tu antara ko ngan Tuhan..
in my opinion la kan...xyah ckp pun xpe..
cukuplah tu antara ko ngan tuhan.
bertaubat dan menyesali stiap pbuatan keji tu...
xyah ckp la kat saper2,simpan sorg2. |
xyah gi tau..xtentu pun nko akan kawen dgn dia..
klu xkawen,mana tau dia jaja citer nko ke,apa ke.. |
hahah ... ape pening2 ...berpisah je lah ....
that's the simplest solution ....
kenapa ko nk berpegang pada hubungan yg berlandaskan penipuan dan hypocrite nieh .... dr ape yg aku baca both u is going break up sooner or later .... each of u are liars and pretender ..... and hypocrite ... there's no honesty and acceptance ... ape yg korang buat skrang just delaying the inevitable..... u sooner or later well break up and go ur own path .....
as much as u want .... u will never accept his past and the things he did .... and so does he .... sooner or later the past will come to haunt u .... dan bender tu akan timbul .... in the worst possible moment ..... the way u talk about ur past and ur relationship ... nmpk sgt ko cuber deny .... and mask .....any feeling u feel about .... him and his past ....
just be honest to urself and be honest to him .... u'll never accept him ... and if u force it .... i gurantee u .... u will never accept urself .... yes .... my dear .... u'll hate him and after that u'll hate ur self ..... and it just the matter of time before u guys .... will end in a ugly and miserable way ....
take my advice .... cut the the cord before it strangles u ... potong tali tu sebelum ia menjerut ..... u'll feel bad, regret and sad .... but is much better than .... when its too late to do anything .....
this the most rational and simplest way to go ..... don't listen to those relationship idealist that thinks everything can be solve by patience and love ..... the truth ... relationship is painful and love is a torture .....if u really love someone ..... the best thing is to end both misery and pain ......
if think about it all i said is true .... and u smart enough u'll do the right thing .....
[ Last edited by fish_o7 at 20-7-2008 01:33 AM ] |
alaa senang jekk,,ko wat2 tinggalkan die,,,kalau die tanye kenapa jauhkan diri,,,ko cakap ko tak layak utk die..sbb ko tak perfect,,,lepas tu confirm die akan cakap..."i terima u seadanya, janji u berubah dari perangai lama u" ..pastu ok balik aaa....happy ever after......heheh senang ekk cakap...ala..pandai ko aa nak idup..aku kasi guide skit jek, kalau salah nasib ko aa..pikir sendiri |
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Category: Cinta & Perhubungan