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Anakku disyaki Posterior urethral valves (PUV)
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Salam hormat utk semua..
Princess baru buat chechkup di hospital pakar pada Ahad lepas semasa kehamilan princess 36 minggu.
Masa scan, doc cakap bb princess maybe ada masalah lepas nampak ada bengkak air pada abdomennya dan doc cakap kemungkinan dia akan mengidap PUV
Kemudian princess dan hb dibawa berbincang pasal PUV yg princess x pernah tahu sakit apa PUV tu sebenarnya sebelum ni..
Princess diberitahu ada 2 cadangan rawatan..s'ada princess buat diagnosis terhadap bb dalam kandungan atau buat treatment lepas bb lahir
Atas cadangan doc, memandangkan due princess pun dah hampir, jadinya tgu ajela bb lahir utk buat treatment.
Sejak dari itu, princess buat research melalui internet pasal PUV dan princess x tau sejauh mana kritikalnya PUV ni terhadap kesihatan bb..
So..mana2 parents yg anak2nya ada mengidap PUV, bolehla share experience degan princess kat sini. Princess cukup risau... |
apa effect pyakit PUV ni? |
Reply #3 PrinCessMaya's post
alhamdulillah masalah tu dapat kesan awal.....which means nanti senang doktor buat treatment....
Treatment for posterior urethral valves:
Specific treatment for PUV will be determined by your child's physician based on:
-your child's age, overall health, and medical history
-the extent of the abnormality
-your child's tolerance for specific medications, procedures, or therapies
-expectations for the course of the abnormality
-your opinion or preference
Treatment for PUV depends on the severity of the condition. Treatment may include the following:
----supportive care
Initially, treatment may focus on relieving your child's symptoms. If your child has a urinary tract infection, is dehydrated, and/or has electrolyte irregularities, these conditions will be treated first. Your child may have a catheter placed in his bladder (a small hollow tube that is inserted into the penis through the urethra and is threaded up into the bladder). You child may also receive antibiotic therapy and intravenous (IV) fluids.
----endoscopic ablation
After the initial management, an urologist (a physician who specializes in the disorders and care of the urinary tract and the male genital tract) may see your child. An urologist may perform a procedure called an endoscopic ablation. During this procedure, the urologist will insert an endoscope, a small, flexible tube with a light and a camera lens at the end. With this tube he/she will examine the obstruction and remove the valve leaflets through a small incision.
In certain situations, a different procedure called a vesicostomy may be required. A vesicostomy is a small opening made in the bladder through the abdomen. Usually this opening is repaired at a later time when the valves can be cut more safely.
Nearly 30 percent of boys with PUV may have some long-term kidney failure that may need to be addressed. The prognosis for PUV improves when detected early. |
Reply #1 PrinCessMaya's post
salam son was diagnosed with PUV during day 48 after birth and has undergone vesicostomy...alhamdulillah, right now his condition is stabil in he is
waiting for the valve ablation...
bengkak air pada abdomen may b adalah hydonephrosis...
ada banyak kemungkinan yang menyebabkan hydroneprosis ni...
sebab utama may b ada blockage pada urinary system or may be disebabkan oleh abnormalities pada umbilical cord...
apapun.. for this time being...banyak2 kan berdoa agar semuanya selamat... |
Salam putri boleh tak share pasal bby yg ada puv tu? Mcmana keadaan dia skang? Ank sy pun doktor Bgtau puv. Now 25 mggu dlm kandungan. Xde ke cara nk solve mslh ni? Ibu2 yg diluar sana yg ada mslh yg sama pun boleh share. Tqsm |
Cikmah7 replied at 22-5-2017 10:55 AM
Salam putri boleh tak share pasal bby yg ada puv tu? Mcmana keadaan dia skang? Ank sy pun doktor Bgt ...
Macam mana doc buleh detect PUV? melalui scan ke? Atau ade simptom tertentu? |
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