | Show all posts
maka setelah dibeli, anak masih melangok depan tv, manakala si ibu dan si ayah pula yang main PS ni.. :eek:

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Post time 25-11-2007 09:46 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by harizariel at 22-11-2007 09:58 PM

my son punya game boy advance SP pun dalam 400 lebih jugak regenya...cartridge game pulak 150 api ada 200 games..mau berpinar bijik mata main tuh tapi kita kena monitorlah tak boleh biar je d ...

anak kak rus plak sejak ada PSP ni asyik bergaduh je..

berebutkan games tu naik angin gak..

last2 kak rus sorokkan...padan muka

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Post time 27-11-2007 11:46 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by O2 at 23-11-2007 11:54 AM
Hyoo.. Khaleef n Sara dah dapat PS2 ye... sakan laa.... kehkehkehe.. rasanya umur khaleef ni papa n mama dia je laaa yg mainkann..

Tapi memang pn budak2 ni esp. boys laa kalau dapat PS2 ni me ...

aku tak minat

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Post time 27-11-2007 12:11 PM | Show all posts
saya tak setuju belikan untuk anak.hehe
sbb saya rasa tersiksa suami suka sgt main PS2.gila PS2!
nak ajak keluar taknak, soh buat keja rumah taknak,hapa semua tak jadi.nak ajak makan pun siksa.
so korang imagine la kalo anak dia pun melangut sama depan TV main benda alah yg saya rasa tak berfaedah tu...tak sakit jiwa mak dia?
so skrg saya tak kasik anak saya dekat ngan ayah dia kalo tgh main PS2.saya ajak main dekat saya yg tgh bertungkus lumus buat keja rumah tanpa dibantu.saya sanggup asalkan anak tak jadik hantu cm bapak dia.
semua proposal nak beli PS3,PSP,Xbox ,etc semua saya reject dgn alasan, duit abang duit saya, jom simpan beli rumah batu.kalo beli tanpa kebenaran saya hempas benda alah tu.(garangla konon)
tp betul apa?kita pun kerja cari duit juga, bukannya saya tunggu duit semua belanja yg lebih 200,kena bincang dulu.
saya penat bela hantu PS.hehehe.
tapi suami selalu pujuk, ok apa hobi dia main PS2, at least dia ada kat depan mata saya. takde main futsal pastu minum teh kat mamak sampai lewat pagi.

p/s sori....dah tersasar dr topik.hehe.kesimpulan nya saya tak setuju kerana ianya melekakan.

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Post time 27-11-2007 12:22 PM | Show all posts
my doter...dok main games kat playhouse disney-asia nyer website jek...
ekeke umo tiga tahun dah reti dah guna mouse..klik sana klik sini....
weekend lepas tengokd ia main games My Friend Tigger and Pooh tue....
baru lagik agaknya upload...dia dah tau main games tue..padahal wa tak ajar pun...
uhuhuhu...... anak aku tiga taun dah reti guna computerrrr....
aci ke??

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Post time 27-11-2007 05:18 PM | Show all posts
In my testostorone-laden home, games is a necessary evil I have to put up with.  

My hubby & 2 boys are games-crazy.  From PC games, to PS1, PS2, PSP, xbox and now WII.  They have it all.    We also play board games - the whole gamut of chess, checkers, monopoly, scrabble, etc.  Also UNO.  We tried to learn playing cards - macam James Bond - but couldn't get the hang of it.  

Its like everything else - everything in moderation.  They love outdoor play too not just ter`perap' kat rumah main games.  Besides we love books just as much.  Reading is our favourite past time (for the whole family).  My son (11 years old) loves reading as much as games.  So I guess games either electronic or board is a matter of enriching your kids.

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Post time 27-11-2007 06:37 PM | Show all posts
we have no objection in this. (so far .... )

ngikot kata hubby, budak yg pandai main game nie otak dier cekap.

hahaha...unheard of, but according to hb main game nie sama mcm driver keta. driver yg cekap is those who has good cordination between eyes, hands and all connected to the brain zrasss zrasss gitu. so, thus the game player. at least derang guna otak dan mata utk strategies things and such.....- nie dier punyer teori.

i've yet to do observations and research on his statement......kekekekekke

so, mothers with anak2 yg taksub ngn game nie, betolker statement sang suami tue???

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Post time 27-11-2007 06:50 PM | Show all posts

Reply #48 tina^^'s post

errrr.....setakat yg i duk baca, blom pernah dgr lagi teori nie...

yg i tahu kawan2 yg mana dapat suami bermainkan benda nie...byk yg menjeruk hati...kekekeke

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Post time 27-11-2007 07:16 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by my-alja at 27-11-2007 06:50 PM
errrr.....setakat yg i duk baca, blom pernah dgr lagi teori nie...

yg i tahu kawan2 yg mana dapat suami bermainkan benda nie...byk yg menjeruk hati...kekekeke

wakakakak...aper pasal menjeruk hati??? pasal terabai eh? team up la...main 2 takot makpak main, anak2 lak terbiar....ekekekekkek

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Post time 27-11-2007 10:18 PM | Show all posts

Reply #48 tina^^'s post

Tina I have to agree with your husband's findings.  It has been proven scientifically.  As far as I'm concerned, I can see marked difference between my sons and kids their age.  

But you know there are lots of games out there.  My kids only play strategy games - their father doesn't allow them to play other types.  Thankfully, they themselves prefer strategy games.  As such they are not exposed to the gory and violent ones.

Playing games alone doesn't make the kids become intelligent - I'm sure we all are aware of this.  



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Post time 28-11-2007 11:39 AM | Show all posts
my son umo 6 tahun pun dah pandai mintak games ps2...dah beli dah pun masa birthday dia. rega lam 700++ skg ni dah lagi murah dah kot.
games2 jugak tp homework jgn lupa..biasanya i bg dia main masa wiken je.

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Post time 28-11-2007 11:41 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by AnitaSabrina at 27-11-2007 10:18 PM
Tina I have to agree with your husband's findings.  It has been proven scientifically.  As far as I'm concerned, I can see marked difference between my sons and kids their age.  

But you know  ...

agree wif u ..

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Post time 14-2-2023 05:10 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Sinti at 28-2-2023 04:34 PM

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