Balas #19 mbhcsf\ catat
Alamak kat website mana tah. Malaslah nak cari balik.
BTW too much info on the net, only people well read can verify which is reliable which is suspect.
As I said I was hoping someone more informed on this would explain. And I'm also wondering the same things...what about uluhiyyah? |
hmm i think and i might be forgotten
the rubbiyyah refers to the concept of God ( ilah) and uluhiyyah is merely focuses on the practice. What I could say about this so called Ahli KITAB is that, they are viewed as those who are still practicing on what the original scriptures said. We know with this Ahlil kitab , the rules are always like these - we could eat the animal they slaughtered, and could marry them. So, to, you know, tag them as "kafir" well i am quite unsure of this , rasanyer. I need more clarification. That's why i am asking the concrete definition of ahlil l kitab and to what extend they really "mentauhidkan ALLAH" ? - is it just based the concept of GOD or the practice?
[ Last edited by mbhcsf at 4-4-2009 06:55 ] |
Balas #1 indah_iman\ catat
alah, lantak lah itu perkahwinan depa
ang jangan sibok2 |
Balas #22 mbhcsf\ catat
ahli kitab tu depa depa yang dalam agamo yang diberikan kitab lah, biaq pi kitab depa pesong ka apa ka, gelaran depa ialah ahli kitab
kalu dh ikut kitab sebenaq, itu ajaran isle, bukan yahudi dan kristian...pasai namo agamo yahudi dan namo agamo kristian tu tak wujud pun maso jaman nabi - nabi depa... |
Reply #24 nanat87's post
tapi kan agama samawi mmg ada scriptures kitab yg diturunkan kepada rasul - so
apa nama agama yg kitab Zabur ,
apa nama agama yg kitab Taurat
apa nama agama yg kitab Injil
semua ktab ni apa agama yg ktab - kitab ini diturunkan?
sebab apa yg saya tahu, in the purest form, all the teachenings in these kitabs were stated ALLAh is their Ilah , kan?
so bila terpesong, sampai Allah pun all these people yg ada kitab ni ( alleged terpesong yg istilahnya) tak akui , kita nak labelkan depa ahli kitab jugak ker?
sedangkan hukum sembelih pun kita tak tahu yg ahli kitab ni ikut syarat sah sembelihan ker tak , contohnya lah... |
Reply #13 seri_air's post
thanx for that explanation...:handshake: :handshake:
:victory: :victory: :victory: |
Balas #25 indah_iman\ catat
alah, aku sibok dokat forum teen and sex edu, buang maso aku jah dok ngendap ang nih
aku guno intornet free la, aku dok kawasan wimax region...ang dok kelante tau apo...miskin
sat lagi nok dokat pmr baru terhegeh pok ang nak putuihkan intornet ang |
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Originally posted by nanat87 at 4-4-2009 13:05
kalu ikot alquran, nabi nabi seblom mohamad mengako sebagai isle...nabi yaakob tym nak wapat, dia panggil anak anak dio,suruh mengako sebgai isle...ni ado dalam alquran..itu kalu ang nak ikot alq ...
i did not say kosher tu haram .
I just wondering atas definition apaer we still calling them as ahli kitab ?
is it by their practice or by depa punya konsep ketuhanan ? kalau ikutkan depa punya konsep ketuhanan - depa mentauhidkan Allah tak sebagaimana Prophet Musa A.S etc etc tu dulu....
satu lagi , ijuga nak tanya adakah depa dikatakan ahli kitab sebab berdasarkan pratice depa ker?
Jadi based on your posting,
yes agama samawi yang ada kitab kitab ni semua ( yg Asli ) mmg mentauhidkan Allah....kira islam , tapi yg dah di pour in - ditokok tambah etc etc tu yg jadi isunya - adakah mereka masih boleh dikira sebagai ahli kitab - just about anyone?
Tom , Dick and HArry? |
Reply #31 nanat87's post
boleh citer sikit hukum sembelihan Yahudi?
i tak tahu ni , tapi curious to know.... |
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