Saya tak tau ada orang dah pernah post cerita ni atau tak..
Saya amik petikan dari website ni : http://www.bahasa-malaysia-simpl ... malay-language.html
Contemporary Malay ( after 1957 )
Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei set up national language planningagencies in an effort to draw their versions of Malay together. Theytried something called " Ejaan Melindo" but it was too impractical.Indonesia's confrontation against Malaysia held back this project for awhile in 1963. As relationship between these two countries normalizedin 1966, this enabled further steps towards standardization of a commonspelling system implemented in 1972.
In 1959, Indonesia and Malaysia signed an agreement to standardize theMalay spelling system of both countries. Why is this necessary ?Indonesia's Romanized writing has been influenced by the Dutch whereasMalaysia, the British system. They named this unified system "Melindo",an acronym for Bahasa Melayu and Bahasa Indonesia.
Some of the adjustments affecting the Malaysian language are as follows:
1. The consonant "ch" is spelled as "c"
e.g. contoh instead of chontoh
cuaca instead of chuaca
percaya instead of perchaya
2. The consonant "ng" becomes "ŋ"
e.g. sayang is written as sayaŋ
nganga is written as ŋaŋa
sangat is written as saŋat
3. The consonant "ny" becomes "ɲ "
e.g. nyanyi is written as ɲaɲi
sunyi is written as suɲi
punya is written as puɲa
4. The diphthong "ai" becomes "ay"
e.g. pandai is written as panday
sungai is written as sungay
5. The diphthong "au" becomes "aw"
e.g. pulau is written as pulaw
kalau is written as kalaw
6. The diphthong "oi" becomes "oy"
e.g. amboi is written as amboy
seroi is written as seroy
So that was Melindo spelling, a system that was never executed...
Koraŋ bayaŋkan kalaw sistem ni dijalankan, habis kita semua kene tulis macam ni la gamaknya.. peniŋ gak nak cari simbol2 ni. tak taw nak tekan shift + key yg sesuay utk dapatkan simbol2 nih..kehkehkeh |
yeah you're right..
very interesting though |

nice ... but agak malas aku nak bace ... nak digest ...
anyway good effort ... ~ |
Reply #1 dCrook's post
erm, x cantik la
ak lebih suka ejaan sekarang  |
ff: apa pulak cerita di sebalik e pepet dan e taling? |
Reply #6 keep88's post
kalau yg tu ak suka...
sbab dapatla kita membezakan perang (war) dengan perang (brown)
naper BM x ad tanda bg huruf e itu? |
Reply #6 keep88's post
aku rase ejaan melindo ni ade bezakan e tersebut cuma artikel ni pendekkan je kot. Tak salah sebelom penyeragaman ejaan antara malaysia dengan indonesia, bahasa malaysia ada gunakan tanda nak bezakan e pepet dan e taling nih. utk bagi win-win situation, kita ubah ch kepada c , tanda beza e kepada e jek, dan indonesia ubah j kepada y , dj kepada j dan ade la lagi yang malaysia dan indonesia dropkan..
chantek = cantik
djakarta = jakarta
[ Last edited by dCrook at 14-4-2008 10:22 AM ] |
TJ --> C
DJ --> J
OE --> U
J --> Y
(JANG) --> (YANG)
| |