cite ni dari tahun lepas lagik. leh tahan best. tapi tak popular. mungkin sebab kurang publisiti.
aku dah ada tapi tk de maknanya sebab tak paham tak jumpa english subtitle. penat dh cari.
sesapa ada english subs, pls PM aku ye.
homepage & trailer : http://www.skateordie-lefilm.com/
plot (translated poorly) :
Information about the film
Title: On скейте from death
Original title: Skate or Die
Year: 2008
Genre: Action
Director: Miguel Courtois
Starring: Mickey May, Idriss Diop, Elsa Pataki, Philippe Bas, Passi, Rachida Brakni, Laura Balasuriya, Jean-Pierre Kormari, Baccara de Paris, Gauthier Lamothe
Description: Two teenagers from the outskirts of Paris - Jerome and Benjamin - witness the killing of drug in the underground parking lot. And if not for their virtuoso riding on skateboard, do not pass ills. Friends managed to hook from pursuers, and they immediately called the police. What is their disappointment, when it became clear that the police and the killers at the same time! But desperate skeytery not alone: they are pretty girlfriend Dani, her uncle and a police officer Puzata be helping children escape from people's drug.
During the next escape to the dizzying Skate and friends go on an army of police cars, motorcycles and even roller skates. They have through the whole Paris - on the banks of the Seine, through the Triumphal arch and the Old rooftops. So this lihuyu poezdochku boards Paris will long remember such steep skeyterov even death does not catch up!